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US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

I heard that my cousin and his friend who came to Ethiopia from the United States for a visit were detained for opposing the government. They are now in Zeway concentration camp. Their families are in distress. This incident would also impact the freedom of movement of Ethiopians all over the world.

Meles this is non-sense and the Mengistu era is here all over again.

City: Addis Ababa

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

weshetam bring something else


City: kenya

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

You should contact the RED CROSS in Addis.

Muller, You are insensitive.

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles


Call the Senator and the Congressman of the district or the state your cousin and his friend live in. Tell them that they are law abiding, tax paying and voting members of the community (if this is the case). Remember green card holders can vote for congress men and senators. Call and follow it up with a phone call and try to go in person if you could. Ask all your relatives and friends to send emails, faxes and letters to their congressmen and senators. Remember in the US every potential voter has a voice and he/she is heared. Send their and your congressmen and senators the pictures of the victims of the Addis Masacare and tell them that you are afraid that is what the government of Meles Zenawi will do to your cousin and his friend. Tell them that they have banned foreign news agancies including VOA so that their crimes will not be reported. Ask their congressman and senators and your own congressman and senators to intervene by calling the State Department and the white house and the US embassy in Addis. Check if your cousin has applied for US citizenship before he left. If so let them know that his application to become a US citize is in process. I would be be happy to prepare a package for you, if you would take action.

Mamo Qilo.


Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Dear Mamo Qilo,

You are wonderful beyond being a loyal Ethiopian. I have seen all what you post and seriously read and act on them.

I appreciate your participation in this board.

Regards to you,



City: Addis

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles


Thank you very much.

Mamo Qilo


Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

You are doing your part towards building democracy and tolerance in Ethiopia, bravo!.
I have read most of your other messages elsewhere, including your messages regarding Alamoudi.
You sound moderate, logical, fair-minded and honest.
Please continue to help our people and country to come together, against a background of a very strange dictator, who has tried to blend apartheid( bantustan separate development) and 21st century stalinism in what they call ( But no body still understands) Revolutionary Democracy. Do you think deomcracy and revolution can go together?.

Mamo, although I like youe moderate opinions, you may not feel the depth of the oppression the Ethiopian people face every day.
Very strange things happen in Ethiopia, let me mention only a few. Ethiopia is a country Where:-

1 The ruling party is unequivocally against the national interest of the country- Strange.
2 Which has a leader who passionately and probabally pathologically hates the country. His reason for existence is hatred of certain people and not the love of others- still strange.
3 We have a leader of 70 million -plus people, who takes correspondence academic courses while waging war. Still very strange. Please try to imagine. What is a degree for, when you are the leader of a large country, with huge problems?. Does an honest leader have time to think about furthering his academic credintials during his country's darkest hours?
4 The Nazis were big liars. But compared with Woyane propoganda ( I grant that the Nazis were extremely cruel in mass killings, which is not the case with Woyanne), they are the junior members in a league of 20th century lying machines/totalitarian parties.In Ethiopia today Governemnt media is synonymous with big lies even at the level of our farmers.
5 Almost nobody in the governemnt has any meaningful and coherent plan on what their objective, strategy , goal is. (In general most relatively honest EPRDF people don't even know why they are here.) Rather the woyanne learership survives day today by sptting ourt whatever hateful thoughts comes to their feversh mind( and they congradulate eachother for doing a great job). But they surviuved for 14 years doing that- Still strange.
6 If you can look at the map of Eriteria ,it is one of the most strange configurations. A country that is carved out along the coastline, artificially created to deny Ethiopia access to the sea. More strange is that Eritrea possess a port it can never use, Assab,-, because it is very, very far from Eriterian centers of population and economic activities. All this is done with the active participation of the Woyannes.(Before they came to power, some Woyane fighters were inquiring about the need of a port, for at least Tigray. The learned response from the chief ideolouge( you know who) as that "Ports are meant to import luxury goods like cars, television, and the other needs of the Bourgiosie, so we don't need it."
7 All thes facts are there for everyone to see, but not much is reported. On the contrary, the supreme leader is "progressive, "pragmatic" in the eyes of the western media, who, I think, do not bother to report on the existing reality, by going deeper than the superficial public statemets of the propoganda minitry.
8 A political leadership that sells Ethiopia's legal rigths of using the waters of the Nile.
8 A leadreship which constantly threatens (perhaps internally wishing) its people about fragmentation, ethnic bloodshed, and every other conceivable disaster.
9 A country whose amabssadors mostly speak against the national interests of the nation.
10 A party in power which foments ethnic hatred, almost officially now.
11 A party that constantly and consistentely tells its people , almost every day,-that "You are lazy, poor", - Very strange indeed!

(On the other hand I firmly beleive that Ethiopians are one of the most hard working people in the world. Please think of the ethiopian mothers who brought us up, perhaps taking only one piece of injera, or a handful of beans, for the whole day, doing this almost everyday of theire lives; or a farmer working the whole day with a piece of injera; all without resorting to immgration and exile. In my opinion, the Ethiopian People can endure through bad experiences and are resilient to come back and continue life. How much endurance can you see if you deny an American his lunch? In spite of our individual hard working capacity , we are starving, while Americans are living in propserity. Why? the answer is simply- they have developed a sytems of governement that allows them the freedom to every individual to exercise his rights and contribute through his endowments to society.)

the list goes on.....

My friend Mamo, that is why the Woyannes, contrary to their wishes and expectations, have now created the most patriotic generation in Ethiopia, jealously guarding its motherland.
Never Again Shall Ethiopia be a victim of its enemies and dictators.
Ethiopia shall be be free.

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

How many Mamo Qilos are here? I think Mamo is writing and appreciating him/herself. Just curious.

City: Addis

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Mamo kilo, you are really boring...

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Hi Dear,
I do not understand your problem. I think your relatives can still hold their Green Cards in the detention.


City: NoCity

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

What is unfortunate is that some of you have lived in the most democratic system on earth for so long, but you are yet to get the essence of democracy and respect for basic human right. This is what they mean by you can get some savages out of their caves, but you cannot get savagery out of them. I was not sure what this meant until I met the likes of truth and you guys Mamule and Truth.

Mamo Qilo


Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Mamule and Truth,

Why don't you guys go outside and play or find a game on the computer.

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Mamule and Truth aren't necessarily people who are here for a game. No, I don't think so. They are out on a campaign of character assasination, targeting the most effective one of course. What they failed to understand is that there are much more functioning minds than there are those like them who are grossly deficient of gray matter in their brain.


City: DC area

Re: US Greencard holders detained in Zeway by Meles

Do you think it is fair to insult someone like this? I asked a simple question, How many Mamo Qilos? Why didn't you give me a simple answer? One, two,or...
Don't you think two or more Mamo Qilos can exist?

The other thing is regarding the US Greencard holders' detantion. I am sorry for all Ethiopians detained by the government but i don't think a special concern is needed for those holding Greencard. We have to struggle for those illegally arrested in spite of their status.

City: Addis