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Challenge the Vocal Minority

Challenge the Vocal Minority

The silent majority can not remain silent when the reckless behavior of the screaming few is endangering the political and economic well being of our unfortunate people. These zealous and fanatical groups have lost their sense of balance in dealing with the on-going election disputes in Ethiopia. Strangely enough, the problem arose when a regime that assumed power through the “barrel-of the-gun”, willingly permitted parliamentary elections with over 150 international groups overlooking the process. It is possible, there were reasons to dispute the results, and we need to resolve them in a timely and decisive manner. However, the “screamers” are attempting to turn this stumbling block in the natural developments of a democratic process into a national crisis that has attracted international attention. Ethiopia can not afford to have its already low international image tarnished any further by such callous actions of misguided individuals who have refused to compromise. The silent majority needs to take a stand and challenge this danger-signal, since our people deserve nothing less from them.

As usual, the fanatical groups sincerely believe that they do no wrong in the service of their beloved people. With the financial backing of the unscrupulous “parking-lot-barons”, they are able to rent radio stations and waste time on street demonstrations. They wrap themselves up with the Ethiopian flag believing their patriotism as unique and with no bounds. It is easy for them to look down on those of us who are asking for calm and reasoned approach to the problems. They are oblivious to the negative impact of their deprecating messages on the capital inflow into their country. They feel no shame to agitate against debt forgiveness for the Ethiopian people, nor do they feel any guilt for leading the innocent youth in Addis Abeba against a well armed police force. With no remorse, they contact United States Congressmen to plead for terminating all humanitarian aids to Ethiopia. Alas, the nihilist behavior of these fanatical groups are endangering the wellbeing of our beloved people.

To our vocal minority, the positive statement by the celebrated Carter Center regarding the recent elections in Ethiopia was a heresy. They even had the nerve to attack the pre-eminent leader of the center, President Carter, a well respected humanitarian and a Noble Prize winner. They went ballistic when Haji Alamudin openly supported the government party, EPDRF. This simple exercise of a democratic right had led them to vehemently and rudely attack the character of this great Ethiopian who, needless to say, is generously investing millions of dollars to improve the wellbeing of his people. As usual, the fanatics have no room for giving people their due respect.

Compromise is an alien concept in the deviant world of the screaming minority. A call by several international observers to focus on the positive political developments of the recent elections was completely ignored. Their hard headed cohorts in Ethiopia have also refused to even plan for the utilization of their historic and sizable parliamentary wins for the benefit of the people. Instead of working hard to increase their acceptance by the people in stages through meaningful contributions, they prefer to jeopardize their limited success by confronting a determined regime. They callously tried to initiate an uprising and usurp power by provoking a well armed government force. For those of us who have lived long enough to remember the previous roles of the present opposition leaders, it is back to their tactics of the early seventies. The silent majority had an opportunity to challenge the adventurous opposition leaders and their cohorts before they commenced on their urban gorilla warfare in Addis Abeba with no plans to contain an inevitable retaliation by the Derg. Then what did the opportunistic leaders do? Of course, they escaped from the country leaving behind the helpless citizens to face the calamity of the Red Terror. We must not forget the brothers and sister that we lost in the aftermath.

Well, fellow countrymen, I have news for you. The same old nihilist leaders are back from their exiles without learning the art of compromise and they are trying to lead us into the same disastrous situation. We, the silent majority, must not remain inactive or silent once again. We must actively stand for a peace and for preserving our recent economic progress.

Andenet Asefa

Re: Challenge the Vocal Minority

How strange, Andinet

This is the other Andinet. It is good that at least we share name.

Politics always involves compromise. But compromise means give and take but not as you seem to suggest take for TPLF and Give for the rest. How is TPLF compromising here?

It is troubling by the donors, the supposedly "peace-loving Ethiopians" and now the "silent majority" trying to force Ethiopians accept gratefully the number of seats his Royal Highness Meles Zenawi is kind enough to give them. How is this democratic?

"If you want to steal a million dollars, do not do it; just steal two hundred thousand." Do you find this acceptable? If not, the day light robbery of votes by Meles cannot be acceptable either.

It is alright to steal the vote if all that is stolen is 30% of the vote, it is OK if Meles kills and jails students and opposition leaders if all he jails and kills is under 20%, it is OK if people are kept in jail without charge if this is violating the prisoners constitutional right by 50%…This is absurd. But this is what we are being told by all those who pretend to uphold democracy and the rule of law. One either stands for what is right or does not. There is no half way justice.

Just as Meles is trying to scare people away from challenging his misrule by labelling political leaders who could not be bought as Dergist, you want to fool us. Do not you know that Meles has among his advisors and high level officials people who were deeply immersed in the activities of the Derg? Meles does not mind whether you were a member of Derg as long as you can serve his interest. You will be labelled as evil/facist/Derg if you stand for Ethiopia's national interest and refuse to be a loyal servant to him even if you were not born during the Derg era.

What we Ethiopians have to do is to challenge this obsession with the idea that anyone who had anything to do with Derg is bad. I remember EPLF/TPLF/OLF telling Ethiopians that opposing them was the same us supporting the "Fascist Derg regime." Convinced by their argument or sharing the short-sighted view “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” or just scared of being labelled supporter of Derg we kept silent. This allowed TPLF and EPLF to walk in with little resistance. And now, we are being told by Meles and some “well-meaning Ethiopians” that those who worked with Derg should not be involved in Ethiopian politics. Who should? For Meles even EPRP is out.

Are we also going to exclude members of the EPRDF from any future involvement politics of Ethiopia?

Do not try to fool us again and again. It is not going to work.