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A petition in French

Hi everybody ! A small group of French people have created a support committee and launched yesterday an on line petition. The text is – more or less ;-) – the following.

Since my English is poor and I noticed your writing’s skills, I would appreciate editing. You can (must) sign it too of course and visit the blog – see below.

We will forward next week to our contacts in France and French-speaking countries, human right’s organizations, journalists etc. We have some ;-)

Text :

Addis Ferengi’ s weblog was created by a French resident in Addis-Abeba and denounces repression in Ethiopia.

A small committee gathered around the chronicle and decided to act and alert French-speaking Medias and public opinion.

On May 15th 2005, the Ethiopian people has voted and clearly expressed its disavowal of the current government, frauds were massive, investigations are biased and repression is savage: daily Human Right’s violations, killing of unarmed civilians, arbitrary detentions, harassments, tortures, persecutions and deportations in rural areas. A corrupt and heavy armed regime in terrorizing the population and disinterest is general.

Western countries shyly condemned but are actually supporting the dictator‘s regime in the name of stability.

We do not admit that words like Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, remain rich countries’ privilege.

Signing this petition, you will help us pressuring the French government for him to defend the founding principles of our Republic.

Petition :





City: Addis

Re: A petition in French

Well... thanks anyway and bye...


City: Addis