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After a week, you will find agaazi dying in the streets of ethiopia. Thanks to a palestinian friend of mine, i am now able to make blasts. I hope this will help me a lot. I am gonna try it tomorrow. EPRDF hates students it is only because they know its tactic just in no time. Now, this will be another achievement from some one who was a student. I will darely pass the science to many students in ethiopia.

Re: Blasts


No we do not need your bombs. It is a peaceful movement and do not try to poison it. I suspect you are EPRDF's footsoldier. This is one of the arranged accident tricks I said TPLF will play. I am sure they will blow up some government building and blame it on the public and justify their masacare in Addis.

Mamo Qilo


Re: Blasts

we were looking for some one just like you. Try it
soon. We will capture you and use the science for us

Re: Blasts

Yes, we have to use all options to step down eprdf.
I am happy to get know you. It used to be my dream. Last year i tried some but could not succeed. I am able to make rifle that can send the blast distances. Why do not we try our best to know each other. Do you have some knowlege on cryptography? that would be helpful.

Re: Blasts

Legesse and Melaku,

I know you are angry and hurt, but we shouldn't promote violence. Believe me, I understand your frustration. Try to do some thing constractive, like writing letters, e-mails, phone calls, to different organization.

(I am very concerend, I try to call Bahar Dar, it couldn't go through.)

Re: Blasts


There is no place for violence.We are against any kind of initiation and perpetuation of violence.Please refrain from violence.


Re: Blasts

This is for member of EPDRF or EPDRF. Are you still hoping to serve from this fraud. You better look for your place don't waste a single time.

City: Falls Church

Re: Blasts

Thank you but no thank you! we don't want see another inncent life be wested on the street ok.

Re: Blasts

Please Legesse that sounds wonderful
make it ready. We will use it finally. Ya if some one does not respect the verdict of the people and would still like to lead a country merely by force, that is an option.right?