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The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

June 8, 2005

Now that Meles is rounding up opposition leaders and they are unable to speak out, the CUD and UEDF overseas representatives need to step forward and lead the struggle to remove the criminal regime. Call on the people of Ethiopia to unite. Call a nationwide general strike. Declare the Agaazie force the enemy of the people and ask local police departments to cooperate with the people in taking actions against them. Inform its commanders that they will face charges of genocide, along with Meles. This has to be articulated repeatedly by CUD and UEDF using every available means of communication. Direct the people's anger towards a more organized effort to defeat Meles and gang. There is no turning back now.

Meles will try to inflict as much death and destruction as he can in order to prolong his fascistic rule. The CUD and UEDF slogan must change from reelection to regime change. If CUD and UEDF hesitate now, they will expose the people to more savage attacks. Their leaders and members will also be hunted down and killed.

The only way to minimize the suffering of the people now is for the people to rise up in unison and show which one is more powerful: people's power or Meles Zenawi's guns? In the face of a united people, the Agaazie special forces that Meles Zenawi is depending on will be decimated in a matter of hours, if not minutes. This can be done only if CUD and UEDF are willing to lead in a unified and coordinated struggle.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

We Ethiopians must stand together toppled Meles Zenawi regime forever. He trusts he's gun and loyal ageaze, but no one stops the fire it already exploded.
I ask meles and his club leave the country forever with your ethnicity policy.


City: Los Angeles

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Email: gersu duka

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Absolutely! The people of Ethiopia have to bring this
nightmare to its logical conclusion and that is the
ouster of Meles and his murderous thugs. I sure wish we did not have to wait 14 years, because deep down we all knew this day will come.

The ultimate sacrifice of the young men and women will not be in vain. Meles is personally resposible for this fascist brutality and he will have his day in court along with his henchmen. I urge not only the
Ethiopian people but our religious leaders to ring
their church bells and join their flock.


City: Portland, OR

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Dear representatives of CUD/UEDF living out of Ethiopia, we would like to remind you that this is the right time to show your leadership. Leaders in Ethiopia may not do any thing at this time. But you and all others can do much to lead the people. We sheack already the regime of the Nazi's. The people needs some body who can direct them in fighting against woyane.

You can play a great role in the deplomacy and others.


City: Iowa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I am uregently calls all my Ethiopian fellow citizen despite of gender and ethinic background, to flare up your concern what is happenning in ethiopia now.My fellow citizen of ethiopia, Our brothers and sisters are experiencing the demon of (Tplf)who's not abiding the voice of people and went to a rampage killing to those who wants to their voice heard.therefore; I urge eveyone of you who believes on constituional rights of individual to stand up and say ENOUGH! the damge is allready done but it's never too late! We have to take every resourses that is viable to stop our future generation from murderers like meles and his allies.


City: toronto

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

There is no way that Melese can claim to be the leader of that proud people and country after doing so much crime against it. We should all stand up as one, and defend our right. Dictators are like dogs, when you are afraid of them or run away they will chase you, but the minute you stand firm and fight, they can't stand against you; they back off.

Our people have suffered enough. More than ever before, for any Ethiopian, other than few elites and hodams, dying is much better than being lead by an outcast, who was rejected in the ballot box.

We all should exert our effort in voicing the plight of Ethiopians, so that this Murderer can no more cheat his regimes bread winners, America and Britain.

No contribution is small, so we have to tell all our foreign friends’ colleges and all our contacts about the current situation and how our people are suffering in the hands of a killer, who by their standard, is no different from that of Sadam Hussein and Ben Ladin.

We owe our voice less fellow country men and women a lot, and this is the time to discharge part of our liability.

Keep on fighting the killers until they submit to the power of the people.

Victory to Ethiopians


City: England

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

You, the one who use the name NEWETHIOPIA, you don't deserve that name AT ALL. GET LOST with your irresponsible, brutal cadres of wayne. Your WOYANE CARDRES destroying young, innocent, precious life because ethiopia says ENOUGH to dictators. You should be shamefull for yourself to write here.

Ethiopia will rise!!


Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I am with you Absolutely!

No doubt about it! It's time for the CUD/UEDF overseas brach step forward and lead! We have only got a very small portion of information about our brothers and sisters who are killed by the brutal dictatorial regim of Woyane. The death death tall is astronomical.

Victory to Ethiopian People!

No turning back!

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1787

He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

-- Luke 22:36


City: Ethiopian

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead


Strongly worded and well crafted CUD/UEDF press release is urgently needed. Among other things, the press release may need to include:

- A demand for an independent international enquiry
to establish the sequence of events that led to
this carnage and also into the command structure of
the security apparatus that commited this crime -
in short the How and the Who of this crime neeed to
be investigated by an independent international
body! (How it happened? and Who ordered
and executed this massacare?).

- Please put names if not faces to this annonymous
victims; to remind people that each one of these
numberless victims are human beings - sons,
daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers,
fathers, and...!


