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Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

I am puzzled by Arat Kilo. Why would one try to divert the issue from Meles to Al Amoudi or even muddy the issue of Meles's genocide with Al Amoudi's public expression of support to EPRDF before the election? Why post messages after messages diverting the attention of the forum away from Meles's act of genocide? I am just wondering.

Why do I wonder? First is Arat-Kilo seems to have a problem with the basic democratic principles of Al Amoudi's right to express his political view in public. Second, every time someone posts about Meles Arat-Kilo comes with a message on Al Amoudi.

This could be simply an obsession on his part to score a point or two on Al Amoudi. But it makes me wonder why?

Mamo Qilo

Re: Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

baby wrote good about you!
Here is the copy for you to read, if are brave enough to do so!

Hi Mamo

Would you mind telling when and where alamoudi support kids with HIV and homless. I am not challenging your knowledge for what I know up to now, Alamoudi has never ever reached to the needy and innocent people. I think President Girm Woldeyes is much better on this issue. No one said that he doesn't have the right to vote. But if he believed that he is an ethiopian how on earth he is trying to bribe the people to vote for EPDRF. He can't lobby for the party. Ethiopia doesn't apporved second nationality since now. As Alamoudi has the right for that Mirchaw has the right to say what ever he want say. If Alamoudi think he is 100% innocent. Why did he want to sue the individual. There is something fishy going on. I think Mamo is your nick and your really name might be Negsay, please stop the crap. I know he has given you all what you need. You can quarel with your people but you can't quarel with your country. At least your will be burried when you die. Therfore, drop died.

Re: Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

Arat Kilo,
I share mamo's concern. At least in two occassions I have noted that you seem to agree to drop this issue for the sake of the big agenda we deal now. That was what you agreed to my suggestion to stop this "obsession". What is going on body?


City: DC area

Re: Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

Mamo=Negusy (which I found out from baby) is the one who is bringing it up!
After I wrote I will stop, he came up with What is your purpose!
He is the one who posted that!
So, I see he is scared that his big dady (Mudy) is being attaced and he doesn't like it!
He is out there to defend Sheki 'Mudy'.
He is kissing up to Mudy!

Re: Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

what about agreeing to stop it now. I am not trying to defend Alamoudi, even though, I don't agree with some of your points. We have better things to discuss and do.


City: DC area

Re: Arat-Kilo - What is Your Purpose?

But make sure Mamo=Negusy better stop it to!
I don't mined if people agree with me or not, it is like a vote.
Those who want to vote with me have the right to vote!
That's all i am saying!
I had a couple of things to say, but I have decided to Stop!
Here we go, I have stopped!