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Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Have you guys read Lencho Leta's latest piece entitled
"The Unconventional Nature of Ethiopia's May 15 Elections".

There is something going right. Lencho' piece is interesting in many ways than one. Granted, it has some controvercial parts to it. For example he alledges that CUD threats non-amharic speaking urban dwelers as less than full-fledged Ethiopians. You must realize Lencho is not to throw all his ammunitions and rhetorical weapons all at ones that he had used for decades. But he has softened his grip of hate mongering and he shows signes of willingness to give it up.

What is more important, however, is that if one can go beyond such allegations and focuses on the broad picture that Ato Lencho paints, one would witness history in the making. The head of OLF is accusing TPLF for focusing exclusively on tribal rights and criticizing CUD for focusing exclusively on individual rights. He said the two need to be balanced. Amen!

Either Leencho has matured as a politician or I have become more open minded towards OLF. May be both. I never respected OLF as a political party. I thought it was stupid of OLF to advance tribal politics and demand succision when it could use the one-man-one-vote system to rule the entire Ethiopia. I though OLF's insistance to rule less (Ormia only) when it can rule more (the entire Ethiopia) was a sign of stupidity. Alas, OLF is showing a sign of maturity after almost half a century. Better late than never. It is now up to the leaders of CUD to mature. We do not need another 50 years before we see CUD mature and take a pragmatic position. That is why I was not UNhappy to see the Likes of Lidetu moving themselves to the sidelines. We need less and less of hardliners and more and more pragmatists.

Now some of you can rant.

Mamo Qilo
submitted on behalf of
Hagere Ethiopia
Gebreselassie Zemariam
Dr. Ibrahim
Hiwot Roberts
Professor Waka

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Mamo Qillo,are you qillo or Lencho?which is it?


City: DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF


Do not be too predictable. Other than that you are OK, despite your face.

Alaref Beleh
Tera sedeb aTeTahuh
Ende shinbura qolo aQamkuhe
Ende berbere aTenkuh
Ende gabi akenanebkuh
Ende gush tela gatkuh
Yehager mesakiya adergekuh
Mamo Qilo

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Here is the article

The unconventional nature of Ethiopia's May 15 elections
By Leenco Lata: July 6, 2005

The May 15, 2005 elections in Ethiopia undeniably mark another critical turning point in the country’s history. These elections could embark Ethiopia on a course towards greater democracy and therefore stability if they are understood and treated in one way. They could alternatively herald the beginning of a more turbulent period if they are dealt with in another way.

Let me deal with the latter scenario first. Proceeding forward on the assumption that these elections come anywhere close to resembling conventional elections elsewhere threatens to plunge Ethiopia into a more turbulent period. Conventional elections serve primarily the narrow purpose of soliciting the electorate’s verdict on the performance of the incumbent party.

The May 15 elections in Ethiopia, however, have implications far beyond serving this narrow purpose. What they actually achieved instead was bringing to the surface a number of basic contentious issues the resolution of which normally precedes conducting conventional elections.

Although the number of these outstanding contentious issues is quite considerable, let me focus on the following five major ones. First, these elections exposed the lack of consensus among Ethiopia’s major political actors on the basic question of what it means to be an Ethiopian.

At one end of the political spectrum, we find the Coalition for Democracy and Unity (CUD) which sometimes explicitly and more consistently implicitly restricts being an authentic Ethiopian national to being an Amharic-speaker. The ruling Tigray Peoples Liberation Front/the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (TPLF/EPRDF) takes up position at the other end of the political spectrum by espousing the equality of all Ethiopians regardless of the languages they speak.

These divergences concerning what it means to be an Ethiopian correspond with equally serious differences on the issue of democratic rights, which constitutes my second point of discussion.

The rhetoric of the CUD signals the coalition’s preference to accord primacy to individual democratic rights. The critics of the CUD, however, suspect it of intending to favour the individual democratic rights of Amharic-speakers over those of non-speakers because of its stand on who qualifies as an authentic Ethiopian.

The TPLF/EPRDF came to power by portraying itself as the champion of group rights, particularly the rights to self-determination. It accordingly structured Ethiopia as a federation with the aim of allowing Ethiopia’s diverse nations to form and run their separate administrations, to preserve and promote their respective cultures and histories, and to use their languages for these purposes.

The critics of the TPLF/EPRDF, however, believe that the exercise of these group rights has been more apparent than real during the last fourteen years of this coalition’s rule due to one reason. The TPLF/EPRDF subscribes to revolutionary democracy, reminiscent of what used to be practiced in the former Soviet Union, according to which the party leadership selects the persons who are then elected as spokespersons and rulers of Ethiopia’s diverse nations.

The CUD and the TPLF/EPRDF thus appear to arrive at the same destination despite proceeding from differing starting points. Emphasizing individual democratic rights is the CUD’s point of departure and its ultimate aim is abrogating the present federal system along with the exercise of group rights it supposedly reflects. As has already been stated, however, abrogating these collective rights would inevitably lead to respecting the individual democratic rights of Amharic-speakers more than those of non-speakers.

The TPLF/EPRDF started out by espousing group rights which were rendered mostly non-functional by its policy of constraining the exercise of individual democratic rights. Therefore, neither individual nor collective rights would be wholly respected if the TPLF/EPRDF retains power or if it is replaced by the CUD. The reality prevailing in Ethiopia, however, appears to demand striking a balance between these two rights due to their intimate interdependence.

We have thus far looked at two interrelated divergences between the position of the CUD and the TPLF/EPRDF; what it means to be an Ethiopian and whether collective or individual rights should be accorded primacy. The third major outstanding point of contention in Ethiopia’s politics follows directly from these dual divergences. And this concerns whether rural dwellers outside the traditional homeland of Amharic-speakers qualify as full-fledged Ethiopian citizens or not.

The CUD’s position on the previous issues makes it susceptible to the accusation that it intends to deny full citizenship status to rural dwellers outside the traditional homeland of Amharic-speakers. Furthermore, the constituency it expects to mobilize, and was able to mobilize during this year’s elections, does not and cannot embrace rural dwellers outside these areas.

There is a historical reason why the urban/rural split coincides with the speakers/non-speakers of Amharic outside the traditional homeland of this language’s speakers. The towns in Oromia (the homeland of Oromo speakers) and the rest of southern Ethiopia originated as the military outposts of Amharic-speaking conquerors who established the Ethiopian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century.

Whether Ethiopia remains an empire or has been forged into the common state of all its national groups in fact constitutes the fourth topic of dissention in Ethiopia’s political life.

The CUD objectively takes the position that Ethiopia was never an empire and thus denounces those who continue ascribing this status to the country of harbouring the sinister motive of fragmenting it. As its title, the Coalition for Unity and Democracy, illustrates the CUD believes the unity of Ethiopians is an accomplished fact; only democracy thus remains outstanding.

In the views of the TPLF/EPRDF, however, Ethiopia was an empire dominated by Amharic speakers until it came to power and reconfigured the state along federal lines thus supposedly settling the quest for self-determination by the nations incorporated into the country through a process of conquest.

There is a constellation of political forces who strongly disagree with the CUD and the TPLF/EPRDF concerning the imperial stature of Ethiopia, with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) prominent among them. These forces believe that Ethiopia remains a colonial empire with the Tigrinya-speakers replacing Amharic-speakers as its dominant groups after 1991 when the TPLF/EPRDF came to power.

The existence of these extra-legal forces constituted an important backdrop during the last elections prompting the CUD and the TPLF/EPRDF to compete as the sole defenders of Ethiopia’s unity. The CUD campaigned for the total modification of the existing federal arrangement as part of its ultimate objective to proscribe the “ethnic politics” of these forces.

The TPLF/EPRDF campaigned by taking precisely the opposite position of arguing that tampering with the present federal structure would be playing into the hands of the forces working to fragment Ethiopia. The CUD and the TPLF/EPRDF are thus depicting each other’s approaches to save Ethiopia as being not just misguided but as verging on treason. Rarely does the existence of extra-legal forces figure so centrally in conventional election campaigns.