City: Tucson, AZ

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I absolutely agree,

The CUD and UEDF leaders inside the country may, temporarily, be put out of function right now. What the members and leaders in diaspora should do is contact the local members who are not detained, and guide them to take over the leadership. It must be a continous process whereby somebody take up from where the other has left it, until Ethiopia breathes the air of freedom.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

This is it, mels calling his barbarian milletary lets be rady to fight; p/s lead us this is the only time we have to over through this dictoter, raciste, gadme regime. the universty kides are show us there love by giving thire life to be lovet Ethiopia ltes, we show them our love. p/s teeling us "gerup stand up for you wright"

City: addis ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Dear Compatriots,

Yes this is timely call upon the overseas leadership.

well thought press release to the media, world wide call to all Ethiopians to demonstration, talking to
influential foreign leaders and institutions..etc
are inorder.

Thank you Ethiopian review for bringing issues upto the speed of the situations in Ethiopia.


City: Ohio

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

This is the most radical idea and will only lead to bloodshed. The leadership in Ethiopia should make the decisions not those in diaspora.


Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I appreciate the ffort of many proud and noble Ethiopians in the diaspora. I have been beaten by the brutal TPLF cadres and assasins more than once. Your genuine efforts and goals are unimpeachable. But we are trying to escape reality by trying to to oust the brutal fascistic regime through peaceful means. This is simply a wishful thinking my compatriots. The international community, especially the powerful western nations donot care for black people. The only option left, if we ever care to deliver the beloved Ethiopian people from their misery and mental anguish, is the use of violence. We cannot wait the TPLF butchers to change. I am not Amhara and I have been closely following developments in Ethiopia over the last 12 years. The main suppoters of the TPLF are really the Amahar pigs. The TPLF does not trust the Oromo and Southern cadres, believe me. For example when the TPLF split in 2000, many memebrs of the OPDO and the Southern peoples organization defected to the Siye group, but non defected from among the Amhara pigs. Convincing the Amhara pigs coopted and solicited by the TPLF and causing defection might help us in this. So we have to convince, since we know most of them and they are related to us in blood, the pigs to stop their support to the very regime that has digraced the Amhara people and has tried though in vain to make them an object of hate before other Ethiopians so as to rule the country through the old fashioned colonial system of divide and rule applied by Europeans 150 years ago. It is unfortunate for the Amhar people that the TPLF can still count the hard core and loyal repressive human resources from the Amhara pigs wh has to witness the death of truely good Ethiopian Amhara among with their Oromo and Southern brothers.


City: Urbana

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Hamacho,this's not a time for who pig is or who the sloughter,is current president look more pig than prime minister or not?they both goes in history book.


City: DC

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The only way to minimize the suffering of the people now is for the people to rise up in unison and show which one is more powerful! Ameen.

City: AA

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The need for leadership is showing from day #1.First ,AAU students,second taxi drivers and then what?As the mass unrest started spontneously it should have been simultaneous if to achieve Our desired goal of the ouster of the dictatorial group .For this, democratic forces,wherever you are stand up in unison and lead us.This is a chance that comes in a number of years ;if one is lucky.Democrats from Tigrai:Please try to contact the Janjawit brutal forces (Agazzi)to join Ethiopians instead of being instruments of Meles. Ethiopians shall overcome as ever


City: Arlington,VA





Email: eglenet

City: oslo

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

If any of you care for the safety and protection of Ethiopian students and civilians.....then urge for all parties to stop any acts of agression, violence, or brutality.

This is the demand of the Ethiopian Students....Do not waste the lives that will bring about lasting change for Ethiopia by involving students in this cycle of hatred. It's time to look up from the chess board game being played by government leadership and opposition parties and pay attention to the current state of affairs. Defend democracy without the sacrifice of life!

View the Official Statement of the Ethiopian Students Associaiton International at

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Meles is the only person responsible for yesterdays death of innocent people.

Overseas branch of CUD/UEDF, it is time to recall the struggle of Nelson Mandella's ANC. When all the leaders were in prison, Oliver Thambo was leading the struggle from abroad. Please lead us, please be strong, please be one, we can handle our differences later on without gun unlike the stupid woyane leader meles zenawi. Your target should be towards Tony blair and George bush. Attack the credibility of this cheater woyane leader

Dil le Ethiopia.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

After carfully reviewing news reports of the various media outlets (including the VOA), interviews given by opposition figures, and press releases of the oppositon parties over the last couple of days; one cannot help reaching at the deduction that this protest was fomented and instigated by none other than the EPRDF leadership itself!

Legally, the opposition has pushed the EPRDF to a tight corner. Therfore, it is not in the interest of the opposition to mount such a half-baked and disorganized protest at this particular point in time! On the other hand, if the legal process is allowed to run its course, while the gaze of the world is fixed on Ethiopia, the EPRDF is likely to loose power in one of two ways:

(1) through the ballot box (a partial rerun of the election will hand the opposition majority seats in parliament) or

(2) EPRDF may at some point opt to withdraw from, or block, the legal process prematurely, in which case the opposition will be in a better legal position to call the people to a well oranized, concerted, and all-out protest that could have a much better chance of succeeding in toppling EPRDF!

