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Melese with all his bravery and knowledge is obviously a misfit amidest his EPRDF junk of ignorants and spoiled scums. They have no vison, no purpose except stupid selfish motives. They make no good to support his mission. I wonder how they communicate and understand eachother. Of course, they can take commands without questioning. What good does it give to Melese if their ignorance drag him down to their level and make him a suffer difit.
Melese need to get rid of his junks and re organize a viable party that will make him fit to stand infront of the Ethiopian people confidently. I always see his posetives and wish him success. His 17 years commitement shold not be lost.


City: Jimma

Re: Misfit.


Sorry to disappoint you. But your discription of his subbordinates fits him well. Meles had no vision. What vision are you talking about my sister. Giving Asab away. Imposing tribal politics. What vision, sister?


Re: Misfit.

could n't we use vision for negative acts??