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Confusion Minister Bereket Simon

So, for a man who just lost his seat in parliament, Ato Bereket Simon has been unusually informative these days, sign of either ignorance or poor knowledge, or, deliberate confusion! let's not be cynical. Ohhh, comical Simone, you amuse us so. By the way, only a tirazz neTeqq organisation like the EPRDF would think that the Information Minister of the country also serving as its party spokesperson bears no conflict plus Eritrean. It's soooo...."progressive" they save on humane resources costs, I guess. Anyway, no wonder he's chirpy..... he might have lost his parliamentary seat, no wories people of Ethiopia, he still has a couple of jobs' plus who knows what EFFORT company he is running!

Now, back to the future and see what our confused or shall we say deliberately confused Minister of ignorance has in store for us. heyyyyy at least he comes up with historical expressions such as,

"Anyone who incites violence, other than those elected, will have to face the law."

Let me give you a good advise, Mr Comical or is it Ato Comical, forgive my confusion I think it comes with the territory. Your phrase, ohhhh yes, your time immortal phrase ought to be carved in stone above the entrance to every legislative chamber, every courthouse, every government building on the face of Ethiopia and beyond the earth if possible, because it pretty much summarises, with admirable succinctness and brazen verve, the central operating principle of your government, not including your fake democracies of course. EPRDF elites whether elected or self-selected are above the law, and act accordingly. Crimes for which ordinary citizens would be incarcerated, and perhaps even executed, are legalised and even considered admirable when carried out under the colour of state authority, I am sooooo reassured with your Democratic credentials.... Sociopathic behaviour, such as murder and robbery, are simply repackaged as "Protecting the peace" and "public safety" and touted as our collective moral duty, or, at worst, unfortunate necessities. Our own Simom Bereket Simon's "Licence to kill."

I understand your dilemma, how do you legitimise a regime based on naked coercion and robbery? It is a tafeeeeeeee, but not beyond your menace- right/wronge?... The central problem you face as a governing elites, and you have come up with various and sundry answers in the last 14 years. Is legitimacy, ohhhhhh you crave for you dear Legitimacy!!! "what is not to be is not to be", why don't you save us all the halaaa-Balooooo and claim divinity and be our kings, averring that your rule is ordained by God in Heaven. For this you will have the backing of the Church(I think it was revolutionary democratically elected as well? by the voting EPRDF), or various shamans of this sort or another. Be very careful, however, as belief in the divine is retreating before the advance of science, this rationale must not fell apart. Otherwise dear legitimacy will replace you with the good old CUD/UEDF.


City: Addis ababa

Re: Confusion Minister Bereket Simon

That was NOT me :( please be yourself whoever you are, don't use my name in vain....don't be afraid to show who you are. We promise we won't judge you. What ever your opinion is, as long as you are for ethiopian Unity and betterment, you can express it freely......what you did using my name is shameful act....