Faced with the stark reality of possible fall from power at the end of the legal avenue any way, the diabolical EPRDF leadership decided to take the initiative and ambush the opposition and the legal process before it bears fruit! They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike aimed at deflating the gathering jagernaut of public anger over EPRDF's leadership, before it materializes its full potential.

Hence, the ruling elite bears total responsibiity not only for the massacare of unarmed defensless civilian protestors, but also for instigating the encounter between unarmed civilian protestors and its marauding militia!


City: Tucson, AZ

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I am really wondering about all this foolish thinking.
who brought you this democracy? the one you heated today. where were you to overthrow the derg? in bush? where? why you are shouting today? Ethiopia is in right path to development? why you are obstacling us? leace us alone and go to you bush?

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

It is the right time to show a strong leadership from the two main opposition CUD and UEDF. Yes, it is clear that the leadership at home has no chance and access to media outlet so the leadership abroad should play a decisive role. What is stated on the message is true and the current momentem of the people's struggle should get unifying leadership. This is the last chance for the ethnic thugs and they will not hesitate to use all meanse they have. If the popular resistance is continued, this will the end of them. We pray for the power of heaven and earth to be with the ethiopian people at this moment.
Peace for all!!!


City: Bonn

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

We all innocent Ethiopians are dreaming peace, security, stability and dignity in our country!!!.

Me I have no problem with any innocent leader who has a common sense to feell the interest of the majority of Ethiopians. But in our country all leaders and cadres are devil and lying every day and night. They are never standing for the people. They are eating their tail, father and mother and brothers and sisters. We know those Tigrians. They are always eating themselves let alone other opponent groups. That is their nature and history. Their history will tell us clearly about them.

Now we are in the 21st century even though Ethiopia is still in the 19th.

We all know, Weyne don’t need any challenge from the bignnining. Their entire tactic is well known nationally and internationally. If you don't appreciate them and be against them they will kill you automatically. I don't know for how long they will continue like this.

I want give my comment for all peace lovers opposition supporters. Please be wise when you comment. Don't poaralize things.

I am so worried for all innocent and genuine Tigrians. I have a lot of close friends and neighbors

We are always leaving together with every body. Again and again, please restrain from polarizing things!!!!

Respect all human and nature!!!!!

God Bless!!!!


City: Ambo

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yes! The so called ruling party, the shaabiya agent, must be destroyed ones and for all before it destroys Ethiopia and its people. Now is the right time, there will never be any other time better this. so all concerned bodies need to do all the necessary steps to accomplish the holly mission.




City: Stuttgart

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

What kind of things the have come to be. I had never tought a human being or a vampire who lived with a human being can turn out to be a bllod thirsty animal over night as the case is with the Bereket Simon, Meles Zenawi and Addisu legese.

Oh God, Your are our saviour, and please do something about this creautres


City: Addis Ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yukonoamlak (above), we don't have time to argue with you. We are in a serious business of saving and building a nation. We are not in a business of killing/masaccaring people and destroying a nation like meles zenawi and yourself. Today, you smile by looking the achievement of your coward agaazi militia in killing innocent and respectful Ethiopians. You will be thrown away in to darkness tommorrow and regret it forever. Shame on you.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yukunoamlak, You are one of the sick tigires. You have lost one of the very important part of your mind. Yes, we thought that there is a democracy and we vote for the opposition. We believed you guys! Yeteshewodachihut You have underestimated the citizen and asked him to vote. you thought that there will not be that kind of crowd to go out and vot!!! Ha Ha Ha. we voted WE WANT YOU TO GO DOWN.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yes we must stand together to crack down such brutal action and non-democratic regime. The ethnic based political philosophy has killed the country and will never work. Unity is strength.


City: Berlin

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

It is time to act. You leaders of the two parties who are living abroad what we expect from you is think, decide and act. In my understanding Try to reach ethiopian police and military force leaders and members encourage them to take major action on meles and Agazee force because they are not ethiopian, rather they are Eritrean. They are not our brothers. They are the enemy of the people. In my understanding it will be easy to bring the Federal police members to the people side if only if we remove these Eritrean savages.

City: mekele

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

My dear Yukunoamlak, You need to understand the integrity of mankind and Ethiopian citizens. As my friend Tila said, do not under estimate anyone. one can not underestimate any one other than himself! Because, he knows only himself. Learn from past mistakes!!! What has the Derge done?? Ofcourse killing. Hatred has never been the mother of love. and do not forget that WOYANE is the sole agent for change. YELEK NISEHA GEBA, You have time!!!

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Ante wusha!(Yekuno)

Democracy is neither given nor taken, the only thing derg did was supress it, don't think that TPLF brought democracy to Ethiopia or anybody else, they do not even know the meaning of democracy, if they only had the slightest idea of what democracy is , you would not shoot machine guns in the middle of unarmed civilians who were just trying to exercise "Their TPLF GIVEN" democratic rights.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yukonu, Have you noticed? You are the only Vampire among us. Shame on you! If I were you I bend my knee and confese directly to Almighty GOD. I hope he will forgive you!! Think about the dead citizens, and cry for them wear Black and start loving. I know it will be difficult, I do not know how you grew up, may be in a vacuum. Let us give you love and make you feel how it tastes.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead


How can one ethnic be the same, Did you come to earth by birth or fabricated from... I do not know. GOD help you all!!!

