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Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

Let us boycott Sheraton and Pepsi internationally until
Sheraton and Pepsi International revoke the Sheki franchise license!
The Sheki doesn't own Sheraton or Pepsi; he has a franchise right that can be revoked!

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally


Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

ewnetim mosquito


City: DC area

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

No we shall not boycot Sheraton and Pepsi. Let us focus on EPRDF and Meles. They are the ones who are killing our people.

Let us leave Al Amoudi alone. Let Ethiopians in Ethiopia judge him. They know his contribution and also his mistakes, if at all he had committed one. For me he has the right to support any party he chose.

Mamo Qilo


Re: Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

What are you trying to say Jadu?

Re: Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

What we do individually will later represent what Ethiopians do collectivelly.
So, let anyone who agree to boycott to do so!
Mamo, if you do not want to boycott then don't!
If the majority is with you then good for you, if not then the majority will decide thru individual action.
It is like a vote, let people do vote for Sheki (Bee) or against Sheki (Bee).
That is the only power people have, to vote.
You do your vote, here there will be no cheating, because people's reaction shows clear result.

Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi!
I belive those who vote with me will vote for Ethiopia!
We have to use our power!!!!!!

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

No We don't believe that he has contributing to ethiopia. Don't forget he is EPDRF member. That is the truth in Addis Mamo

City: Addis

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally


You claim that Al Amoudi is an "EPDRF member. That is the truth in Addis" Do you have any proof on this? I support CUD, but I am not a member. There is a difference. I am sure you know.

Ladies and gents, let us pleae be rational and let us most of all have respect to the truth. Let us also sort out the fiction from the reality. That is supposed to separate us from TPLF thugs.

Mamo Qilo aka Bula Geberdin

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

Arat killo,

Are there that many rich Ethiopians who can afford Sherton Hotel? Well if there are, they should use their money to help the poor.

Why work so hard as a taxi driver, Hotel attendant,
parking lot attendant, and waste their money at Sherton Hotel? Instead of giving more money to their mama.

By the way are you saying boycott just Papsi drinks only or all papsi products.

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally


As you are a member of EPDRF how come you don't know that the shiek is your bro? Any way ask for Commerical Bank, they will proved you all the loan that have given by the Sheik and guranteed by EPDRF.

City: Addis

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally


No, I am not a member of EPRDF. You seem to have lost the logical debate. All you can do is to endulge in personal attack. Your logic is up side down. Do I need to be a member of EPRDF for him to be or not to be my brother.

It seems to me that Al Amoudi does not need EPRDF to guarantee his loan. He can raise hundereds of millions of dollars without any problem. What he has in Ethiopia is a fraction of his wealth. This is what I mean by visious and venomus personal attack.

with love

Mamo Qilo

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

The only difference I see b/n the Marthas and Mirchaw is that they don't own and operate their radio like Mirchaw. Neither do they have the gut to come out on forums where there is legal consequences for defemation and persoal abuse based on absolute fabrications.
I know this would automatically label me as the CC meber of EPRDF. That is how things operate with you guys.


City: DC area

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

Have you stayed in sheraton addis or drinking pepsi? if you do, you would not have write this. Because their is a lot of ethiopians work and support their families. I think it is very bad idea. By the way Ai Amoudi is a business man. He invests his money to make money the same time providing jobs for people.

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

Let us not be silly. That doesn't be helpful to anyone.

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

My fellow Ethiopians,
Try to respect the rights of an individual to express his own attitude. leave alone Sheik Al Amoudi. let him work without hesitation to express his feeling. Can't someone live with different political ideology in the Ethiopian soil?
What are you saying? PLEASE, PLEASE let's discuss about peace and!!?/


City: AA

Re: Boycott Sheraton and Pepsi Internationally

Hi Everybody,
Play smart guys!! Who's going to suffer at the end? Aren't those poor people working at Sheraton and Pepsi companies who would undergo miseries? Are we trying to attack the Sheiki or the people? The Sheik won't loose a penny!! The same works with Meles. Can't you see the Taxi drivers have already started to work? What did they bring? Nothing- except loosing of their 5 days wedges. Hunger strike, ...blablabalba works in developed nations not in Ethiopia. Nobody cares!! They (Meles) know we wont bring anything. Unless there is some force to take them down. Let me remind you what Meles said just after the election, "anybody can call a bald a bald but nobody is allowed to touch the bald (pointing to his head)". To his Dummy!!
