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My Humble Request


I beg you in the name of the creator. I beg you in the name of all that you hold dear. I beg you my fellow country men and women to stop the endless bickering. To stop the endless name calling. Don’t we owe our country of birth at least this much. Is it really too much to ask?. To stop your hateful statements. To communicate with passion without degrading each other. Are we that blind? Don’t you see what I see. I see a land in need of a miracle to survive. Survival doesn’t mean the kind of survival we have today. A survival where a woman dies because she dares to give birth. A survival where millions of our compatriots are starving. Imagine a child starving in 2005. What would the future Ethiopians say. How would they judge us. How would history judge us. This isn’t about politics. It is about our hearts. It is about our view of each other and how we communicate in disagreement. I mean what good does that do to the starving children all around Ethiopia. How do they benefit? What is the logic behind such barbaric behavior. I have decided that the least I could do is not be part of the problem. I urge you to do the same. To consciously promote harmony. To consciously promote love amongst ALL Ethiopians. To convey our passionate stand on issues without degradation. To be a uniter than a divider. Don’t we increase our chances of being heard. Don’t we owe our fellow Ethiopians that much. That we communicate with civility. Don’t you see what I see? How little time and little resources we have. How the odds are stalked against us. That we don’t have the luxury of not being able to work together. We just can’t afford it! This isn’t just about the government and the opposition. It is about everyone of us. We are all Ethiopians. Let us save ourselves and keep our political dialogue in context. That context is that we all are Ethiopians. That we all are member of one family. That the conflict is amongst family members. That the survival of the family depends on it. That the survival of Ethiopia depends on it.



City: Hawaiaaaaai

Re: My Humble Request


Why don’t you get rid of Gebremeles and Ibrahim first then we will talk. They are the troublemakers.

With lots of love,

Re: My Humble Request


Best wishes!

Re: My Humble Request

You are heard loud and clear! Don't be discouraged with few responses. Most people are looking for sensationalism and don't bother listen to a message like yoursis what is needed right now. Preach on!!!


Re: My Humble Request

I agree with Yigermal. Get rid of Gebremeles and Ibrahim first. Then we wiil talk.

Re: My Humble Request

Regardless of their language or culture, the Ethiopian people have always lived together. We don't need anybody to tell us. The Ethiopian people already know and actually they have lived it and will that way for ever.

The main problem is with dictatorial governmnets and political organziations. You can start with the King and go to Dergue, Woyane, EPLF and others. That is our problem.

We need to get rid of these oppressive and divisve governments. That is what we need to focus on.



City: Atlanta