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Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Selam For All,
I think that CUD is fabricating today's oppositions and tomorrow's dictators. Once they jump on to the boats of powers, they would be better dictators than the Meles regime.



City: NoCity

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!


You sound like a cave man/woman, who has found it difficult to understand life in a civilized setting. We understand your dilemma. We pity you.

Your parents think you are in ferenji ager to learn the skills and manners of life in a civilized society. You are finding it difficult to give up your cave mentality leave alone to learn about the wisdom of democracy and civilization. Poor soul!

Mamo Qilo


Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Dear truth i was seriously sorry you are not nebiy. if you are poor minded you may think like these, you know CUD and other opposition party are wel educated people they know what they do,so don`t worry about that thank you.



Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

You have missed the boat.please wait until it gets back. It could equally remain there giving no concern about your delay.

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Watch out. You are accountable
for misusing the word "truth" You can
not deserve this name. The virus would
be good name for you.
Give us break okay

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

here we go again woyane sypthazers warning us about the future.
you woyanes, we just want change from your ill minded woyane rule. period.


Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Hey! Don't attack the person directly. Truth post her/his idea. Why don't you reasonably contradict the idea. Are you guys living in US?

City: Addis

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Hey! Don't attack the person directly. Truth post her/his idea. Why don't you reasonably contradict the idea. It is not morraly and legally acceptable to insult somebody. The future Mirchaws!!!!!!!!!

City: Addis

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

I think moderator can teel us if Mamule and Mamo as well as Jadu are the same person.
It looks to me they are.
At least, if they use the same IP address, then they are the one and the same.
Is it a fair question?
Can moderator help us uncover this?
If you can, please do so!

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

There is no way in the world Mamula and Mamo are the same person. Though, I am convinced that Mamo and Jadu are the same person. But who cares, I like Mamo and Jadu and of course I like you too Arat Killo.

Re: Today Opposition Tomorrow Dictators!

Dear Arat Kilo,
Do you know what the opposition parties indicate as one of the major problems of EPRDF? It is the concept of Amalgamation...Mecheflek. You are trying to attack those who have differnt openion other than yours. the first step you took...Squeezing them together! God knows what will be next

City: Addis