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I don't think violence is a solution for the Ethiopian people. This is ethinic problem and cannot be solved using violence as a means. I think it is better to solve this problem with wisdom and prudence.

PM Meles is well prepared long time ago for this. He has the most loyal army and demolishing that army is difficult and even impossible. They are battle hardened units which lived in the most difficult situation.


Shouting from disporal does not work. We have to understand the quality of his army filled with Tigreans very well known for their resilience in difficult situations. We have to be wise and should not be a reason for disctruction of our country.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Abebe Meshesha,

You seem to be worried that the supposed support Meles has and the quality of the army would be tested by the peoples will. You tried to show strength and invincibility, but the picture you pained in your message is a picture of a man peeing in his pants. I am sorry to see one of my brothers peeing all over himself in front of the cyber public. Hang in there brother. Your time has come. The opposition will be forgiving when they take power.

Hang in there Abebe do not show your fear.

Mamo Qilo

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Yekuno, do you want me to refresh your memory on how this whole thing started?
First he encouraged us to vote in the name of democracy. The purpose here was to appear like a role model within the African Continent in the eyes of Blair and Bush, so that he can collect more funds for the development of his personal accounts and assets. After we lined up for hours to express our interest, he became angly understanding that we would note vote for him taking into consideration the thousands of people who were at Meskel Square on May 8. On the very day of the election, before the voting process was even completed, he banned any kind of gathering. Later, while we thought that results would only be known one month later as per his instruction, he consecutively announced victory while menacing the People. While no apparant protest had taken place, he went and provoked University students in the middle of the night in order to aggress them, beat them up, detain them, obviously to inrritate the rest of the residents of Addis Ababa who 'failed' to vote for him. The next day, as expected, peaceful demonstrators came out and as if they had been violent, he simply shot directly at the public, as reported by BBC. It was sure about Democracy when it started but what do you call it now?

City: Addis Ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Abebe Meshesha

Who said Meleses special force is under Tigrian. These savage force is built and get orderes from shabia.
Melese and every body are controld by shabia. Melese's body guards are from shabia. Shabia is their creater they have no way out without them.


City: DC

then where are we going?

Most of the people in Ethiopia may agree to waste the meles Zenaw gov't. BUT then what are we going to do? establish another dictator meles, mengistu? or Hailesilesie.

you see as moderenbeing we have to think also the aftermath of the waste? i mean which track we should take? that is why reasonable ( atleast politically)people are not overwhilmingly participating ( may be)in such a violence. i think therefore, CUD must accept OLF or viceversa, and so on.
then we definately can do things better for better of of the majority of our people. Unless "wha kida wha melesi'newu.

UNIty in Diversity, if there is no diversity there were no the word unity! unity is no synonmous to identical or the sameness!!


City: Addis ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

You bloodthirsty people in the diaspora sitting in your comfortable western houses and asking us, the students of Ethiopia to give our lives for your greedy selves.
Shame on you! If you want a struggle, come here and struggle yourselves, or shut up!

City: Addis

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Dear Belete

Please be realistic. Your should know this reality. Weyane and Shabia fought a bitter war (1998-2000). You should know that Weyane is Ethiopian and Shabia is Eritrean. Whether we like it or not, TPLF is a capable party/front and doesn't need any help or order from Shabia. Please don't be foolish and undermine the front. It is filled with capable members who are bitterly tested in the most difficult situation and won with force and intelect. We have to accept this reality. shouting and phone calling to bring allies doesn't help. We have to solve this problem with wisdom and prudence.

We know that the history of heroism in Ethiopia is predominatly the resilience of the Tigreans. A lot of examples can be given starting from Axum kingdon to students movement, EPRP movement ...upto Weyane struggle. They liberated the fuedo-imperial Ethiopia from the yoke of fuedals and DERGIs. We should also realize that Tigreans are the core Ethiopians who are proud of their history.

The Ethiopian people is prudent, peace loving and cultured. I dearly hope that this problem will be solved with legal and peaceful means. Empity greed, chuvinism and rehitoric doesn't help. Be like them and show the quality of personality and human trait. That is the only way leading to democracy and political power. Not to be "Ye dil Atbia Arbegna". This doen't work now and in the future.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Listen Kassa, You are one of the dogs. Please do not try to change the subject. We know what to do after the woyanes are destroyed. Don't you worry at all.
They are evils, let agaazi kill us today. Somebody will pay it back. Their "intelligent leader" is putting them a huge amount of money in the bank of the Ethiopians heart.One day they will get it. You must be sure about this. Don't you know that at this point in time we prefer any thing other than the Shabia-blooded woyane let alone OLF?

