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Not to be seilfish!!!!!!!! and I love my country too but.........

Does any one know how many people are in detantion center around united states? And is any one doing any thing about it.Now our siutiation is bad and unstabled I wonder if the attorney General is going to isue a TPS (temporary protaction status) ? So many of them are told to stay more after they have been suffering for the last 6 monthes or so Please advice me in what you think? because I have a sister who have been in detantion for long now.....

City: dallas

Re: Not to be seilfish!!!!!!!! and I love my country too but.........

If it is a concelation to you, a lot of us have some one we love has been detained and no one knows where woyane is holding them and there is no nothing we can do about!
At least your is here in US, ours are there where there is no one can say anything about!
Some of them are detained for more than 10 years.
No one knows if they are alive or not!
I am posting to show at least you get one response!
You deserve a response!
Temesgen malet newe, yekefam alena!

Re: Not to be seilfish!!!!!!!! and I love my country too but.........

Thank you 4kilo I wasn't only talking about one person I am talking of many ethiopians. And ususlly when something like this happen they should be free because of the law (temporary protection stuatus) and I am just wondering that they are not forgoten and ignored.Because they can't go back home.It's either they they let them go to face what ever is going on back home or they are going to be in for very long time .But what you said is right .At-list they are in us but still the law of immigration sould work for them too.........

City: dallas