Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

Ethiopian Review Readers Forum
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More should be done than just condamening by civic oreganisation and opposition parties

I have heard with great entusiasism the news that different civic organisation are unified in con****ing the ruthless and brutal act of the Melse-Bereket regime.

Though we all ethiopians welcomed this honorable move by the civic and humaniterian organisations in the support and defense of the civic society, I strongly believe that more should be done than just condamening the cowardly and undemocratic act of the government by supporting the victimes and their relatives. It is up to these organisations and the opposition parties to identify the victimes, notify it on public,asses their situation and coordinate all kind of humaniterian and legal help to address their need. By doing so we can sustain the struggle of those thousands of ethiopians who are brutually murdered and thrown in to a torture chamber.

And this is high time for both the civic society and the opposition leaders to fend for and champion the cause that the millions are dying for by commemorateing them.

Support the families and relatives of the deads and the injured!!!!!


City: Stockholm