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

It is sad to here and see this kind of barbaric atrocities commited by Meles and his special forces. However, the sadding thing was that history repeats itself. One more time again the university students have exposed to this kind of crminal act with out organized leadership. CUD and URDF should give the universitiy students as well as the people of Ethiopia a decisive ledership to involve them in a massive and simultinous effective general strike and demonistration in and out side the ccounty. The only way the Meles regime refrain itself from shooting people is when we come out in million not in handred or in thousand. Unity is power. The international community will also give us attention for our political demand. The other interesting historical facts is Meles and his socalled compredes in crime used to demonistrate in early and mid seventies in the same universities against the DERG's or The Hailesilase's governments. They used to be kicked by the special forces of Derg and H.H. Now the same people are killing poor university students in worse manner than the very people they use to accused. History repeat itself!

Email: Urosurgmk@HOTMAILCOM

City: las vegas

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I am deeply concerned about the situation in Ethiopia, and the safety of my family, relatives, and friends. Also, I am deeply concerned about the people/students who have been killed, bitten, and arrested since June 6, 2005 for peacefully demonstrating about the provisional election results; consequently, I condemn the massacre in Ethiopia/Addis Ababa by his ally Meles Zenawi.


City: Costa Mesa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Bunch fo talkatives! Why don't you tell us what you r doing for real and tell the rest to follw you? You are only emotional.

City: Addis

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I don’t think you people care about the Ethiopian people. How could you tell people to go and die and you cowards could have power. All of you have luxury life, and yet you ask all those poor people and promising students to die for you ego. SHAME ON YOU. Ethiopia is a cursed land with children who are disgrace.


City: USA

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Bravo! This is what has been lacking. As you did say it, 'there is no way back'! Let us galvanize our unity and act against this babaric regime, where he doesn't respect the ballot of the people though we know that it has never did before, but this time I swear the Ethiopian people will make him do!!! The university students have done nothing except a candle vigil to express their anger in a peaceful way. Where the democracy works, in the US and in Europe, we stand and shout infront of their emabssies to express our rage, (even thrown tomatoes and eggs to Meles cars in the US, some yrs back) and nobody tampered our actions. So, you shouldn't be deluded by those who are selfish and never care about Ethiopia (their) and its people, but only filling up their bellies - whoever comes to power!
Please, EtRev, promote us this motto, 'YICHALAL!',for our following struggle - Haile G.S will be for it


City: London

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

We Ethiopians have to be unite more than ever!!!!!!!!

Threr is no way back now we have to continiue our struggle!!!!! All poltical parties stand together and lead the struggle to save the Ethiopian people!!!!!!


City: Silver spring/MD

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

You guys, do we know what we need? If Ethiopians like Oromo or Tigre are not to be preferred as leaders only because their ethnic background, who is going to lead? If you do not accept OLF, which becoming synonymus with Oromo, then forget about Ethiopia's future. Like it or not, Ethiopia should either be governed by its citizens, Oromo being the majority or will vanish from the world map.

City: Berlin

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Dear compatriots
It seems that some of us are worried about Shabia. Shabia has nothing to do with our current problem. Do not multiply enemies and give Meles stronger posisiton. Our new and elected government will and can settle any problem with Eritrea peacifully. The difference with OLF will also be settled peacifuly. Let us not be governed by our emotions. Let us be wise, responsible, prudent, save our country and struggle for trasition of power from Meles to the elected party.
Indeed overseas branch step forward and lead
Ethiopians of all ethinicity unite
God beless Ethiopia


City: Lilongwe, Malwi

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Urgent "crisis comittee" needed to be established
There is an urgent need to form a crissis comitee among the oppostion that could coordinate humaniterian assistance to those who are victimes of the Governments brutual raid the last three days.It is high time for the opposition and the public at large both at home and abroad to stand for each other and show solidarity to those who looses their loved ones or live with an injured loved one after their couregious effort to defend democracy and the people right at home.Among other things the undertakings of the comitee to be established would help boost the people moral and sustain the struggle to the finish.The comitee should be multy purposed and help the targeted people economically, medically, legally to pursue charges against their offenders, and social help visiting them and reminding them that they are not alone and their blood didnt poured in vain.The comitee should also keep track about the developments in the country and make sure to dissiminate enough information to the people, international comunity and medias all over the globe.The comitee should also coordinate a legal team that would bring the case of this mass murder by the Prime minister in particular and all involved in the descision making and the act of atrocity on international court the ,Heague.This could be a taskes to begin with and the comitee should expand it as it assumes its duty as neede.Please pass this message to every one you know and addresses of opposition leaders and different medias both at home and abroad.
The people shall prevail and govern!!!!!


City: Stockholm

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I jsut talked to a friend of mine who lives around Meshulakia...The city is ghost town....the government security forces are taking the plate number of taxis parked in the city. People are sending a trext message to start a screaming protest while being in their house.....Ledetu has been starving for about 29 hours by now........

My freind told me that any body who even dare to look at the police is subjected to arrest..... howevewr the taxi drivers have kept up the peacefull revolution.. the city is pralayzed... soem tea houses are opened they are also beign watched by the police...........