The final and fifth point of divergence concerns attitudes towards Eritrea’s separation from Ethiopia. The CUD draws its following mostly from elements of Ethiopia’s population that has never reconciled itself with the reality of Eritrea’s separation. The leaders of the TPLF/EPRDF thus harbour an understandable fear that, once it takes over power, the CUD would charge them with treason for their role in legitimizing Eritrea’s independence. These leaders would now be even more hesitant to implement the decisions of the Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission, as the result of which normalization of relations with Eritrea would be indefinitely postponed.

The May 15, 2005 elections thus crystallized the absence of consensus among Ethiopia’s major political forces on the following fundamental issues: (1) what it means to be an Ethiopian; (2) whether individual rights should override collective rights or balancing the two should be entertained; (3) whether the rural population outside the homeland of Amharic speakers qualify as full-fledged Ethiopian citizens or not; (4) whether Ethiopia remains an empire or not; and (5) whether Ethiopia still includes Eritrea or not.

Each successive regime in Ethiopia’s history to date has restructured the state to suit its particular interests and has demonized and criminalized the followers of its predecessor. It is this precedent that is influencing the attitude of contestants in this year’s elections. These elections are thus expected to result in the imposition of the winning side’s preferred positions on the above five key issues which is widely expected to be followed by the demonization and criminalization of the losing side. This is what explains the high level of animosity that prevails in the country after the elections were conducted so peacefully.

Let me wrap up by discussing the positive implications of these year’s elections: What is positive about these elections? This can be stated quite simply: they brought to the surface fundamental issues hardly amenable to resolution through conventional elections and parliamentary debates. These issues involve the nature and geographical definition of the Ethiopian state, political philosophy (group versus individual rights), and attitude towards citizenship. Arriving at a consensus on these basic issues thus requires sustained dialogue among all stakeholders including those who did not participate in this year’s elections.

Furthermore, Ethiopia’s political reality appears to require the exercise of both collective and individual democratic rights. There are a number of forces whose interests would be served by making the respect of these rights contingent on each other. Unfortunately their voice was almost completely drowned out by the shouting match between CUD and TPLF/EPRDF, which needs to be realized and corrected.

As I argue in The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland, rethinking the state, democracy and self-determination is imperative if this region’s highly inter-connected economic, ecological, and political problems are to be addressed and steadily resolved. Starting this process in Ethiopia would constitute a major step forward due to its central position in the Horn of Africa. Putting Ethiopia on this course in turn appears to require addressing the subordinate status of its most populous and centrally located nation, the Oromo.

Rethinking the state, democracy and self-determination may appear too farfetched unless the purpose served by doing so is concretely stated. Reconsidering these political principles must be focussed on enabling states to connect with the state system at the global sphere and to simultaneously extend their roots into the very soil on which they stand. Forging close connections with grassroots communities is the only way by which states can operate with confidence and legitimacy at the global stage. And they cannot effectively serve the interests of these grassroots communities unless they connect and interact with global forces. Ethiopia appears on the verge of achieving these connections and to thus become more democratic and stable. All that remains to be done is quite simple: making the present federal system genuinely functional.

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Is it the English or the reasoning that people like about Leenco Lata’s articles?
He starts from his topic “The unconventional nature of Ethiopia's May 15 elections”. The reader will say why did he call it unconventional? He accepts the truth that the may 15, 2005 elections in Ethiopia undeniably made a mark in another critical turning point. Then explains the how the election should be taken. That is another way of saying “ we have election now what?”
If you have seen the Movie “Memento” Leenco goes backward like it. He uses syllogism to take the reader by deducting from the current scenario. He puts you forward and makes you see two pictures by writing “ Proceeding forward on the assumption that (1.)these elections come anywhere close to resembling conventional elections elsewhere threatens to plunge Ethiopia into a more turbulent period(that it appears like the orange revolution).…(2.)What they actually achieved instead was bringing to the surface a number of basic contentious issues the resolution of which normally precedes conducting conventional elections(which is outlined in his article)“
Leenco uses synthesis to compose his argument by writing with elaborations and examples as follows:
“Although the number of these outstanding contentious issues is quite considerable, let me focus on the following five major ones. …..elections exposed the lack of consensus among Ethiopia’s major political actors on the basic question of …
(1) what it means to be an Ethiopian;
(2) whether individual rights should override collective rights or balancing the two should be entertained;
(3) whether the rural population outside the homeland of Amharic speakers qualify as full-fledged Ethiopian citizens or not;
(4) whether Ethiopia remains an empire or not; and
(5) whether Ethiopia still includes Eritrea or not. “
In between all these Leenco
-wites his premises that Ethiopia remains a colonial empire with the Tigrinya-speakers replacing Amharic-speakers as its dominant groups after 1991 when the TPLF/EPRDF came to power.
-outlines reasons for the current tension.
-shows positive implications of the elections is bringing the issues to the surface.
-make some suggestion
Leenco finally concludes with a very subtle tone which I leave for the reader.
My answer to the whole question is that his logic is excellent and he also have a very good command of English. I have never heard him speak but I heard people say he speaks very good English. Others say when Leenco speaks you listen to him to the end with keen interest and say all right I see how he thinks but I do not agree with him. I think OLF are lucky to have Leenco to present there side if he is still with them because you can read his article or listen to him even you do not like what he saying because he can make his point with out going to extreme like MULUGETA Asrate Kasa. I think he can present his case the same way even in Amharic.
However, I wonder why he never mentioned UEDF and Omitted the stand MERERA GUDINA taking. I remember an intense exchange between OLF members and DR. MERERA and in late 90’s.
I wished he clarified where he stands relative to DR. MERERA today.
Having said all that, I do not know why he cries for Eritrea. Anyone in Ethiopia should have no headache about Eritrean interest. I hope Oromos like him accepts Dr. Mereras analysis that Oromos are the True Ethiopians and the owner of the land. As I have repeatedly said in this forum. Cushiest which are the oldest Ethiopians are listed in many historical books as Gumuz, Kembata, Somali, Omotic, Wolayeta, Oromo, Mocha, Benshangule and etc but not Amhara and Tigrean. There is one difference between the follower of OLF and people like me, I want article 39 as prenuptial agreement nnd they want it for divorce.

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

So called Mamo Qilo or whtever,

I just wanted to respond to you on the OLF/Leencoo matter that you posted. I just failed to see as to why the OLF would need your blessing in whatever assertions they/it makes. Second, neither could I perceive any reason as to why the OLF should impress you or should be liked by you as you stated "you have never respected the OLF as a political party." Worse, you even dared to state that "the OLF has reached maturity." What is all these nonesense? I think you don't know the PLACE OF THE OLF in the entire life of the OROMO people. All of you may give names to the OLF, but the fact is that THE OLF IS THE VANGUARD party that carrys a true agenda in the whole struggle of the oromo people. I don't see why you would have to respect it or why your qualification whether it is matured/immatured is necessary at all because you are too irrelevant to the Oromo cause. That the Abyssinian political situation will never get a solution without the oromo and other nationalities' question does no longer need an emphasis.


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Tariku Tessema, Ethiopian, Mamule, Mulmule, Gebre, etc garbages is a hoax. It is one guy by the name Mamo Qilo who is trying to distort the whole thing. You can easily check it out. Mamo Qilo claimed even to be Hagere Ethiopia. Hagere Ethiopia immediately exposed his lies and informed for all of us here that it is NOT true. Watch out


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu:
Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? Can I stretch my world map and look for it? Oh! sorry, I think it is NOW (for the time being, till independence) "COLONIZED" by Ethiopia (Oh Sorry , Abysinia) Where is this country called Abysinia? East Africa? Oromia is ALSO in East Africa! Abysinia is the last colonial power, and also the ONLy black nation that has got a tight grip on its colony Oromo. Hey, are you with me? Am I right? Eritrea "liberated" itself from the last and the only black colonial power. Am I again right? I know you shoot up from your seat and say, "VERY MUCH SO!". Let me further amplify my "confusion". Now what you need is independence and you wish to establish "the State of Oromia" i.e like Eritrea "The State of Eritrea". Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu and those by some miracle saved will be chased empty handed to "yeftegnoch hager" i.e Gondor, Gojam etc. Addis Ababa Will be the capital city of the "The State of Oromia". Hey, are you following me? Am I right? "The State of Oromia" will establish a good relationship with the land of "the neftegna" and the Oromia Ambassador will have office in Bahrdar and also another Ambassador in Mekele, the capital city of "the State of Tigray". "The State of Oromia" will have its own currency by the name "Bedeno" and the "State of Tigray" will have another currency called "Dedebit". Am I so far right? My "friend", before I continue please confirm if the above is the correct interpretation of your "dream".


