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Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

After I read most CUD supporter, I realized they have three main concern:- I find it bothering to say good bye without answering those concern that my CUD Supporter have:-

Number one concern:-

It is on top of five years that you get another five years.

Answer:- A short answer would be So What! people will not die, that would be good enough for me..beside even if we started armed struggle will not get our freedom within five years it might take 17years the case with TPLF... Even same people put TPLF uprising over 40 years HIM Crash them with the help of GB. I could name many armed freedom struggle that takes over one generation, OLF, EPLF, EPRP(NOW ALMOST DEAD) You can look to Middle East, Asia, India, Sri lanka Even GB...

in short don't be discourage by length of time a peacefully struggle take... 25 years of armed struggle is common thing now a day therefore if peacefully struggle take another 25 years without affecting the stability of the country and economy growth by that time people meanitlity change the new genaration will take place the old one therefore human right issue will not be oppressed... When people allowed to learn peacefully they become more sencentive to human right issue then poor nation... if you take armed struggle road then time will stand still no change will occurred people will be same old poor people ready to kill each other all this education will change it if it allowed to take roots.

Number two concern:-

Why should we Give power to EPRDF despite the fact that it did not win.

In matter of fact that is exactly what should be done to cool of any animosity between the two party and OLF.. Then the question would be why did EPRDF deserve to win without winning... To open minded people it easy to see CUD is only two month old party... with no record of history... In fact they didn't show any kind of leadership when it come to loss of life... Even if they couldn't have avoided the lose life they should have tried... in short CUD is untested but CUD SUPPORTERS give a lot of trust on this new party while claiming EPRDF will not give-up power after five... Then how would we know the cud it self refusing to leave power after five what is our grantee? The answer would be coming next.

The game is not to have winner and loser but to have both winner... If EPRDF WILL the federal and CUD WIN Addis Ababa pulse over 120 sets in pairlment... then we will have two winner.. As of now what CUD try to do is to make EPRDF loser... in short the CUD GAME PLAIN IS the winner take all.. the dangures of this the winner take all game is when EPRDF become loser at that time they have nothing to lose... A person nothing to lose if very risker... they can do big damage... in number of ways.

1. EPRDF COULD give OLF POWER to control their area. If not dividing the country it will be very hard for CUD to regain their control of oromia once they lost their control.

2. EPRDF RUN to their area and leave Ethiopia without army... when the arm removed from Ethiopia law and order bread down... with in a matter of hours the looter and the hooligans will take control of Addis Ababa... the lose of life and property would be unimaginable

3... Ethiopia will stop exist as we know it.

4. Then again there is a rare chance Ethiopia will survived after Meles and his army gone but who would take this risk? it is a huge risk to take

number three concern:-

If we give power to Meles this time around..... then EPRDF will use its arm on the next election to hold its power. should we then need to wait another five years?

The answer is:- Yes you should wait another five years... otherwise what you going to do? are you going to field to die for your believe or are you try to send other poor family children to war to get power?

If armed struggle is out of the question the what is the solution? The solution is simple once the CUD and oppositions accept the 200 set they should try to change the constitution... once the constitution amended then we can live up it...

The magic world is term limit... Even Meles will agree if the constitution amendment take place peacefully and legally... the Not Meles even CUD HAVE NO WAY OVER STAYING THEIR WELCOME.

without changing the constitution telling Meles to go hell is if not stupid it must be foolish

I hope this will anwer eveything you are concerned about:-

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

you are back to learn a thing or two as some body said. I have found you disrespecting your decision like EPRDF officials. I have not really got a point form your replay. We all want peaceful struggel to step down our cabinnal leaders. CUD says nothing more or less. The point is however, EPRDF does not want any kind of struggle. Every request to EPRDF goes answered shot dead on head. what does it mean to you?
You have to be very clear of just a point. You get nothing for free when it comes to politics. I am not saying we should be armed and incite the battle. That has its own season. Do not be coward friend. Coward people die many times before thier death.

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

meles you must be dreaming. your days are numbered and just buy a house in zimbabwe or else.


Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

We won't find him in europe or usa. If so, wow, we know what to do!!!

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!


You said "You have to be very clear of just a point. "

But you are not very clear when you said "I am not saying we should be armed and incite the battle."

