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Ethiopia needs all our help!!!

Selam everyone,

Please sign this petition, our people back home really need us to at least do this for them at the comfort and safety of our home/office etc as they are putting their lives at risk to instill democracy and freedom.

Also I just want to say that I am so proud of our people back home for not only exercising their right to choose their own leaders but for also risking their lives to protect that right. I am also so very proud of the Diaspora for finally realizing and using the power we have in being abroad in making a difference for our country. We made history by coming together no matter what our differences might have been and stood for our country and our people back home. The continuous protest by the Diaspora throughout Europe, Canada, US etc is forcing the western world - government and media to pay attention to the atrocity that is going on in Ethiopia and most importantly not let the EPRDF get away with the stamp of approval they got from the so-called observers - carter center, EU etc as being a fair and free election. Our effort has contributed significantly as the outcome was tremendous. Yesterday the UK suspended a $54m (£30m) aid increase due to the controversy that has been brought to light by our people's persistence. Had our people not taken a stand and fought back like they did, the EPRDF was going to make serious cash at the expense of our people once again and this time they would have made so much more money because since the debt was cancelled by the G8 a few days ago, whatever money they were going to get was going to go straight to their pockets, so you can only imagine how ****** off they are right about now. Congratulations to everyone for their contribution and sacrifice!!!! Now we need to do all we can to ensure that they don’t get a penny from the US either.

I hope we all learn from this and continue to always stand by one another and work side by side for the betterment of our country and people. After all the well being of our country and people is up to no one, but us the people. We have left it up to whomever for far too long and unfortunately it has been to none other than to those who did nothing but worked to destroy us and our country. The Time has truly come for us to reclaim our land, history and legacy. We should always remember that whatever government we choose is there to work for and represent us and just as we have the right to hire, we also have the right to fire our leaders if they are working against us. What Ethiopia needs are leaders who truly love Ethiopia and all her people, who will represent everyone equally and fairly and promote unity. We are all first and foremost Ethiopians, so let us all come together as one people and stop this madness of Ethnic division, as it is destructive to all of us. We have so much to work on such as ending the spread of HIV/Aids, poverty, corruption, hunger etc and we really can't afford to be distracted by the small details. Let's all embrace and respect one another for our differences and come together to uplift our country and people. Let's finally continue in the tradition of our ancestors who died to keep Ethiopia free from the hands of enemy and make them all proud of us as we are of them!!!

Get up everyone and do your part to contribute to this effort, our country and people really need us more than ever, there is so much at stake and none of us can afford to ignore what is going on any longer. Our strength and their (meaning EPRDF and any enemy of Ethiopia) defeat is our unity, their strength and our defeat is our division.

Mariam Fikre


City: Washington DC