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear Mamo:
I have attempted to answer your confusing and twisted interpretation of the greatest scholar of Oromo Lencho Lenta 's article that put in corner the settler and being supported by a certain Tigrayan who participated in the debate. OLF are the majority of Ethiopia and own the rich land of Ethiopian. Therefore, they should rule ethiopia.
In other words, he did not mention the fabricated and memorized a la Qoran by the CUD cadre individual rights, but he hit the heat on the right spot that Abyssinian will not rule Ethiopian as binary exchanging gabi(garment); the majority of Ethiopian will govern and the election in his perspective was the theater between the Norhther who are still thinking to access to the rich land of Oromia, Somali Region and Afar to name a few.
Brother Mamo these days, your foot soldiers are running out of gas and their zealot charateristic triggered with the violence words of Negede are dying down like leaves in the heat of drought season.
Here is my answer that I put together while you were busy with the unseasoned and uncooked lay man, haile Shawl on the cofnerence as if he will liberate Ethiopia and govern by one and one only ethnic group.
Playing Theory of Individual VS Group Rights:

Playing Theory of Individual VS Group Rights:

Somali Perspective

Dear Ethiopians:

Norwegian prize is going to Meles Zenawi since he has done an excellent job for his country.
What is important to take note is that the so-called opposition group who is claiming to bring Heaven on earth is not delivering a coherent program that will address the ills of Ethiopian economic, social and political factors. In other words, they are playing the mental exercise of Western philosophy that does not match the reality at the ground. Last night, I have heard interesting debate where a certain representative of CUD has confused the issues as if he was solving article 39 on the question of individual rights versus group rights. He combined two theories namely the Rose revolution and the rights revolution which is in my opinion in the first place a propaganda scheme that is masterminded by the father of all misery and massacre, Negede Gobeze. However, I will address in this brief note the rights of revolution and leave the Rose Revolution to the CUD's die harder supporters.

This theory that has been butchered is inherited from the rights revolution which is fundamentally a revolution in the way we think and act about rights. The essence of this revolution is captured by enhancing our right to be equal and protecting our right to be different. The challenge of the rights revolution is to enhance equality while safe-guarding difference.

Moreover, the rights revolution is not strictly for Ethiopian only, but it is a global phenomenon as every day brings news of a group in some part of the world fighting for its rights. The Somali question was a case in point before the arrival of EPRDF at the helm of the power. What makes EPRDF deed so important for Ethiopian of all walk of lives is the case it makes for seeing Ethiopia as the epicenter of this revolution in thought and action.

In addition, it is EPRDF’s contention that Ethiopians have been in the forefront of learning how to negotiate continuously and peacefully the claims of distinct ethnic, religions, culture and linguistic communities within their democracy. This experience, EPRDF argues, has given rise, in both our intellectual life and constitutional practice, to a recognition of group rights that has much more to offer the contemporary world than the more prestigious British, American and French traditions of individual rights. CUD leader has muddied the question of Federal system within the group and individual rights. Further, he deliberately missed that EPRDF embraces of multiethnic and mosaic Ethiopia , and upholding of rights of self-determination claimed by the Somalis, Oromo’s and Afar to name a few and other nations.

All in all, as the saying goes, irony of ironies we Ethiopians are, or are becoming, a people of peoples, a people whose unity is built on the recognition that we all are equals and our group rights are protected. In other words, the line of demarcation of government right and regions ones on the one hand and the right of Ethiopian and accepting difference while living on equal footing to access to the resources is a million dollar question that CUD should address and EPRDF should make practical.

City: Washington DC

Playing Theory of Individual VS Group Rights:

Playing Theory of Individual VS Group Rights:

Somali Perspective

Dear Ethiopians:

Norwegian prize is going to Meles Zenawi since he has done an excellent job for his country.
What is important to take note is that the so-called opposition group who is claiming to bring Heaven on earth is not delivering a coherent program that will address the ills of Ethiopian economic, social and political factors. In other words, they are playing the mental exercise of Western philosophy that does not match the reality at the ground. Last night, I have heard interesting debate where a certain representative of CUD has confused the issues as if he was solving article 39 on the question of individual rights versus group rights. He combined two theories namely the Rose revolution and the rights revolution which is in my opinion in the first place a propaganda scheme that is masterminded by the father of all misery and massacre, Negede Gobeze. However, I will address in this brief note the rights of revolution and leave the Rose Revolution to the CUD's die harder supporters.

This theory that has been butchered is inherited from the rights revolution which is fundamentally a revolution in the way we think and act about rights. The essence of this revolution is captured by enhancing our right to be equal and protecting our right to be different. The challenge of the rights revolution is to enhance equality while safe-guarding difference.

Moreover, the rights revolution is not strictly for Ethiopian only, but it is a global phenomenon as every day brings news of a group in some part of the world fighting for its rights. The Somali question was a case in point before the arrival of EPRDF at the helm of the power. What makes EPRDF deed so important for Ethiopian of all walk of lives is the case it makes for seeing Ethiopia as the epicenter of this revolution in thought and action.

In addition, it is EPRDF’s contention that Ethiopians have been in the forefront of learning how to negotiate continuously and peacefully the claims of distinct ethnic, religions, culture and linguistic communities within their democracy. This experience, EPRDF argues, has given rise, in both our intellectual life and constitutional practice, to a recognition of group rights that has much more to offer the contemporary world than the more prestigious British, American and French traditions of individual rights. CUD leader has muddied the question of Federal system within the group and individual rights. Further, he deliberately missed that EPRDF embraces of multiethnic and mosaic Ethiopia , and upholding of rights of self-determination claimed by the Somalis, Oromo’s and Afar to name a few and other nations.

All in all, as the saying goes, irony of ironies we Ethiopians are, or are becoming, a people of peoples, a people whose unity is built on the recognition that we all are equals and our group rights are protected. In other words, the line of demarcation of government right and regions ones on the one hand and the right of Ethiopian and accepting difference while living on equal footing to access to the resources is a million dollar question that CUD should address and EPRDF should make practical.

City: Washington DC


City: Washington DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu:
Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? Can I stretch my world map and look for it? Oh! sorry, I think it is NOW (for the time being, till independence) "COLONIZED" by Ethiopia (Oh Sorry , Abysinia) Where is this country called Abysinia? East Africa? Oromia is ALSO in East Africa! Abysinia is the last colonial power, and also the ONLy black nation that has got a tight grip on its colony Oromo. Hey, are you with me? Am I right? Eritrea "liberated" itself from the last and the only black colonial power. Am I again right? I know you shoot up from your seat and say, "VERY MUCH SO!". Let me further amplify my "confusion". Now what you need is independence and you wish to establish "the State of Oromia" i.e like Eritrea "The State of Eritrea". Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu and those by some miracle saved will be chased empty handed to "yeftegnoch hager" i.e Gondor, Gojam etc. Addis Ababa Will be the capital city of the "The State of Oromia". Hey, are you following me? Am I right? "The State of Oromia" will establish a good relationship with the land of "the neftegna" and the Oromia Ambassador will have office in Bahrdar and also another Ambassador in Mekele, the capital city of "the State of Tigray". "The State of Oromia" will have its own currency by the name "Bedeno" and the "State of Tigray" will have another currency called "Dedebit". Am I so far right? My "friend", before I continue please confirm if the above is the correct interpretation of your "dream".

