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Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu

All three brothers VJ, Ibrahim, and Birmadummaa support Article 39, for different reasons. VJ comes across as an Ethiopian, who would like to see his heritage, culture, and language and to be an integral part of Ethiopia. For him, he says Article 39 represents a sort of a prenuptial agreement with mother Ethiopia. Though he comes across as fundamentalist tribalist in his messages, Ibrahim also seems to support Article 39 for the same reasons. The subtle difference between the two is that VJ sees his Ethiopian heritage in its totality. He feels a part and parcel of Ethiopia, who happens to be from the southern part of the country. Ibrahim comes across as Somali first, and Ethiopian if and only if it suits his purpose. In that sense Article 39 for him serves multiple purposes: (a) as a prenuptial agreement (b) as a trump card to use for blackmailing to get what he wants and (c) to enforce divorce f he gets better offer from others, such as Somalia one day when it gets its act together. For Birmadummaa Jirruu, there is no pretense. He wants Article 39 to make his dream for divorce both legal and a reality. Understanding the positions of the three chaps would help us understand our political situation better.

And at the end there are the likes of Gebreselassie Zemariam who are living of off the likes Birmadummaa Jirruu and Ibrahim. I see no reason to understand Gebreselassie, for his time is ending and the sun is setting on him. Understanding Ibrahim and Birmadummaa is necessary toi understand VJ. You cannot understand VJ by understanding the other two.

Mamo Qilo


The last sentence in the above posting should read as follows.

Understanding Ibrahim and Birmadummaa is necessary to understand VJ. You cannot understand the other two by understanding VJ.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu

Well said Mamo. I want to work with the likes of Ibrahim and Birmadummaa so that we can come up with a viable and sound platform to a lasting Form of Federal Ethiopia. We need all of them as long as they are willing to work on it. Be optimistic and lets us try accommodate everyone. What does it tell you when Ibrahim said he enjoys listening to Amharic? How about Birmadummaa insistence and desire to have mature dialogue with Aster?
On the other issue, I personally know a lot of feudal hypocrites in Ethiopia, I do not like them at all. I might even go to my grave hating them. They are ignorant, megalomaniacs, stubborn, and hateful. They go to church early in the morning and persecute others at noon. When I listen to old Amhara people always wishing the return of royal Aristocracy, I tell them the Amharas are suffering now because of Haile Sellasie’s Misrule. Amharas please wish for something better.

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu

Dear Mamo:
It seems that you are the father of misleading and cloning when it comes to politics. I am praying for the millions people that you misled in the name of Ethiopia definition that fits your ideology. I am starting to doubt that VJ is not anymore another person , but the shadow of Mamo whom his days are getting dimmer and dimmer to reinstate himself in the ivory tower of his forefather.
Moreove, I hope that you undersand that your ethnic will never rule Ethiopia unless they open widely their eyes and take into consideration the reality at hand. History teaches us that the northern will never open its mind eyes unless one has to fit in their criteria. Waht is to be Ethiopian in your terms is to genetically modified as if you are plant. Have you listened properly the wised and well thought of Lench? the answer is no. It goes from one ear to anotther one without soverly anlyzing the truth behind it.
You can wash your dirty shirt, but you will never change Somali to Amhara or Oromo to Amhara. That is the fact of life. Therefore, what left for us to live peacefully is to devise healthy mechanism that will based upon win win mindset.
In short, I will advise you to inform you closer politicain in Washington DC namely CUD to do three things: first to include other ethiopian in their organization; second to work hard to devise a program that will embarb Ethiopia and wage a peaceful war through rule of law, democracy and institution building while they are within the parlaiment; and third, to focus on dialogue with any other ethnic based organization such as OLF, WSDC, ALF and KLFT ect and lastly plan to take over in the next five years. This election is spoiled and used wrong solution a la Negede Gobeze style that ate how much innocent and poor Ethiopians in the name of greed and corrupt ideology of Meison.


City: Washington DC

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu

Dear Ibrahim and VJ,

Thank you so much for your intervention. Again it appears to me that it is easier to understand Vj than it is to understand Inrahim.

Ibrahim seems to accuse me of misleading VJ. I wish I had the intellectual power to mislead a very well read person such as VJ, especially when it comes to history, nationalities and politics.

