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Dr Birhanu

Dr Birhanu Nega is a man of vision and hope. Tolerant and broad minded, he has a lot of wisdom and courage and in the face of the ethnic/tribal politics of the TPLF/EPRDF he is a political giant who stands tall above all of them. He is confident about the future of Ethiopia.He is a good example for Ethiopia.

Listen to the above interview

Re: Dr Birhanu


I understand your embellishment of Berhanu Nega as a person who is academically accomplished with a PHD. However you must be careful not to confuse your impression with his expression or self-assured demeanor with visionary leadership qualities capable of leading a nation. However, that is not to say the likes of the current ruling party members possess visionary and leadership qualities, Members of the ruling party never

There many intellectually accomplished career academics that spent years in the academia, but no having acquired organizational and management experience and the ability to manage a complex and decadent bureaucracy. The quality of leadership should not be limited purely to academic accomplishment alone, as it should be based on civil service, public, or private organizational experience.

The choice between career students who spent most of their productive years in the academia discussing political or economic theories without acquiring applied skill is not substitute for experience. While I agree that Berhanu Negga and others are brilliant in their own rights, they would be more constructive as political or economic advisors to a political party or leadership.

Beheg Am lack

Re: Dr Birhanu

Beheg Amlack

I agree with what you said.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Nu Nu,

I understand your embellishment of Berhanu Nega as a person who is academically accomplished with a PHD. However you must be careful not to confuse your impression with his expression or self-assured demeanor with visionary leadership qualities capable of leading a nation. However, that is not to say the likes of the current ruling party members possess visionary and leadership qualities, Members of the ruling party never acquired the academic discipline in their respective areas of responsibility prior to assuming power or in the last fourteen years of their precarious ethnic and dictatorial rule. Are Ethiopians better off than they were fourteen years ago? According to various UN reports and including the CIA country intelligence report, Ethiopia had slipped farther down on the poverty scale on the same level as Somalia, Chad, Zanzibar, Darfour...etc.

There many intellectually accomplished career academics that spent years in the academia, but not having acquired organizational and management experience and the ability to manage a complex and decadent bureaucracy. The quality of leadership should not be limited purely to academic accomplishment alone, as it should be based on civil service, public, or private organizational management experience.

The choice between career students who spent most of their productive years in the academia discussing political or economic theories without acquiring applied skill is not substitute for experience. While I agree that Berhanu Negga and others are brilliant in their own rights, they would be more constructive as political or economic advisors to a political party or leadership.

Beheg Amlack

Re: Dr Birhanu

Selam Ato Beheg Amlack

You must be a professional politician. I know a couple of taxi drivers who hold ill will against education.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Are you sure he didn't use his Gurage ethinic identity to get more votes in Addis and Gurage Zone? Are you sure he used The Gurage elders for election?

By the way, do you have valid information on his acadamic status? Does he realy got PHD?I am affraid? If he at all got it from where?(think of forged document)Because his skills don't show so.

Don't push him too much for he might go crazy.



City: Addis Ababa

Re: Dr Birhanu

Academically,he has got a PHD.Even his master Negede Gobeze has got the same.The problem is all are against the popular CONSTITUTION.They all are by far behind the illitrate peasant.

Re: Dr Birhanu

mr Abera,

Guraghie votting for Guraghie, or a Tigre person votting for another Tigre is the type of mentality of the cadres of Tigrai People Liberation Front(TPLF).These guys do not have the capacity to think out side of their ethnicity. They tell us stay in your 'kilil' or ethnic homeland. Why do they find it hard to accept people as human beings instead of an ethnic entity?

To the enlightened mind, the principle that a person holds is more important than his ethnicity. Meles Zenawi who is much admired by his cadres, ofcourse speaks tigrigna, call himself a Tigre etc, but he is no less than a Mussolini in what he does. As a human being he is an evil. His supporters see him as Tigre and excuse him for what he is as a person even though they know that he is as much a tyrant in Tigrai as he is in the rest of Ethiopia.

However badly you wish to portray Dr Birhanu, you can not say that he plays the dirty politics of hate, race or ethnicity. He is indeed a man from the metropolis and that is why he has a different outlook to the jungle men of the TPLF.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Dear Yibekal,

I think you are an Ethiopian. If so I hope you know the existing state of mind here at home.Why are trying to deny the reality.Please face it. An oromo is an oromo, an ethiopian and a human being at the same time. Why are you denying him his oromo identity? The same holds true for a tigre, somali, sidama, guraghe, .....

By the way even if you are in the diaspora you are fully aware that such ethinic division is more apparent than at home. Don't lie to your self.

You see the Americans have an identity crises for it is a country of immigrants and you are trying to impose upon us crises mentality. why don't you as the Cadians, Swiss, French, Germany and so on.

AA, I can assure you that your "Dr." has been actively organizing the Gurages here at home and abroad. If you insist i can send you a video clip .

Pleaseagain face the reality. There is no wrong in having ethinic identity and sharing Ethiopian citizenship.