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu:
Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? Can I stretch my world map and look for it? Oh! sorry, I think it is NOW (for the time being, till independence) "COLONIZED" by Ethiopia (Oh Sorry , Abysinia) Where is this country called Abysinia? East Africa? Oromia is ALSO in East Africa! Abysinia is the last colonial power, and also the ONLy black nation that has got a tight grip on its colony Oromo. Hey, are you with me? Am I right? Eritrea "liberated" itself from the last and the only black colonial power. Am I again right? I know you shoot up from your seat and say, "VERY MUCH SO!". Let me further amplify my "confusion". Now what you need is independence and you wish to establish "the State of Oromia" i.e like Eritrea "The State of Eritrea". Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu and those by some miracle saved will be chased empty handed to "yeftegnoch hager" i.e Gondor, Gojam etc. Addis Ababa Will be the capital city of the "The State of Oromia". Hey, are you following me? Am I right? "The State of Oromia" will establish a good relationship with the land of "the neftegna" and the Oromia Ambassador will have office in Bahrdar and also another Ambassador in Mekele, the capital city of "the State of Tigray". "The State of Oromia" will have its own currency by the name "Bedeno" and the "State of Tigray" will have another currency called "Dedebit". Am I so far right? My "friend", before I continue please confirm if the above is the correct interpretation of your "dream".

City: Addis

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

i thought Lencho Letta is a learnt man.! pheeeeeeeew.


City: AA

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

H/M Aster,

Evidently, it is you who is dreaming or perhaps in an utter illussion out of an impending fear. Don't be excited because it won't be as bad as your far-fetched imagination. Iwould still like to find us within the bounds of ratinalization and realistic deliberation, rather than languishing as even within the premisis of xenophobia and unbridled racial biggotry.

It is upto the Ethiopia's nation and natinalities to decide their own fate and the mechanism has aleady been formulated and none could think of dislodging it.

Can I show you place called Oromia on the map? Madam, wake up. yes of course, It has been there since 1991, and if typical Abyssinian biggotry continues to sufrace, as can be deduced from your argument, more may come. NO ONE CAN STOP THE WHEELS OF THE STRUGGLES OF NATIONS AND NATIONALITEIS IN ETHIOPIA. It may taste bitter unto you but the reality int he country is just that like it or not.

I am sure you by now you will have gotten out of the height youve found yourself in.


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Like any other prize, is it NOT based on the accumulation of evidence that an individual satisfies at least minimal criteria for the prize.

Is it that same Meles Naziawi who is a social predator, who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow his way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, who selfishly takes what he wants and does as it pleases him, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret? Hey, it should be a name sake.

Is it that same MELES NAZIAWI whose hallmark is a stunning lack of conscience, and whose game is self-gratification at the other person´s expense. Come on, you should be kidding!

If you think about it, you will realize that what is missing in this picture are the very qualities that allow human beings to live in social harmony. It is not a pretty picture, and some express doubt that such a person like Meles Naziawi exist. Please don’t pull my leg by telling me he got a prize.

Meles Naziawi’s acts result not from a deranged mind, but from cold, calculating rationality combined with a chilling inability to treat others as thinking, feeling, human beings. Are you serious this MONSTER got a prize? I guess you are joking!

The so far personal history of Meles NAZIAWI is a deeply disturbing inability to care about the pain and suffering experienced by others – in short, a complete lack of empathy, the prerequisite for love. Hey, it should be “july the fool”. It is unthinkable that any rational person gives any prize to this MONSTER. I can never ever believe this.

Meles NAZIAWI lied endlessly, lazily, about everything, and it disturbed him not a whit whenever someone like the BBC journalist points out something in his file that contradicted one of his lies. He would simply change the subject and spin off in a different direction. And yet you dare to tell me he got a prize? No, no, no, no, it can’t be. It should be a hoax.

If what you are saying is true, what fascinated the NORWAY guys should be that Meles NAZIAWI remains absolutely unflappable even after his deceit is revealed – Perhaps what fascinated the NORWAY guys most should be what in his psychological makeup, gave Meles NAZIAWI the power to override reality, apparently without compunction or concern?

This prize may further strengthen his narcissistic and glossy inflated view of himself, worth and importance, a truly astonishing egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and may see himself as the center of the universe, as superior beings, who is justified in living according to his own rules. Don’t be surprised if he next time come across as arrogant, shameless braggarts-self-assured, opinionated, domineering, and cockey.

The prize will strengthen Meles NAZIAWI”S a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects his actions have on others. As you all remember he was completely forthright about the recent massacre, calmly stating that he has no sense of guilt, he is not sorry for the pain and destruction he has caused, and that there is no reason for him to be concerned

Meles NAZIAWI”S lack of remorse or guilt is associated with a remarkable ability to ratianalize his behavior and to shrug of personal responsibility, for actions that cause shock and disappointment to family, friends, associates and others who have played by the rules. Usually he has excuses for his behavior, and in some cases he denies that it happened at all. In an ironic twist, Meles frequently see himself as the real victims. In the recent election, he said vote rigged by the opposition.

Did they give him the prize for this ability? Hey, hey hey don’t make me mad. It can’t be true.

Meles NAZIAWI views people as little more than objects to be used for his own gratisfaction. The weak and the vulnerable – whom he mocks , rather than pitty – are favorite targets.

When caught in a lie or challenge with the truth, he is seldom perplexed or embarrassed, he simply change his stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie. Are you saying this man got a prize?

Meles Naziaw seem proud of his ability to lie. Many observers get the impression that he sometimes is unaware that he is lying, it is as if the words take on a life of their own, unfettered by the speakers knowledge that the observer is aware of the facts.
My fellow citizens, don’t expect dramatic changes. To a large extent, the personality of Meles Naziawi is ”carved in stone”. There is little likelihood that anything you do will produce fundamental, sustained changes in how he sees himself or others.

Finally, given his glibness and the facility with which he lies, it is not surprising that Meles NAZIAWI successfully cheats, bilks, defrauds, cons, and manipulates some countries and have not the slightest compunction about doing so.


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF


Hagere, I think I've responded to her question. Simply put, she is the one who is dreaming and is overwhelmed by an impending fear. Oromiaa cannot be a dream because it is already a reality and it continues. So is Ogadenia and Sidamaa with the current pace. Does that get into you? What is HATERAW? Mataatu si naanna'ee!! Dhala qurcii!!


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Aster H/M,

You may call Leencoo a horse, a cat, a snake, a beast or whatever. Swallow this pill called Oromiyaa and rest for good. Jaallattes jibbites ilmaan Oromoo bilisummaaf ni warraaqxi.

MInd you? Leencoo and Galaasaa are both lions. These people will die and pass, the Oromo cause, with or without your blessing shall continue. Expect the worst, or get out of that nefxagnaa mentality.

This forum was supposed to be a place of intellectual deliberation but you reduced into an exchange of insult. You started it out and I am only reacting. I just wish it had stayed otherwise.

Good day,


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear Norhtern:
Whenever somebody stands for his/her right of his region and ethnic, you only know how to respond by insult and attack instead of engaging in civil discussion an dialogue.
Do you know that the rich Oromo land, Somali Land and Afar land were annexed in the last hundred years?
The vanguard Oromo scholar, Lencho, has brought at the fore front the right of Oromo people. Yesterday, thousand Oromo have staged a demonstration in Washington DC and your web site have ignored them and the VOA did not even mention a single word about this event that has taken place in front its nose. That shows how much you are only preoccupied with your own interest and whenver a person cited his people history, culture, economic and political factor, you are throwing ready made missile.
Moreover, I will advice you to be opened minded and have dialogue that will help us to live in peace and prosperity.


City: Washington DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Mammo Qilo,

Does your sur name speak of your mental caliber? Ask yourself. My name is Birmadummaa Jirruu and so is Leencoo spelt correctly. Both names are spelt correctly in their own right, and both individuals would not wnat to be identified in someone's way or language. Why did you opt to dodge the subject under discussion by the way?