Ibrahim tells me that my "ethnic will never rule Ethiopia unless they open widely their eyes and take into consideration the reality at hand. History teaches us that the northern will never open its mind eyes unless one has to fit in their criteria." When it comes to Ethnic politcs, I am hard to place. I am half Oromo and half Amhara. So I can claim my ethnic is in palace whether Hailu or Lencho take the helm of the palace. But quite frankly, neither politician fits my political mold. My choice as I have repeatedly noted on this forum would be Beyene Petros.

Other than some misplaced and accusations that Ibrahim throws at me (for example I am trying to change a Somali to Amhara), his message indicates that he yearns for a democratic Ethiopia. May be what needs to be discussed is the mechanism. I still insist that understanding the mind set of Ibrahim and Birmadumma is critical to understand the political views of VJ. That s important both to build Ethiopia and to nullify Meles.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu


You need to address the issues and stop attacking personalities. I am taken aback by your insinuation that VJ is a clone of Mamo. Please stick to the issues. If you cannot it is not a bad idea to accept new point of view. You lose respect by running away from the issue and engaging yourself in personal attacks.



Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu

Dear Ibrahim:
Do not doubt my intentions or that I am a real person, all I am saying is :
First, that we never tried to live together without any forceful imposition so let us try at least once before we separate. I also think that it would not be difficult to come up with a very good and exemplary formula which is not only win-win but that would be the envy of world. On one hand, I liked what Leencho said about that majority of city deweller Oromos and southern people being Amharanized and his description of the Amharas enjoying a large scale infulence in cities that CUD might be using that as a political capital. Ibrahim if you have read Leencho, he never mentioned Dr. Merera of UEDF, as if UEDF is non existent. OLF members had a heated exchange in the late 90's with Dr Merera. The real challenge for OLF is not from CUD but UEDF . Leencho does not give you a chance to think because of his sophisticated argument and writing style. I have one question for him if he could answer me and that is when he said “Ethiopia remains a colonial empire with the Tigrinya-speakers replacing Amharic-speakers as its dominant groups after 1991 when the TPLF/EPRDF came to power”. This is a very similar to Dr. Merera expression with minor variation with the word colonial. When Menelik, started his kingdom he made a contract with Oromos, Wolayetas, Gurages etc mostly with negotiation and sometimes by force that it would be a union of kingdoms he will be leading it. Now Dr. Merara said “few clever guys from MENZE hijacked the development of that process in the same way EPDRF hijacked the process of early 90’s regional questions? If leencho explains to me with very simple words why we should never try to work things out before separation then I might start to accept his argument.

Second, I do not think Negede Gobeze is not a monster from D.C as EPDRF said but I think leftist group like EPRP, and Mieson that were not allowed to participate directly but only through UEDF are condemning the election process EPDRF set up. Again I do not know Negede Gobeze but what I know is that EPRP and MIESON will not sleep like the rest us and they will try everything including boycott election if possible or working through coalition until Melese is gone.

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu


I hope I do not come across as your groupie. But I have grown to appreciate your views. You have made a big hole in the OLF thinking. Or rather you hae pointed to a big hole that Merara has poked on the political canvas of OLF. I agree OLF's antithesis is not CUD, but UEDF. Ibrahim, the ball is on your court. Respond on substance and not on personalities. By the way my intention in posting the first message on Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa was exactly to expose the falacy in your thinking. You seem to be neither with VJ nor with Birmadummaa. Gebremenamen does not count, but you seem to be closer to his thinking. I did not mean to insult you by comparing you with gebremenamen.

Mamo QIlo

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu


You cannot hide or run away. You woe it to yourself as an intellectual to explain and reconcile your views with VJ and Brimadumma Jirruu. Or be man enough to stand up and admit that I rendered you lifeless. I must admit that I have deconstracted a number of souls on this forum and rendered them lifeless based on the falacy int their views, including Hagere Ethiopia, Ethopian, Geberemenamen, Mululeba. This is your last chance to rise up to the challenge or elese I will put your name with those I deconstructed. Let us hear you

Mamo QIlo aka
Yejib Tila

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu


Really appreciate your responses to the above subject. Also admire the quality of argument you deliver and the atmosphere of tolerance you beam in the face of persistent failure to grasp the reality that is facing the country called Itoophiyaa.

What do I say to Maammoo Qiloo? Qileen si nyaatte ya namticho.

City: Atlantis

Re: Reconciling VJ, Ibrahim and Birmadummaa Jirruu


Your views are shallow and your arguments, though they appear plausible, are of mediocre quality.