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Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Date Posted: 00:18:03 07/11/05 Mon
Author: Ali Mohamed Hussien
Subject: Re: Let us Nominate Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia for Nobel Prize
In reply to: Gebreselassie Zemariam 's message, "Let us Nominate Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia for Nobel Prize" on 15:35:15 07/09/05 Sat

This is not a joke. This is a shame. I hear that Mr. Zemariam, the originator of the message is a diplomat in the Ethiopian Embassy. This is a sahmeful act on the part of the Ethiopian government to use our forum to nominate one of the brutal dictators of the 21st century, who just murdered over 50 innocent people just recently. Their alleged crime was demonstrating against the government.

Ali Mohamed Hussein
Baltimore Maryland

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Mamo Qilo,

You are the one who is posting on the Nigerian Forum. I, too, have forgiven you. But stop apologizing we are happy with you. There is only one person you are using and that is Gebreselassie.

Tolosa Wako

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Mamo Qilo,
What you are doing is nonsense. Everybody can use different names and post messages like you. Don't act as if you did a great job or trick.

City: Addis

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Ras Mamule,

Why are you mad if people attack Meles on Nigerian Discussion Forums. He is the one who is losing credibility. Ask Gebreselassie why he Nominated Meles. Have you noticed that Gebreselassie has calmed down recently?

Mamo Qilo

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Dear Mamo,
Don't try to change the subject. What i told you is that you are using someones name and post messages in different forums. This is not a great job to be proud of. Try something ealse.

City: Addis

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Ras Mamule,

I apologize and must repent to you. You right. I should do something else. Somebody else also abusing my good name in this forum. It is getting out of my control. There are too many posts today under my name which I am not responsible. The same medicin I prescribed is applied to me and I am embarssaed for my transgression. I apologize and repent.

I love you people I love you people I am committing sucide. You won't see this name again. I am gone adios compatraits. Good living. I will see you in another life. Please pass my sincere apology for Arat-Kilo. I have disappointed him greatly.

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Dear Mamo,

I am surprised you replied at this time,i thought you were asleep.

To be honest, i have been enjoying your presense. Even if you change your name, it will not be difficult to recognize you.

Please stay in touch

City: Addis

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group


I was asleep, but I had programmed a fool to reply for me. The reply just above this was done by one of my robots not by me. I was dead asleep.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation


City: Addis

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Hagere Ethiopia,

I know I have damaged you in front of the very people that you were trying to impress. You said you are a professional and educated chap. If that is true you are a graduate of Tera Sedeb University. I challenge you to debate me on any susbtantive topic. History, political science, Economics, law. Sir I have read books that you would need to lifetime to read. Intellectually I will render you lifeless again for the second time. So let us stop name calling and getting into the gutters. Yes, I am only a high school graduate but challenged your educated self to debate with me. I will teach you a lesson or two.

You and Ibrahim are the same kind of people. You regurgitate a few lines over and over and insist that you are enlightened. Take my challenge and let me show you what political enlightnment means. You will be better educated. If you cannot do that, do yourself a favor take it like a man and lick your wounds.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Dear Lemlem:

Let me put the verbatim of you message. It reads as follows:

Hagere Ethiopia: Yourself being Tigraye and tell
Meles what he really is,
“a tyrant bloodthirsty killer
shows how much you love your country.”
All God fearing Ethiopian Tigrayes
should follow your path and say
“Not in our Name.”

What I want to ask you is this:
You wrote, “Feudalism will
never come back to Ethiopia”
Don’t you think it is here
already under different
name "Meles Zenwaye?"

Listen, as the Honorable Hailu Shawl put it perfectly I, the Tigre, voted for a Kinijit candidate who is a non tigrean. I live in Teklehaimanot area where over 85% are Tigres. The last 14 years has taught many Tigres a lot of things. In 1991 many Tigres thought their time has come. Many even dared to say "the throne taken from us by Menelik came back once again to us." They considered it as a ressurection of King Yohannes dynasty. As time elapsed the truth started unfolding itself and almost all said, "awekush nakush". No more euphoria over "yetigre mengist". Almost all have understood there should not such thing as tigre, oromo, amhara. Almost all now want a government that truly represents the interests of all Ethiopian people irrespective of ethnicity, religion etc. Many admitted the grave error they commited and confessed in public. Gebru Asrat in public asked apology from the Ethiopian people. Others followed suit. My sister Lemlem, what I want to advise you is that it should be we all Ethiopians that have to say to Meles "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". THIS IS not AT ALL A TASK YOU CAN FREELY ASSIGN TO ONE ETHNIC GROUP. It is wrong. It is outrageous. Your approach is a sure recipe for defeat. TPLF is working 7/24 to create unbridgeable intellectual and emotional divide. Don't be an easy prey for their evil design. Meles is engaged into terrorising everybody with his blanket accusation of the opposition being "anti Tigre". He in the past intimidated many politicians into silence, even those who loathed for him. He is determined to win everybody to his interest NOT by the force of his example or ideas, but by the force of arms. I am sure you are NOT advising me to go for a head on collision and sacrifice myself in a silly manner. Assume yourself in my position and try to imagine what you could have done. You can read what I wrote to a certain guy called GEBRE. Finally, I didn't mean to offend you. I am a type of person who, when gets angry, never uses coded diplomatic language. Otherwise I am an engaging conversationist. I am also eoquent and persuasive. Maybe my straight forwardness is a dreadful vice of me. Take ONLY the good side of me. I hate also guys like MAMO QILO, who are sanctimonious demagogues parading as PATRIOTS whereas they are actually mercenaries willing to defend a guy like MUDI 7/24. The MAMO QILOS are NOT reliable. They serve anyone who fills their bottomless appetite. Hodam as they are, they even try to advertise PEPSI in a forum like this meant and dedicated to discuss the current affairs of our country. They are sickening bunch of vultures. There are many MAMO QILOS here in Addis. You find them in Sheraton at office bar every night with a bottle of very expensive whiskies. Let me tell you what I witnessed one day. I went there to attend a weding ceremony. Mudi was dead drunk. He started spitting on all vultures who had surrounded him. They cleaned their face and smiled to him. He then splashed a glass full of whiskey over them. They again smiled. I tell you the MAMO QILOS at the office bar are not human beings. They are 70% dogs and 30% human beings with severe mental retrdation

City: Addis


City: Addis

Re: Meles Under Constant Attack on Nigerian Discussion Group

Dear Hagere Ethiopia,
This nut, so called Mamo Qilo, is one who suffers from recognition hunger. It is psychologically proved that a person who grows up in a diificult circumstances subconsciously blame themselvesb and feel unworthy. For he feels unworthy, he tried to feign another person. Such mental disorder arises from leading PARALLEL lives, an external life that takes its natural course and an internal life where the secrets are hidden. Mamo Qilo, when he was a child, his outside life could be filled with friends and fun, but his internal life was full of uncertainity, anger, and a dread of ever looming violence. A drunkard father and a ***** mother can never ever get the chance to raise a decent boy. The result in such cases is a run of mill like MAMO QILO. It is a PITY!!!!Everything what we do here on this forum is not important for Mamo Qilo. He is determined to spoil everything. It is ONLy for him so much dog dripping because he is at root NOT intellectual, not conceptual about the actual. He is NOT even smart or witty. He is like a man with severe brain disorder.


City: Addis