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

I think it is marely waste of time to discuss Leencho's idea. He never has got to say the truth.A three years old Amhara kid contributes much for his country than Leencho.

OLF has done a lot for asyleem seekers, nothing more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu and mamo,
I did not mention Aster because of her contempt for nationalities. I stand to be corrected if I assumed wrong that the exchange is about English V.S Kube. My families are from southern Ethiopia but I am not fluent in my language of heritage. I am one of those kids who grew up speaking little of my own language and more Amharic. Please, both of you take it lightly and I point out that I have been interested in language and history for some time. Let me tell you first that there is no English/Latin Alphabet. The Latin Alphabet came from the Greek alphabet. Greek alphabet order and names of the letters are derived from Phoenician alphabet about 750 BC. Phoenician are present day Lebanese. I tell my white friends that they had to steal our scripts to write anything at all. Geeze is developed from Sabaean or Sabaic alphabet which is one of the south Arabian alphabets. The oldest known inscriptions in this alphabet date from about 500 BC. Its origins are thought to be from the Byblos alphabet from which the Phoenician alphabet is also developed. The whole western world is using middle eastern alphabet with the exception to Indian and oriental countries. So give it a rest alphabet does not define people as it is popularly thought by many.

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

You know how French, Italian and other European insist on writting their name as it is written in the their own language. Please, Let him write his name the way he wants and that goes for all of us. There is no convention on writting Russel, Rusell, Russo etc. We do not waste that much time.

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu,
I presume you are under age or there is a big difference between your chronological age and your mental age. Ethiopia currently needs seasoned politicians like Merera Gudina, (the late Haile Fida), Beyene Petros, Birhanu Nega, Hailu Shawel etc. You and your types kemender astesaseb alwetachihum. The oromos say: "Ijolen tibe embetu mofa abashe Kuba kesi". Beware Meles Zenawi is a very mean, cynical and manipulative person. May I tell you Meles has recently instructed all OHDID cadres to criticise Meles, but over propagate the so called "oromo issue". I know you are either a TPLF guy or one of the OHDID cadres, but as per the instruction you pretend to be against the MONSTER.
When cornered you back off and say "I grew up in the "neftegnoch Ager" and so I can't speak oromifa"

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear VJ:
The problem is not the usage of the Amharic language. For example, I listened Amharic song and enjoy it; however, the elites Northern could not stand to see Somali, Oromos, Afar, Gambelas to study in their own language and this will help them to dominate economically, socially and politically. In the Somali case, before 1991 in the administration of Somali region only the northern were having the key positions; however, now Somali native are encouraged to take over and teach their future generation in Somali language.
Morever, you can see how English dominated the world and the French is struggling to get its field to pratice. When I was studying my undergraduate school in Canada, my classmates were 99 pecent from Quebec province and the courses were lectured in French, but the students spoke in English in the class.This has sometimes created a tension between the professor who were some of them from France and the students.
All in all it is the language that is a problem when it is used as a tool to dominate one ethnic group.


City: Washington DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Ibrahim Shirdon:
Why is that there is no problem at all in west and east Africa where english or french is official/national language? Do you know they do have many local languages, but they use it only at home to give instruction to their domestic staffs? Have you heard about lingua frnaca? It means the language of convenience. Don't you think Ethiopia needs such a language? Under the situation which of the ethiopian languages you recommend as lingua francua for we ethiopians? Tigrigna? Oromifa? Somali? Please tell me! Should language be a bone of contention to the point it is the gist of all political outlooks? Why language in ex europian colonies i.e many african countries is NOT a bone of contention at all? I think you will have no problem if any crazy guy in ethiopia abruptly say our official/national language is french or english. So, my dear your political stance is very much based on frivolous issues and heavily influenced by your ethnic bias and hatred? Just some thoughts of mine


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Ibrahim Shirdon:
Why is that there is no problem at all in west and east Africa where english or french is official/national language? Do you know they do have many local languages, but they use it only at home to give instruction to their domestic staffs? Have you heard about lingua frnaca? It means the language of convenience. Don't you think Ethiopia needs such a language? Under the situation which of the ethiopian languages you recommend as lingua francua for we ethiopians? Tigrigna? Oromifa? Somali? Please tell me! Should language be a bone of contention to the point it is the gist of all political outlooks? Why language in ex europian colonies i.e many african countries is NOT a bone of contention at all? I think you will have no problem if any crazy guy in ethiopia abruptly say our official/national language is french or english. So, my dear your political stance is very much based on frivolous issues and heavily influenced by your ethnic bias and hatred? Just some thoughts of mine

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear Ibrahim:
I agree that Habeshas have learn to respect Somali, Oromos, Afar, Gambelas studying in their own language because we can only love them if we love ourselves. However, Amhara domination is gone and even Meles speaks better Amharic than most Amharas. In the Southern Ethiopia we are also teaching kids in their own language, unlike Ogadeen most town living southerhers used to deny that they were Kembata, Hadiya or Wolayeta, etc and act Amhara. We can debate what language would be suitable for Ethiopia in the future. I agree also that a language becomes a problem when it is used as a tool to dominate other ethnic group. But let me tell you a story; I used to work with this republican koon head who thinks that Europeans invented everything, and we Africans were living like monkeys till they came to Africa and civilized us. My first response was that he is using Phoenician scripts to email me and his Latin and Greek words are derived from Aramaic which is also middle eastern. I broke his inflated mind with two sentence he went and checked and when he knew that I was right he started to say “Hi” to me properly. It is not language is but knowledge that is a dominating power. We should teach our kids multiple languages beginning their own language. It will make them smarter and became familiar with many types of cultures and thinking.

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF


This VJ thing is a power house in and of himself. Thank you Ibrahim, you were the one who insisted that I read him carefully. Now I must say you should read him carefully. You will be enlightened. This VJ thing is something.

He is the middleman who can bring you and Hagere Ethiopia to the table and make you abandon your extreme positions. You both need to pay attention, you shall be liberated from a bondage of narrow politics that seems to have rendered you ineffective and insome ways lifeless.

Mamo Qilo
Mamo Qilo

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Aster H/M

I pity your naivete. You kind of eulogized Merera, but you don't know the real inside of Merera. And your tendency of dividing the Oromos is typical of your ancestors and is very easy to detect. However, I wish you knew all that is contained in Merera's party as well. To your chagrin, Oromos take a united stand on the issue of the destiny of their people. Merera could not have amassed all those Oromo votes if the case had been otherwise. Don't you worry about my mental age and stuff because I am healthy and kicking. I am just sorry for you that there are millions of Oromos that share the same sentiment and there are even millions who take a very extreme view on this matter and would not even want to take part in such forum. By harboring hatred and by expressing "undesired stances" you are, so unwittingly, only turning those ones who are liberals into extremism.

In any case, may God forgive your vulgar language. I hope you will grow up and speak and write like one.


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu aka Belew Balcha,

Can you reconcile your self with VJ and Ibrahim. Can you reconcile yourself with Merara and Lencho? The two stand for two completely different principles. Where do you stand.