City: Addis Ababa

Re: Dr Birhanu

Birhanu Nega grew up in the metropolis of Addis. It means a lot to grow up in Addis Abeba.
Our beautiful city with its millions of residents is a microcism of mother Ethiopia. That is why his outlook on Ethiopia is different from the jungle men of the TPLF. He has a great vision and is a hope for Ethiopia.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Mr. Abye:
The jungle of TPLF has being rectifing the fabricated history of Ethiopia and the place, Finfine, that Dr. Berhanu grew up belonged to Oromo. Unless he will go with the wind of true history of the city, he will bedrown with the storm that is coming and then he will grip the bubble within the heavy torential that will take him where he orignially came from.


City: Washington DC

Re: Dr Birhanu

Dear beheg & G/s

What do you mean by Accadamic and managemnet is not identical? I am sorry if Accadamic is not as such supportive why do people go to school on different streams. to my understanding management and adminstration is good when supported by accadamic knowledge other wise it is every time missing one thing. by the way you pro, Meles people do you mean every body should go to jungle to be prefect leader as Meles!!!
the most impotant thing is positive thinking. they all were at AAU or student movements the only difference is DR. Berehan is shaped in one ethiopia where as Meles is ethinicity and distroy the ethiopian concept


City: A.A

Re: Dr Birhanu


Are you suggesting we should have only "Dr." leaders?
Why are you so obssesed with such talks.

Wasn't John Major of U.K, the leader of the most powerful country, a high school drop out? What about Bush, Blair, and many other leaders? You see acadamiticians should focus on research.That is the exprience of our Glob. Don't try to impose us such wrong solution.But, be assured that i am not against the appointment of talented leaders from the acadamicians.



City: Addis Ababa

Re: Dr Birhanu


I find your comments rather amusing if not humorous. Event though I never suggested that people should go to the jungle to learn how to become leaders, I could find some analogy in your comment, where the jungle could be analogous to the challenge of managing a convoluted bureaucracy. If that was what you implied, then by all means education coupled with experience is the ideal qualification among other qualities including personal integrity, ethics, passion for country, and respect for the citizens human rights, civil rights, and inalienable natural right. Maturity comes with age while wisdom and vision evolve from lifes experience. These are the fundamental disposition for leadership.

Can you factually say that any member of the current ruling party including the leader possess any of the above qualities. Their only principle, if you call it that, is the law of the jungle. They have not yet grasped the notion of civility and efficacy of civil society, much less the difference between right and wrong.

Don't be fooled by their Armani tailored suits and Yves Saint Laurent silk ties. These are their outer façade that shroud their sinister and Machiavellian objectives. They use the public media as their smoke and mirror to deceive and mislead their gullible foreign mentors.

As a pig farmer would fittingly say.... You can clean, dress up, and put all the fragrance on a hoard of pigs, but, pigs will always stink like pigs, honk like pigs, and defecate on those who sustain them. That is why a farmer would sooner send the pig to the slaughter house so as not to put up with the pig.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Praizing only one from the rest of C.U.D.leadership is a weyane tactic in order to crack the unity of our collective galant leaders.
From past experience it's one of weyanes recipe we have to be aware of.Believe me fox I'm not minimizing in any way the role Dr.Birhanu is playing at this juncture of the peoples struggle to get rid of tyranny.In my opinion he is one of self less giants,but Let us leave it to history the role individuals play & concentrate to the policy of the party.

Re: Dr Birhanu

In any event, Dr Birhanu stacks up much better than you know who...your hero, meles zerqawi.

Dr. Birhanu needless to say beats meles hands down.
There isn't even any comparison.

For those of you who happen to adore your hero, I have some eye-openers for you.

Some adjectives to describe meles:

- street smart (not to be confused with real intelligence)

- Leninist to his core (a philosophy that fell out of favor around the world)

- a curse (Compounded the country's problems...much less solve it)

- Demonic (wishes/wants the country self-destruct)

- murderer (grew up killing, and he still does. The only thing he knows how to do)

- liar (refer you to Hardtalk interview)

- unpopular, rejected (refer to May 15 election)
Need I go on...

Hagere Ethiopia and Hiwote Roberts are one and the same

Hagere Ethiopia is the same as Hiwote Roberts and Professor Waka.

on Jul 18th, 2005 at 5:58 AM Hagere Ethiopia posted a message using the screen name "Hagere Ethiopia" on the same day on Jul 18th, 2005 at 7:58 AM he posted the very exact message from "Hiwote Roberts" screen name account. He forgot that he was using "Hiwote's" Screen name and signed it of as Hagere Ethiopia. Please see this under CUD's Double Whammy.

I use different screen names to annoy G/S. Hagere Ethiopia uses different screen name to praise how briliant Hagere Ethiopia is. Moderator, I think you should warn him not to use different screen name to praise himslef.

He made the same mistake earlier when using Professor Wako's screen name. He signed it off as Hagere Ethiopia.

Re: Dr Birhanu

Mamo Qilo,
Who cares! Who used what names or not. You are getting to be annoying. There are a lot more important matters to discuss. I have yet to see a letter you have written to any organization in behalf of Ethiopian people. You have a talent use it. Don’t waste your time on stupid stuff. We have Gebreselasie for that.

Re: Dr Birhanu