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

CDU/UEDF must unite like one against the enemies our people and country are facing. The fire is already started by brave Ethiopian students against the enemy who took power with gun and leading the country with terror and hunger. if we afraid to die now while all eyes from the international community is on us, we all will be killed later by Meles forces and with the policy he going to apply. we have to use any means neccessary especially working with the international commmunity by telling the truth about the woyane government. we all have to first relay on ourselves and with the international community especially US, EU and AU. brave ethiopian in the country and outside must work hard to perssue them.
As the last time being heard that the EPRDF coalition is facing an inside crisses. Except the TPLF, some members of the other parties are very much wishing to withdraw the EPRDF which is dominated by TPLF. we also heard that some party members in the higher position are considering to resign or disapear. But the woyane leaders and security forces are keeping their eye on them. Among them are ministers and others high position members. Despite they are on their duty, most of the coalition members are feeling like they are under arest.
in the name of Ethiopia and its people, we ask those from the EPRDF coalition to leave the coalition and join with their brother and sisters-the Ethiopian. Don't afraid because of your past relationship with woyane. we are brothers and sisters we will forgive you as soon as we see you withdrawing from the coalition that stands only for one group. You coalition members, did you know that TPLF has a secret well trained force secretely to serve only them as they are doing right now. If coalition members who are saying until now they were representing Amhara, Oromo or south people to benefit woyane begin withdrawing publicly from the coalition, woyane will be disapear from our cities and towns with in a matter of second. so, except TPLF the rest of the EPRDF Coalition be human and stand for your right rather than serving the minority party members. with 37 vote they will reach nowhere.
Ethiopian outside the country must be brave working hard to perssue the international community. Ethiopian inside must continue fighting for their right.Don't afraid to die. Because of woyane millions of our people did die in the past. if you die for your country, you will be remember for ever. all ethiopians including those from tigry province also must stand together. Especially if some unrest starts in Tigry against the woyane, first the stand to the tigrinas will be clear and the woyane atrocity against Ethiopian will be beaten. so, tigrians in tigry must show your brother and sister hood to the Ethiopian people by those few who are using you as a cover for their criminal act. you have to publicly denounce them. otherwise your stand to Ethiopia and Ethiopian will be clear and history will judge it.
every ethiopia must act. Be unite


City: atlanta

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

I am writing in a separate matter that needs urgent action.There is massive distortion of what is going on in Ethiopia.The EPRDF propagand machinary is doing great harm to Ethiopia by feeding distorted information to feoreign leaders.To mention one ,the statement released by the British foreign office about the loss life of the government secuirity officers.I do not know where they got that information.So far, even the government did not say a thing about the death of its security members.This false information should be exposed because it is putting on equal footing the vicitim and the agressors.We should be able to give the accurate information to the british offials so that they correct their mistake and re-state that it was only the peacful protestors and the bystanders who were mowed down and it is the goiverment who committed that atrocities.


City: roanoke,va

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Meless do not seem to be in charge of the country any more. no one has heard from him since last week ,the rumor is Bereket Addisu Smora and a couple of generals are calling the shots.He aparently told the EU and others he is no longer in control of the situation.

City: addis ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Hi see all,

Do not fall for that my dear!
That is exactly what Meles wants Ethiopians and others to think. Meles is not in hiding, at least not yet; he is just keeping a low profile, because he did not want to draw attention to himself at a time when massive human rights violations and massacares are being committed by his security forces!

Bereket, Addisu, Samora..... are mere collborators of Meles, nonethelss the Man at the Helm, the real Culprit, the Engine behind all these vice is Meles Zenawi, the current leader of Ethiopia! It is Meles who pulls the strings behind the scenes, no one else has the authority to order the murder of such a large number of unarmed protestors in broad day light without fearing serious legal consequences!

Meles' apparent attempt to spread this myth that he is no longer in control of the situation is laughable! This guy is so unscruplous and selfish to the point of contriving to insulate himslef from responsibility by using his comrades as the fall guys, even before they are through their first act.

When all is said and done, Mr. Meles Zenawi bears total responsibility for all these crimes - may we remember it as the June massacare!


City: Tucson, AZ

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Good news for all fellow Ethiopians, very sad news for woyane and its jeles, though.
Tony Blair, who is one of the main, so called friend of Killer Meles is under pressure from both the media, charity group led by Sir Bob Geldof and the opposition conservative party to do some thing about the situation in Ethiopia.
To day channel 4 TV has given a major coverage on the massacre, which Meles’s special force has perpetuated on our brothers and sisters. In the same news Sir Bob Geldof said, I quote
“ 'Grow up!' Geldof tells Ethiopian leader…..

Sir Bob Geldof has slammed the Ethiopian leader for the shooting of demonstrators in Addis Abbaba on the day he launched a paperback edition of the Africa Commission report on aid, trade and debt.

On Channel 4 News at noon, he criticised the Ethiopian leader Meles Zanawi for violence which left dead 22 people who were protesting against the election result.
He said: "Spare me, what are they doing? It is pathetic. I despair, I really despair.

"No doubt, I'll get a briefing from the Ethiopian embassy: 'it wasn't like this, it was like that'. Grow up, they make me puke.

"I know those people, Meles Zanawi is a seriously clever man, what is he doing? What is he doing closing down radio stations, and journalists and that, it's a disgrace. Behave."