MAmo QIlo

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu,
I presume you are under age or there is a big difference between your chronological age and your mental age. Ethiopia currently needs seasoned politicians like Merera Gudina, (the late Haile Fida), Beyene Petros, Birhanu Nega, Hailu Shawel etc. You and your types kemender astesaseb alwetachihum. The oromos say: "Ijolen tibe embetu mofa abashe Kuba kesi". Beware Meles Zenawi is a very mean, cynical and manipulative person. May I tell you Meles has recently instructed all OHDID cadres to criticise Meles, but over propagate the so called "oromo issue". I know you are either a TPLF guy or one of the OHDID cadres, but as per the instruction you pretend to be against the MONSTER.
When cornered you back off and say "I grew up in the "neftegnoch Ager" and so I can't speak oromifa"

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Ibrahim Shirdon:
Why is that there is no problem at all in west and east Africa where english or french is official/national language? Do you know they do have many local languages, but they use it only at home to give instruction to their domestic staffs? Have you heard about lingua frnaca? It means the language of convenience. Don't you think Ethiopia needs such a language? Under the situation which of the ethiopian languages you recommend as lingua francua for we ethiopians? Tigrigna? Oromifa? Somali? Please tell me! Should language be a bone of contention to the point it is the gist of all political outlooks? Why language in ex europian colonies i.e many african countries is NOT a bone of contention at all? I think you will have no problem if any crazy guy in ethiopia abruptly say our official/national language is french or english. So, my dear your political stance is very much based on frivolous issues and heavily influenced by your ethnic bias and hatred? Just some thoughts of mine

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Aster H/M MCH CHM MUKA, whatever,

Your name has never bothered me than your irrelevance to the Oromo cause. Period! You may turn yourself into an Oromo from another planet, perhaps Mars. The issue is you are too irrelevant to the issue and hence I'll stop engaging any discussion with you. May change my mind when I see growth and mature argument in you. Otherwise, nagayitti ya intala farraa!


City: Finfinnee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

I am often puzzled as to why all diaspora OLF supporter of whom many don't feel like they have an alternative besides the EPRDF...always think that the only method of Oromo cause is the violent path of civil war and ethnic hate that Eritrea(Sheabia) has written for them or better yet of which OLF's manifesto is duplicated or modeled after.

I would like to say to OLF supporters that democracy is slow but when people all over Ethiopia or Oromos living in all over Ethiopia, will in the very near future have options for what they consider to be the "cause" of Oromo's just like other ethnic groups will have options and representatives who will offer more than just civil war/hate through tribalism of their neighbors. Then, don't be surprised and disappointed if a substantial number of the population does not choose to die for OLF as their headquarters sits in Asmara today.

I know you like to lable non-Oromos and Oromos that don't share your views with the likes of "Neftegna" and "Amhara"...but even you die hard OLF supporters cna agree that OLF is really not a miliary force let alone a political one. What has OLF done for the Oromo people thus far??? Both politically and Miliarily??? I know you know better than believe the so called "Military Campaigns" posted on olf website that Eritreans delight every month...

Can you OLF die hard supporters discuss these specific issues with this supporter?

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

To:My Oromo brothers and sisters
Don't you see what is happening in Europe?These advanced countries are uniting in order to be stronger and more secure for generations to come.Do you think you can be secure from your have-not neighbours if you become an independent nation?
You say you were colonized.I say you were integrated with Ethiopia just the way countries were formed the world over.If anybody tells me even if a single country was formed by voluntary association,save EU,I would retract my plea.So please work for the common good of our country Ethiopia.


City: Toronto

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu:
Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? Can I stretch my world map and look for it? Oh! sorry, I think it is NOW (for the time being, till independence) "COLONIZED" by Ethiopia (Oh Sorry , Abysinia) Where is this country called Abysinia? East Africa? Oromia is ALSO in East Africa! Abysinia is the last colonial power, and also the ONLy black nation that has got a tight grip on its colony Oromo. Hey, are you with me? Am I right? Eritrea "liberated" itself from the last and the only black colonial power. Am I again right? I know you shoot up from your seat and say, "VERY MUCH SO!". Let me further amplify my "confusion". Now what you need is independence and you wish to establish "the State of Oromia" i.e like Eritrea "The State of Eritrea". Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu and those by some miracle saved will be chased empty handed to "yeftegnoch hager" i.e Gondor, Gojam etc. Addis Ababa Will be the capital city of the "The State of Oromia". Hey, are you following me? Am I right? "The State of Oromia" will establish a good relationship with the land of "the neftegna" and the Oromia Ambassador will have office in Bahrdar and also another Ambassador in Mekele, the capital city of "the State of Tigray". "The State of Oromia" will have its own currency by the name "Bedeno" and the "State of Tigray" will have another currency called "Dedebit". Am I so far right? My "friend", before I continue please confirm if the above is the correct interpretation of your "dream".


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF


I think you did not get the whole idea. The questin for the oromos is not merely independence. Forget the oromos, the fact on hand is the matter of nations and nationaliities. If the northerners could at least acknowledge the reality of the suffering of non-Amharas in the Ethiopian empire, the problem is half solved. Whjat is messing up Itoophiyaa now is failing to recogniz the suffering inflicted upon the southerners by the northerns. Southerners would continue to struggle to gain freedom from lanuage, cultural and other hegemony of one tribe.


City: Ancootee

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Falaxaa Dammaqsaa:

Can you answer the following questions Sir:
1) What makes you so confident and sure that OLF speaks on behalf of All Oromo's in Ethiopia, let alone for the ones in the diaspora??? You're always refering to the Oromos as if all of them share your views.

You said: "If the northerners could at least acknowledge the reality of the suffering of non-Amharas in the Ethiopian empire, the problem is half solved,...further yo said: What is messing up Itoophiyaa now is failing to recogniz the suffering inflicted upon the southerners by the northerns"

2) Do you really think Northerners and Southeners are really the product of the last 100years? Why, because EPRDF tells you? Or have you done some reading? Do you think Multiethnic people in Ethiopia don't exist before last 100years? Is your argument perhaps the same as Meles? Why or Why not?

3) Are you a pure Oromo? Is there really such a thing? If you think you're pure, would you call yourself a racist or ethnic separatist?

Hope you won't back off now...

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF



2) Do you really think Northerners and Southeners are really the product of the last 100years?

3) Are you a pure Oromo?


City: Atlantis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Birmadummaa Jirruu:
Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? Can I stretch my world map and look for it? Oh! sorry, I think it is NOW (for the time being, till independence) "COLONIZED" by Ethiopia (Oh Sorry , Abysinia) Where is this country called Abysinia? East Africa? Oromia is ALSO in East Africa! Abysinia is the last colonial power, and also the ONLy black nation that has got a tight grip on its colony Oromo. Hey, are you with me? Am I right? Eritrea "liberated" itself from the last and the only black colonial power. Am I again right? I know you shoot up from your seat and say, "VERY MUCH SO!". Let me further amplify my "confusion". Now what you need is independence and you wish to establish "the State of Oromia" i.e like Eritrea "The State of Eritrea". Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu and those by some miracle saved will be chased empty handed to "yeftegnoch hager" i.e Gondor, Gojam etc. Addis Ababa Will be the capital city of the "The State of Oromia". Hey, are you following me? Am I right? "The State of Oromia" will establish a good relationship with the land of "the neftegna" and the Oromia Ambassador will have office in Bahrdar and also another Ambassador in Mekele, the capital city of "the State of Tigray". "The State of Oromia" will have its own currency by the name "Bedeno" and the "State of Tigray" will have another currency called "Dedebit". Am I so far right? My "friend", before I continue please confirm if the above is the correct interpretation of your "dream".


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

It is NOT a question of liking or hating EPRP. It is NOT at all. You are way way off the mark. If you excuse me, what you said is bluntly spoken very stupid and ****tttttttttttt. I told you what EPRP did when it was active in the 1970s. I told you how many doctors, professors, highly learnt scholars and ordinary citizens were brutally executed and slughtered in a broad day light by EPRP. I told you about the 16 years old disabled boy hanged by EPRP scoundrels in the school compound. I told you about Dr. Mekonnen Shegene who was executed in a broad day light by EPRP mercenary thugs. I tried to convince you that EPRP was full of lawless genocidal thugs. I think I made a hard exercise to let you see the truth full face. After all these effort of mine, you come and say, "You hate EPRP". This is utterly nonsense. This is totally rubbish. It exposes what type of silly woman/girl you are. It is NOT a question of liking or hating. What I hate in life is hate itself. I have never ever passed a judgment on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. You are rather MADLY in love with EPRP and anyone who tells you the truth about EPRP is one who hates EPRP. huh, it is very sickening! I have been following you and reading your comments. I liked many of them. This time around you have clearly goofed. Don't rush to unwarranted conclusion. I told you about EPRP and its criminal past. If you think I have lied or exaggerated, just say it is not true or it is exaggerated. Try to argue with logic and try to reason out. Please try to make your own independent verification that what I told you about EPRP is 101% true. It is rather the tip of the ice berg. If one tells you all the criminal records of EPRP you may dare to say it is comparable to Mussolini's attrocities. Let me tell you some of the most outrageous crimes of EPRP. Dr. Getachew Maru, who was a CC member of EPRP, was killed by EPRP and after they killed him they did put his dead body in an old sack and dumped his body in one of the garbage corners of Addis Ababa. Birhanemeskel Reda narrowly escaped imprisonment and a subsequent brutal murder by EPRP. I told you also about the poor "setegna adari" slaughtered by EPRP. I told you also about the thousands of EPRP members executed and slaughtered being branded as "anja". What else do you want to hear? Netsi, keep an open mind. Don't close up. Your brain is wonder of wonders and use it excellently. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Finally, I want to tell you EPRP is a piece of ****. Bye for now.


