Ethiopian Review Readers Forum

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Meles's thinking

"He underestimated that people have been suppressed for 14 years," says one diplomat. "Suddenly the cork was taken out of the bottle with the presence of the observers."

"Meles is a capitalist on the outside, a Marxist on the inside, which is why they are in a state of disarray," says one analyst. Former TPLF members concur. When Mr Meles promoted his idea of revolutionary democracy, "I never understood it myself, even though I was in the party," says one.


City: Addis ababa

thinking, thinking...

We Ethiopians need more than ever UNITY today. The policy of dividing us through our ethnic and province diversities was and is practiced by the actual government. It reduced considerably our ability to stand for our rights…
If Meles tempted democracy, it is a good step forward but as we can all see our country is not ready for it.
We needn’t confront armed African Military, they will surly not hesitate to use it. And the irony of it is that they will not be jugged for their criminal acts!! Hellas!!
We have to face our history and try not to compare our standard to the Western world, but raise funds and educate our people. It is the only way to fight the Marxism and anti democratic regime practiced the last 30 years in Ethiopia.
We were once an example of freedom against colonization, let’s try now and work for freedom against dictatorship!!!!!!
Let’s fight wisely!!!!!


City: Paris