In the same channel the British External Economic Secretary addressed a news conference where he said that Meles’s regime is taking Ethiopia 50 years back,,, if he starts to shoot innocent people on the street, how can he be different from Derg? Now they are opening there eyes and start seeing the true colour of Meles, which we Ethiopians know.
He can’t hide himself any more. Please send e-mail to Tony Blair, Jack Straw, Channel 4 News, Sir Bob Geldof, The Shadow Foreign Secretary & BBC news.

In a separate development the shadow foreign secretary has written to Mr Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, requesting to expel Mr Meles Zenaw from the African commission. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe me it will happen, he will be expelled not only from the African Commission but also from our beloved Ethiopia.

This are very good news for Ethiopians. We suspected before, and now we know that Melese staged this election, not because he believes in democracy and ready to give power to the people, but simply as a PR exercise and a means of getting more aid and image from his Western bosses. If based on these and other pressures, Blair distances him self from this killer, Bush will soon follow, then were else can he go? Oh gosh may be Dedebit or Eritrea for that matter, why not? Oh ya!!!!!!!! Yes he can go there, after all that is where he belongs in the first place.

To keep the momentum,tomorrow starting from 4.00pm, we Ethiopians residing in the Uk will be demonstrating in front of Toney Blair’s office and White Hall. After that we will be going to the BBC and hold a vigil as we believe that BBC hasn’t so far given enough coverage as the other channels.

Please let us keep united and drive this criminal woyane out of our country. His time is up and we Ethiopians can’t afford to give him five more minutes let alone five more years. We have plenty of brave Ethiopians, who can lead us to prosperity and harmony instead of killing, self destruction and disintegration.


Ejole Bale


City: England

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Enquan wuch ager tehuno tigil le'memrat agerbet hunew minim endemayameTu teregagTual .......... atdkemu....simply don't waste your time ....the reality is that the so called kinijit is a collecton of gangsters with no political agenda to improve the livelihood of the ethiopian people. ethiopia means not addis ababa.....why don't they come infront of the public and perform thier false promises for the electorate............
No political agenda......except "zeregnet" ....that will also lead them to the old files of EPRP and meason, whom they are writing a book to lead a public protest to overthrow the government in the name of Kinijit......hahahaaaaahaaaaaaa'zeregna agendachew, be'democracy sim edil siyagegnu kehig belay yehonu mesloachew ye'diha lij dem afs'sew enesu beselam lemenor aychilum!!! They are accountable for it!!!


City: Addis

My New business


Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

You guy's don't waste your time by saying this and that. what so everthing the meles govenment doing, you are not satisfied. do you know why this is, he is Tigrian. he is in the right track, he stands for development. long live meles.
CUD is resposible for what is happening in Addis for the last two days. sorrry

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead


you are one of those few tigrians programmed against Ethiopia and Ethiopians. But the amazing thing is most of the Tigrians are pro one Ethiopia and against a tiranny, whether he is Tigre or not. The problem is at the moment we don't have the anti-virus to clear your mind from the infection. Because I see that you have an "ethnic based complex". It's a disease which might not be cured unless you die.

Anyway, God is always on the right side (people's side) and this will be proved to you and your friends soon.

I am writing you as a tigrian who has no political affiliation and this is the message from majority of my ethnic people.

Wish you all the best

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead


Please stop your propaganda in the name of the poor. Nobody will listen to you.

Shut Up!!!!!!!

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The tactic of dividing tigrians is already out of fashion. have you listen to the political debates that Lidetu and the all time enemy of Tigrians, the outdated professor called mesfin said........about Tigray?......the amount of budget, the number of hospital beds perhead and number of fertilizers that the farmer gets in tigray ....... these were the begeining of the their racial and ethinical hate for the tigrians........when it comes tody to its and your infant politicians start to tell us that the TPLF/EPRDF cannot represent the people of tigray really you are confused.
This time you the supporters of the chuvinist parties are losing hope on your leaders and start for searching for leaders from the US. it is the begining of their evil work....but those at home, they will not escape and they will pay the bloods of the young Ethiopians. No one is beyond the law.....sometime even you the internet hero's.


City: Addis

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

don't be are fighting for individual rights..... .....why don't you read the funding principles of democracy before shouting at someone? ......
I will read your mails even it tastes me bitter and you should be patient to read the truth......then the visitor to the site will decide.
that is very rude to say shut up......if you exercise your right ......don't say me shut up. tha is the begining of dictatorship.