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear Ethiopians:
EPRP was the best party that Ethiopia has had in its history and the member of EPRP are the one that are still engine to any orgnaization of Ethiopia. To name a few the late Dr. Abdulmajid Hussein, Dr. Berhanu Nega, Dr. Beyene Petros, Mr. Fassika, Mr. Fantu Taye and Mr. Kabede ect. EPRD did not know the language of ethnicity and was party of the people and democratic system.
The tsunami lies of hatred that are heaped on EPRP do not fly unless they were given the wings of red terror of Negede likes. As we debate this issue, many murders were sentenced to life time prison in Addis Abeba. Thanks To Meles Zenawi and we are vey happy to see him to rule Ethiopia in the next five years.


City: Washington DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF


You moron. You have become a political *******. How about the many EPRP members that Meles had murdered. How about the many who have disappeared after they were taken by your God, Meles. You have become a moron and a political *******.

EPRP members died fighting against the tribal politics of Meles. You are trading on their blood. That is why I say you have become a political ******* and a moral prostitute.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

You wake-up in the morning and find a way to irritate the majority of Ethiopians. You are educated enough to know the majority of Ethiopians voted for the opposition party. Why is it a person like a tyrant who kills innocent Ethiopians fascinates you?

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Dear Ethiopians:
It seems that you did not used to person who speak out of his mind and tell you the truth. You used to it a people that you can drive like your car and manipulate with lies and fabricated story. No more brother and sisters.
Let me tell you a simple thing. First, you should inform ER to respect the opinion of others and do not delete the posting of people who oppose their views.
These are views and are different from CUD party.
I can not imagine if you do not tolerate opinion of other ethiopian in this simple forum, how on earth do you think that we, the majority of Ethiopia, will be working with you?
You are always deleting whenever you do not see it fits in your camp ideology. However, you accept your beloved party to insult and throw their venon missile left and right.
Second, the foot soldeirs of cud do not understand other language except insult and mistrust and they are grap a ready made canon and shot other as if they are the only true Ethiopian . I was reading the articles psoted in Ethiomedia and ER and I did not find a single statement that will usher Ethiopia to democracy, rule of law and sutainable development. No wonder Meles Zenawi does not have to work hard and on top of it, you are wasting time not to be challenge on the question of transparency and accountability of his governance.
Third, Ethiopia is not only the North. Thanks God that we can discuss in this Forum and exchange idea ; otherwise, we will be locked in the mindset of mistrust and mischief a la Negede Gobeze and Haile Goshu(Mamo).
Fourth, the majority of Ethiopian people are fed up with lies and fabricated hsitory and the western are sensing that the foot soldeirs of CUD are spreading rumors and lies that will not fly in the rest of their life time.
Therefore, let us discuss in civil way and advise your ER not to delete other opinions. The ABC of democratic principle is tolerance and dialogue of each other. If we care for ethiopians and we do, we should begin to respect in this forum instad of talking about the big task of ruling Ethiopia


City: Washington DC

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

EPRP = a piece of ****.
It is NOT a question of liking or hating EPRP. It is NOT at all. You are way way off the mark. If you excuse me, what you said is bluntly spoken very stupid and ****tttttttttttt. I told you what EPRP did when it was active in the 1970s. I told you how many doctors, professors, highly learnt scholars and ordinary citizens were brutally executed and slughtered in a broad day light by EPRP. I told you about the 16 years old disabled boy hanged by EPRP scoundrels in the school compound. I told you about Dr. Mekonnen Shegene who was executed in a broad day light by EPRP mercenary thugs. I tried to convince you that EPRP was full of lawless genocidal thugs. I think I made a hard exercise to let you see the truth full face. After all these effort of mine, you come and say, "You hate EPRP". This is utterly nonsense. This is totally rubbish. It exposes what type of silly woman/girl you are. It is NOT a question of liking or hating. What I hate in life is hate itself. I have never ever passed a judgment on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. You are rather MADLY in love with EPRP and anyone who tells you the truth about EPRP is one who hates EPRP. huh, it is very sickening! I have been following you and reading your comments. I liked many of them. This time around you have clearly goofed. Don't rush to unwarranted conclusion. I told you about EPRP and its criminal past. If you think I have lied or exaggerated, just say it is not true or it is exaggerated. Try to argue with logic and try to reason out. Please try to make your own independent verification that what I told you about EPRP is 101% true. It is rather the tip of the ice berg. If one tells you all the criminal records of EPRP you may dare to say it is comparable to Mussolini's attrocities. Let me tell you some of the most outrageous crimes of EPRP. Dr. Getachew Maru, who was a CC member of EPRP, was killed by EPRP and after they killed him they did put his dead body in an old sack and dumped his body in one of the garbage corners of Addis Ababa. Birhanemeskel Reda narrowly escaped imprisonment and a subsequent brutal murder by EPRP. I told you also about the poor "setegna adari" slaughtered by EPRP. I told you also about the thousands of EPRP members executed and slaughtered being branded as "anja". What else do you want to hear? Netsi, keep an open mind. Don't close up. Your brain is wonder of wonders and use it excellently. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Finally, I want to tell you EPRP is a piece of ****. Bye for now.

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

First, let me say I do not Like you at all.

You seem to have leftover issues and unsettled score but not logical flow in your writing. Your writing appears as if you are “Motmuata” when you type ttttttttttt or Phewwwwww.
It has been almost 30 years since the red terror and white terror has been waged.
The two groups, on one side the MEISON/DERG and on the other side EPRP waged war in the cities. For me that is the main issue that was wrong and unacceptable. When facing charges they should have had mainly concentrated first on innocent victims you pointed out like the poor "setegna adari" and the disabled student slaughtered by EPRP. And second the handling of prisoners by both sides. You also forgot to mention how many innocent kids and students were labeled “EPRP” and murdered by the MEISON/DERG side.

Please be objective and just to let you know, I have no connection or affiliation with EPRP.
However, here is a logical take. The phrase "red/white terror" was copied from Russians Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. In those days each revolutionary group had their own brand of communism. Initially, they tried to hummer out their differences during their student movement days. Unfortunately, because of a wide gap in their ideologies and uncompromising stands they had to resolve their conflict and issues by resorting to violence. Using violence was the only option because all sides rejected western style democracy, dialogue, mediation and compromises. Most those name you mentioned so far in MEISON/DERG side were not innocent bystanders but members of active and violent political groups. Here are few of those you mentioned,

Dr. Mekonnen Shegene was MEISON member.
Fekere Mered was DERG supporter.
Abiot Tebaki or “Revolutionary Guards” hunted EPRP members, small kids and students as if they were sick dogs after Mengistu’s Proclamation “to hunt and Kill anyone suspected of being EPRP member”

On the other note, EPRP went it's own course and some were branded “anja” or faction because they wanted to work with MEISON/DERG in spite of all bloodshed and conflict.
Birhanemeskel Reda who was also CC member was branded “anja HA” or faction A. He went to north showa and died fighting Derg after his plan to work with Derg fallout according to what I heard from Former EPRP Member who was with Mr. Birhanemeske.
Getachew Maru who was also CC member of EPRP and senior year engineering student but not a doctor as you wrote was branded “anja Le” or faction B.

