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Winning a battle, losing a war - Meles' Delusions of Grandeur

"Power has a way of undermining judgment, of planting delusions of grandeur in the minds of otherwise sensible people and otherwise sensible nations." -

Senator J. William Fulbright, 1966

Why did TPLF make the mistake of the century by allowing the opposition to have relative freedom before the elections knowing that it is not a real elite force of the Ethiopia. There could be a disagreement as to who is the elite of the Oromos, Amharas, Somalis ..... but one thing all Ethiopians, including those with TPLF heritge, agree with is that TPLF IS NOT THE ELITE OF ALL OTHER PEOPLES EXCEPT Tigreans.

One thing is certain - TPLF's undemocratic mode was for a while carried away by the "delusions of grandeur" that was manifest in the Meskel Square "If all these are with us, who could be against us" farce speech of Meles Zarqawi. Delusion or make-believe?

Meles said that he was taking a "calculated risk". What does it mean? Elections could be guessed but since eventually the decision rests with others, it is naturally a GAMBLE. Otherwise, there was no need to go into the motions of elections.

"A gamble is when the outcome is left to pure chance.A calculated risk is exactly what the words state. The risks associated with the contemplated action have been calculated. For example, when you drive your car to work or fly in a commercial airliner, you are taking a calculated risk. You are not gambling. You have accurately calculated that the risks are negligible. Going to a casino to win money rather than to be entertained is also a calculated risk. However the risks are substantial. The odds are intentionally stacked against you mathematically.You cannot avoid calculated risks - but fortunately you have the freedom to calculate the risk factor. So, the main difference between a gamble and a calculated risk is the element of freedom to make a decision. In a gamble you are allowing yourself to be the victim. In a calculated risk, you remain the master of your own destiny!

So what was the choice the people were supposed to make???? Why the need to make the calculated risk while elections are supposed to be decisions of the people????

If the tyrant Meles was set on a calculated risk and that the end-result was predetermined, was there a need to send the people to the ballot box?? If Meles's calculated risk was a predetermined issue that he would control, why the need to go to elections. Elections are done regularly whether they are palatable or not to the contesting parties. It is not done at the free will of one party and no one enters into them with the view to controlling the result "one way or the other."

So the seemingly sensible Meles is risk assessment was not from the point of view of that he would submit to the choice of the people, but from the perspective of the deluded who foolishly believes the people may vote for him but would not listen to them if they reject him. That is as far as an African visionary's tale of gambling and risk go.

Shame on you Meles. You MAY win the battle, but you have lost the war.

Re: Winning a battle, losing a war - Meles' Delusions of Grandeur

Please Ewnetu and Others on this forum

TPLF never been Tigryans. It was the Eritian specialy Shabias child of Al-kahida and stil now. therefore never mension the poor Tigriyans(which is ethiopians). TPLF start there in Tigray oppersion of people then expanded to other areas of Ethiopian. now it is fully controling. now we are the colony of Eritia


City: A.A

Re: Winning a battle, losing a war - Meles' Delusions of Grandeur

Mustaefa right you are!

TPLF is a sesesionist group, born from the womb of Shabia, targeted to wine the sesionist aim, by hiJacking the Tigrian sacrifies towards freedom , not session ( read diff. articles in tegray net and books related to the issue).Tigray, and the people whom may be most of us are baised of attaching them with the actes of TPLF, were fooled and cheated like all of us by this inhuman group leaders double face, but they are real ethiopians with heartily commitment and jenuine ethiopian feeling.Do you know that real jenuine tegrians are aginest shebia and TPLF and their plans to separation and untiunity more than each of us?
Donnot we have such pearsons and groups who are troy horses to the tyranist aim in the other ethnic groups in the diffrent regions of ethiopia?
So please, all Ethiopians, who are in this forum take into consideration this point.The Tigrian heroes and heroeines and the sacrifies they are paying , should be praised. We also need to encourgae them.
Tigray and its people allover, this time are under atirany fire and its iron security network more than the other regions( loosing tigray is lossing power for TPLF). You see a word is enough to start a war between persons or gruops( and this is to be saced in the tyrany aim, of division ).As a result, when you post any openion or information, donnot please, insult or condemen,s genderally all Tigrian, target it to a specific group, like meles and his allian tyranists.

Ethiopians must wine and develope democracy
We have to stand up for our rights in practice not in words
This is the only time to wine democracy
Unite your voice, unite yor hands , unite your mind, unite your wealth, unite your knowledge, unite your strength, then we wine

Email: tsionm2003

City: mi

Re: Winning a battle, losing a war - Meles' Delusions of Grandeur

The heroic declarations of the CUD and UEDF is a sign that the political lanscape in Ethiopia is shifting from fledgeling democracy to a police state.

City: Addis Ababa

Re: Winning a battle, losing a war - Meles' Delusions of Grandeur

As a friend said,donnot please, insult or condemn genderally all Tigrian, target only a specific group, like meles and his allian tyranists who have received the beast- 666 stamp from Meles Zarqawi.


City: Stuttgart