City: Addis

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Overseas leadership is not a starter idea. It has been there since the concept of opposition in ethiopian political history started. It has its own role and limits. At this very moment of crossroad, what ethiopians need is a indigineous, courageous, visionary, patient, all-round, experienced, creative, charismatic and influential characters of which none is scored by the current cud/uedf leadership. Had they been, the 200+ parliamentary seats they scored at the elections is a remarkable achievement to start with challenging the ruling party. INSTEAD, THEY ACTED KIND OF 'YEKOTUN AWERD BILLA YEBIBITWAN TALECH'. How naive they are to plan that eprdf will easily shy away of his hard-earned position by rose-revolution-rhetoric. they should have planned better and realistic one. After all, Addis can not be Kiev or Baghdad overnight as long as Ethiopia does not own thousands of the dreadful nuclear warheads or it is not blessed with 20% of assured planet oil reserves. I bet you, the west will not be impressed by THEIR pre-mature boolish statements AGAINST WEST strategic plan for the Horn - CUD/UEDF ought not comment on the Eritrean sovereignity and the Algers Deal FOR GOOD. It is a taboo and A DONE AGENDA in the civilized world political arena. AS AN ALTERNATIVE THEY HAVE A BETTER WORKING AGENDA SAY THE ROLE OF OTHER OPPOSITION MUSCLES LIKE OLF, EPRP, ONLF, ARFUD, ETC TO HOW TO INTEREACT WITH THEM AND BUILD MOMENTUM TO TOPPLE THE RULING REGIME, IF POSSIBLE AT ALL. Please, strive to learn a lot from the fates of your predecessors of eprp or meson; the dinosours of ethipian politics. they NEED TO GROW UP AND HEALTHY. IF NOT, THEY DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ETHIOPIA. EPRDF WILL REIGN NOT ONLY FOR THE NEXT FIVE MORE YEARS BUT, INSHAALLAH, FOR THE NEXT FIVE TERMS JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR LAUSSINESS AND EFFETY.


City: Houston, TX

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Even we wemen are ready to pic gun and struggle. please give us wepen

Email: Abebayehum2003

City: Addis Ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

why do you remove my meesage. Tell us that this page is only for chauvenists and i will refarain from writing

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The CUD and Hibret leaders have to be visionary.They have gained significant parliamentary seats,for the moment.That is the outcome of a 17 year bitter struggle.Taste it and work strongly together with the rest contesting parties(mainly EPRDF) and bring Ethiopia out of deep rooted poverty.Dont throw unnecessary words here and there. God bless Ethiopia and its leaders.


Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The effort by CUD/UEDF for the future Ethiopia is appreciable. Let all parties respect the voice of people!

Prosperity, and peace for Ethiopia!


City: Mumbai

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Member of your party(CUD/UEDF) are fighting with killers face to face. You who are living overseas have the means and possibilities to do more. People are holding the killer tail with determination and fear. If they lose it, the killer will kill not only them but all the Ethiopian people including emotionally. We all have to do our part to hold the killer from every corner until its last breath. to get this moment wouldn't be easy if we lose this time. So, be hard workers. There are many Ethiopians including outside looking to lead them to the sake of their people in the country.
You have to work hard to convince US, EU, Particularly Britain. UN, AU and the rest.


City: A.A

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Stop your ethnic narrows this time we Ethiopians need to stand together . Meles's special force is killing innocent people with out discrimination. ANTI NEFAT ENTADANOKI KOYNKI'EKI?
(What happen to you?)


City: Addis Ababa

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

If I had to choose between the two killer machines, I choose Menegestu. At least he wouldn’t have stand for ethnic division.

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

should it be considered as ethnic hatred if one tries to show State sponsored corruption, which unfortunately is ethnic motivated? That was excatly what TPLF/EPRDF has been doing over the last 14 years. The reward was 100% vote to PM Meles, like Sadam, Like Mengistu enjoyed during "their democratic election" in their respective time. Why don't you try to discredit the facts they brought than trying to cover it up with the very "effective" tool your bosses have brought to us recently: "Interhamwee". About no one being above the law, I hope and wish that it would be so. That is exactly what we all should be fighting for: Making every body under the law. We will then see whether it would be the person who ordered the shooting of innocent protesters or the people who have "incited peaceful protest against an unconstitutional decree/gag order would be hit hard.

Dergue officials are still rotting in prison for genocide inspite of their claim that it was EPRP who initiated "White terror".

What do you think, are we going to be judged by the same law? Hope we are.


City: DC area

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

wow do you know guys most of the people in this forum are Eritreans? EX BELAY and so on...

City: yetbeda

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

Dear All,

Forget Eritreans. Our enemy is Meles Zenawi working for Eritrea living in Ethiopia. We will talk to these Eritreans after the over through of Woyane. Don't give up your struggle.

God bless you,



City: Addis

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

The poor CUD sympetizers are talking about eritrea while their master in mekele is kicking their behind real good.
Neftegnoch, please talk about your thing before blaming others for your years of failure to administer the abissyinian land.

Email: *****

City: *****

Re: The CUD/UEDF overseas branch step forward and lead

the trend look like this first the wayyanes kicked the eritreas from adiss and took all the the eritreas properties, now it looks like the cdu r tring to take over all that wayyane took. the owners of finfine r not liberate yet fom the neftegna. the winer is going to be OLF BECOUSE THER STRAGLE IS JUST TRUE. ALL AMARA WAYYANE SHOUD BE KICKED OAT OF FINFINE OROMIA SHALL BE FREE FROM NEFTEGNA ONCE N FOR ALL.finfine is not ur battle groud go gonder mekelle and kill each other.

Email: mahari5@aol .com

City: london