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My Republican Friends Told Me So

After I read Ambassador Clarke's strong official letter addressed to Bereket Simon, I called in a few of my Republican friends to ask the condescending tone of the letter and why it was copied to Meles and Hailu and Merara.

Here is what they tell me. First, Bereket did not attend the meeting. Second, whatever misinformation was passed to the media through Bereket was the work of Meles, the grand Master of misinformation. My Republican friends tell me that the letter was really addressed to Meles. Bereket was used for protocol reasons. A head of state being dressed down in public by an Ambassador is an interesting development.

I can see gebremenamen drinking the night away. It is a sort of a helplessness feeling that geberemenamen is nurturing tonight.

The Mamo Qilo aka
Yejib Tila aka
Ankasa Doro aka

Re: My Republican Friends Told Me So


What is the craop?

The Mamo Qilo

Re: My Republican Friends Told Me So


You missed me?

Re: My Republican Friends Told Me So


What did you think of the letter? This Clarke is merciless. He dressed down Meles in Public and decimated Bereket as a lier. This was really unclaled for. I mean he could have said it in a more diplomatic manner. For example "Mr. Simon, I believe there was a misunderstanding and this may have caused more misuderstanding for the public..." No he told them of straight. Came one line short of calling them "You bunch of liers". Do you think this was fair for your masster and his squire? Even Me the most vocal critic of Meles was offended the way he was disrespected. For heavens sake he is still a head of state. Why diss him like this in public. But at the end I am glad he did what he did. Come to think of it. He should not have deleted the last line that read: "You bunch of liers"

The Mamo Qilo aka
Ankasa Doro aka
Yejib Tila aka
Cyber Bully aka
Thomas Sibago