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Obscuring the fact

We are all extremley frastrated with the uncertainty of the out come of the political process.Regreatably the government is not willing to give an inch to the demand of the people.Rather they are determined to stay in power at any cost.They are even willing to initiate a cycle of violence and endless hostilities among Ethiopians.The National election board is not qualified for the noble task of being impartial. History will neither forget nor forgive their betrayal.The government is lining up a series of obstacles and delay tactics to creat a sense of hopelessness and defeat by frustrating the opposition and the public.They have confused the out side world by distorting the true nature the facts on the ground.Days have gone by but nothing is changed.The votes are rigged.Innocent unarmed civilians are savagely murdered in broad day light.The root of the problem is the undemocratic nature of the ruling party.We need to stand firm and continue the struggle by all peaceful means.There should be no surrender.There should be no support fatigue.We expect strong leadership.


Re: Obscuring the fact

There is a vast difference between mental examination of a fact and the understanding of that fact. Mental examination of the fact leads nowhere. But the understanding born of approaching the fact negatively, without opinion or interpretation - this understanding of the fact gives tremendous energy to deal with the fact.

Hearing with the mind is gossip, and in it there is no release either for you or for the other; it is merely a continuation of pain, which is stupidity. Who cares to listen to the troubles of another? To open one's heart is important. It may or may not be possible to do something tangibly about what you hear, but the very fact of being open heart brings about its own action.

Re: Obscuring the fact


I don't know which philosophical book you flipped and copied. However, what ever you mumbled doesn't have any relevance what so ever to the subject matter of the discussion.You tried to sound abstract and great thinker but you are an empty barrel which makes a big noise even with finest touch.As far as I am concerned hearing with the mind some thing which is not there is insanity.You have difficulty finding the essence of the discussion and your approach is tangential.No need to beat around the bush.Go to the point.I am afraid you may have a deranged thought process.I guss that is your finger print.