Since communism is a social movement that comes to effect through insurrection, war, and violence, what these two groups did was to implement their ideology through a means that was acceptable then and not today. We may not like it but we have to say it is a spilt milk and move on by concentrating on today and tomorrow.

Your contempt for Oromos is mind boggling. You appear as irrational as one can get.
You know how Amharas say “Setyewa endalut” or “the old woman said” and tell chauvinistic stories, I think that old lady should have been you.
You ranted “Where is this "country" called "Oromoia"? ……. Then What? All neftegnas will be slaughtered in a broad day light like it happened in Bedeno, Arbagugu”.
Whether you like it or as Birmadummaa Jirruu wrote back to you there is "Oromoia" in the map? And so is the Southern people region. I hope you are not accusing the OROMO populous with genocide for crimes that was committed by EPDRF cadres in their early days to instigate civil war between OROMOS and AMHARAS. I do not think you have one drop of oromo blood in you. Next time when EPDRF treats your family badly in Bedeno, remember that they are trying to use the contempt like that of yours to rise against the true Ethiopians and CUSHEITIC people.

TA TA ! there will be no replies from me to you
Good bye forever

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

EPRP = a piece of ****.
It is NOT a question of liking or hating EPRP. It is NOT at all. You are way way off the mark. If you excuse me, what you said is bluntly spoken very stupid and ****tttttttttttt. I told you what EPRP did when it was active in the 1970s. I told you how many doctors, professors, highly learnt scholars and ordinary citizens were brutally executed and slughtered in a broad day light by EPRP. I told you about the 16 years old disabled boy hanged by EPRP scoundrels in the school compound. I told you about Dr. Mekonnen Shegene who was executed in a broad day light by EPRP mercenary thugs. I tried to convince you that EPRP was full of lawless genocidal thugs. I think I made a hard exercise to let you see the truth full face. After all these effort of mine, you come and say, "You hate EPRP". This is utterly nonsense. This is totally rubbish. It exposes what type of silly woman/girl you are. It is NOT a question of liking or hating. What I hate in life is hate itself. I have never ever passed a judgment on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. You are rather MADLY in love with EPRP and anyone who tells you the truth about EPRP is one who hates EPRP. huh, it is very sickening! I have been following you and reading your comments. I liked many of them. This time around you have clearly goofed. Don't rush to unwarranted conclusion. I told you about EPRP and its criminal past. If you think I have lied or exaggerated, just say it is not true or it is exaggerated. Try to argue with logic and try to reason out. Please try to make your own independent verification that what I told you about EPRP is 101% true. It is rather the tip of the ice berg. If one tells you all the criminal records of EPRP you may dare to say it is comparable to Mussolini's attrocities. Let me tell you some of the most outrageous crimes of EPRP. Dr. Getachew Maru, who was a CC member of EPRP, was killed by EPRP and after they killed him they did put his dead body in an old sack and dumped his body in one of the garbage corners of Addis Ababa. Birhanemeskel Reda narrowly escaped imprisonment and a subsequent brutal murder by EPRP. I told you also about the poor "setegna adari" slaughtered by EPRP. I told you also about the thousands of EPRP members executed and slaughtered being branded as "anja". What else do you want to hear? Netsi, keep an open mind. Don't close up. Your brain is wonder of wonders and use it excellently. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Finally, I want to tell you EPRP is a piece of ****. Bye for now.


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Mamo Qilo, VJ, Tariku etc garbages are the aliaces of the MORON Mamo Qilo. Mamo Qilo in the "hahu besidist wer" of Tsegaye G/M is different from the Mamo Qilo on this screen. Mamo Qilo recently diagnosed and the result reads 'he suufers from recognition hunger. He is, in a way, also suffering from "MEGALOMANIA" i.e he has NOT properly measured himself. What he thinks of himself and the reality on the ground are in a constant conflict in his personal life. This has made him a confused person and made him too intellectually irrelevant.

Am I right if I say you started using your aliace "Mamo Qilo" when you are cornered??? Mamo Qilo, you are a piece of ****. I have understood what type of person you are. you don't deserve any response. I am just trying to let others know that you are a psychopathic lier, a MORON and a piece of ****.

Read my reponse and try to reason out. I told you what EPRP did. And yet you DARE to say EPRP showed that much fascistic character and took fascistic acts just to defend its members. Alas, there you goofed. What if Hitler or Stalin or any other dictator say I killed thousands of people just to protect my people or my party members? What if the cold blooded killing machine, Mengistu H/M, says I killed all those in defence of my country, my people and my party members from EPRP, TPLF and Shabia? You condone him??? I want you to read again what I posted before. I have herein below reposted it for your benefit.
It is NOT a question of liking or hating EPRP. It is NOT at all. You are way way off the mark. If you excuse me, what you said is bluntly spoken very stupid and ****tttttttttttt. I told you what EPRP did when it was active in the 1970s. I told you how many doctors, professors, highly learnt scholars and ordinary citizens were brutally executed and slughtered in a broad day light by EPRP. I told you about the 16 years old disabled boy hanged by EPRP scoundrels in the school compound. I told you about Dr. Mekonnen Shegene who was executed in a broad day light by EPRP mercenary thugs. I tried to convince you that EPRP was full of lawless genocidal thugs. I think I made a hard exercise to let you see the truth full face. After all these effort of mine, you come and say, "You hate EPRP". This is utterly nonsense. This is totally rubbish. It exposes what type of silly woman/girl you are. It is NOT a question of liking or hating. What I hate in life is hate itself. I have never ever passed a judgment on the basis of personal likes or dislikes. You are rather MADLY in love with EPRP and anyone who tells you the truth about EPRP is one who hates EPRP. huh, it is very sickening! I have been following you and reading your comments. I liked many of them. This time around you have clearly goofed. Don't rush to unwarranted conclusion. I told you about EPRP and its criminal past. If you think I have lied or exaggerated, just say it is not true or it is exaggerated. Try to argue with logic and try to reason out. Please try to make your own independent verification that what I told you about EPRP is 101% true. It is rather the tip of the ice berg. If one tells you all the criminal records of EPRP you may dare to say it is comparable to Mussolini's attrocities. Let me tell you some of the most outrageous crimes of EPRP. Dr. Getachew Maru, who was a CC member of EPRP, was killed by EPRP and after they killed him they did put his dead body in an old sack and dumped his body in one of the garbage corners of Addis Ababa. Birhanemeskel Reda narrowly escaped imprisonment and a subsequent brutal murder by EPRP. I told you also about the poor "setegna adari" slaughtered by EPRP. I told you also about the thousands of EPRP members executed and slaughtered being branded as "anja". What else do you want to hear? Netsi, keep an open mind. Don't close up. Your brain is wonder of wonders and use it excellently. Don't have a faith type allegiance to any political group. Finally, I want to tell you EPRP is a piece of ****. Bye for now.


City: Addis

Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Astuka nefse,
Was Mekonnen Shegene doctor. My aunt used to work with him closely and she never told me that he was doctor. But, that's besides the point though. It is nice to see you here and there.


Re: Leencho Leta Spliting the difference Between CUD and TPLF

Yebret Qolo:
Mekonnen Shegene was an MA (Masters Degree in Mgt) holder. Thanks for the correction. But does it matter? Is EPRP entitled to kill even an illitrate??? Whose life is greater anyway? Somebody said, "Mekonnen Shegene was A Derg supporter. That is NOT true. Even if he was, is EPRP entitled to kill him??? I remember his family had a problem to let his death be announced by the so called ETV and Eth Radio. The officials said, "merdo menger tekelklual". This news reached Mengistu H/M and he said, "Timihrt endaykuaret bemetagelu yetegedele teblo yineger". If he was a "guad", the media would have said, "guad blah blah, korat communist, minits, minits assasinated by anarcho fascist group i.e EPRP etc etc "


City: Addis