If you are not saying armed and incite the battle then what are you saying... you shouldn't say two thing in on time.

Also you are not clear when you said "Do not be coward friend. Coward people die many times before thier death" are you not implying armed and inciting the battle?

you also said armed and inciting the battle have it's own season? can you tell use when it is the season if it is after five years then why not accpt the 200 set and move on...

You also said "You get nothing for free when it comes to politics." I know in your little mind you want to arm and inciting the battle but if you believe nothing gain for free then why not CUD accpet 200 set... call it the cost of doing business with Meles or call it by any name the CUD want to get power for free almost get it... now they are truning the time backword by refuing 200 set... for party who have no army how have just orginized two month ago 200 sets is a great gain gving up the winning card would be consder cost of doing bussiness athewise as you said nothing should be gain for free and let CUD TRY THE OTHER ROAD it will take them 25 years just to end up the palce they started...

No more time armed struggle and peacfull struggle take the same amount of time... how people fail to understand this? they all again and again they can't waite five years again and again... weather you like it or not you going to waite five year even if you choice the armed way... therefore it is not better way to waite it out another five years peacfully?

For one last time even peacfully sturggle takes 25year it is a better way because no body die...

If you took the armed sturggle way it also take 25years then you guys so stupid to see the differnce?

Thanks As I said this is my last post even if you don't understand... you will be forced to understand given time..

I will read your reply to me for next two day and so after that when reply die out that will be my lost of me... I will try to read of your reply out of respect and the comitment I have about peacfuly sturggle regradless the party you choice..

Thanks once again for allow me to say it they way I see it.

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

Tulu you always made interesting comments good job body don’t be ashamed you try your best. To the people don’t have any kind of solution or alternation you will accept the out come one way to another. I am afraid you all bunch of tags unable to purse family tradition losers.


City: Gojjam

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!


You seem to be missing a point or two important elements from your otherwise pointless analysis.

First, TPLF is not only a political entity. It is a criminal economic institution. It is using the political mantle to nurture and protect its economic enterprise. Do you think another five years would change that? Comment sense would tell you that after five years TPLF would have even more reason to use the state security apparatus to protect its economic enterprise? By that time it would have stolen even more public property and would need even more brutal force.

Second, the purpose of democratic election is to use the peoples vote as the ultimate decision to settle who should rule for the next five years. Oromia voted that it trusted the opposition. One what ground do you change this? Who other than the people have the right to change this?

Tulu, I say you are a member of the tribal gangs that have been looting Ethiopia for 14 years. What say you?

Mamo Qilo

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

Mamo Qilo,
You misleading us again. I you have stolen million dollars the first thing you do is hide it. but if you hide it you can't use it. The next best thing you should try to do is make your stolen money legit how.. that is why they call it money laundering to clear the dirty moeny.

Back to Meles the money they stolen form public property they have more reason to make this stolen moeny legit, how by sharing the power with Cud... using brutal force might work for short time but will not last... the

Your Second misleading point, the purpose of democratic election is to use the peoples vote as the ultimate decision to settle

Answer that is not the case Bush lost when voted conuted one for one.. or lost the popular vote but he win the election why.. the democratic election is not to make one loser and one winner.. otherwise you would have seen bloodshed in USA... democratic election is to make both side winner even one lose you might get 200 set just like cud also might get Addis just like cud then where they loser

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!


Hurry Up before Aggazzi divided. I thought you are about to save their ass. Good Luck on your future though it is very difficult to find a place to hide , go on and search before it is to late.

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!


I guess you do not understand the American system. During the first election Bush did not get the majority vote. But in the US it is the electoral-votes that count. Bush won because he got more electoral-votes. So much for your preaching, Tultula.

Mamo Qilo

Re: Back on popular demand for LAST TIME!

Allow me to ask you some questions.
1) define me the following terms, truth, democracy,
corruption, and steal
3) which of the above words you exercise in your life
why? why not?
4) How are you able to practice your choice in 3), asume you have at least one
I think you are in USA. can you talk to me how USA has got the freedom that you are enjoying? did USA get it for free? if so when? Please get Mamo quilo phone number. He will let you know a lot about america and freedom.