Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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It´s more than interhamoy

Dear readers,

I came back to europe from addis in the night of last monday and i´ve never seen such an ignorant, abusive and blood thirsty army like meleses agazian dogs....i´ve been in addis 4 the last 6 months and have seen many killings, at least a coupl of them i witnessed, beatings and all illigalities on the poor.
I also followed up all the so called electorial process and the robbery and theft of the peoples voice. I also had a chance to participate in the first multi milion protest which ever occured on the history of man kind. I also realised how come a human don´t understand when he´s hated this much or how can he bare the shame by living among the people who never want to see him.....that´s what me and the rest of my people say...please take all you looted and robed and stolen...go back to your kilel and never come back!!!!!! leave us alone, we are more rich, peace full and has enough 4 us if you put away the blood sucking pipe you put on our throat. I say this to every tigrawi supporter of the killer interhamoies...home or abroad...leave us alone. we don´t need your axum or tribal or historical artyi burti....please carry on my message brothers...let them leave us alone, 4 goood!!!!!!
