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Can I voice my view

First of all thanks for the website host(ess)for this site, it allows people to express their view, good job guys and gals.

Anyway the situation in Ethiopia is not getting better and even my brother is getting in my nervous as he thinks CUD will solve all Ethiopian ills. I have read CUDs manifesto and looked at the pics of the guys and still not impressed.
Can anybody out there tell me, list them if you can the practical things that the members have done for the people and their experience in government. Working for UN is not an asset...maybe a liability ;).

Educate me please.

Re: Can I voice my view


You have asked an excellent question. Can you ask the same question with respect to the current government. In your opinion, do you think the likes of Dawit Yohanes, whose work experience before joining the government is driving Cab in Washington and even that he was not doing well. The Minister of Capacity Building Ato Walwa has not even completed high school.
The president of the flagship university spends his days and nights drinking and smoking weeds. Shall I continue?

Mamo Qilo aka
Bula Geberdin


City: Denbidolo

Re: Can I voice my view

If you were wise enough you wouldn't ask such kind of question!! Are you really an Ethiopian??


Re: Can I voice my view

See all we need to huderstand is this. people run the government, not government run the people, so education is not the point here. The point is, is there someone out there has a big vision and a big heart to serve the people of ethiopia with out putting party ego first. Realy it doesn't mater the person finished high school or a txi driver , or a blind or no hand, no leg, short or tall. But, as long as have people leadership vision and commtment for the people for better life for all the people and freedom for all. But now we do not have this. What we have now is, millinons children starve every single day, police killing students, stilling peoples vote. government eating three meal a day probably thier childern eating five time a day while our people died like a fly. If one goverment styed power for long as 14 years. I think it should solve one only one problem, not about voting, not about who won and creat the next government. About let the childern start eating five meal a day just like your children. See our people is not poor but we have a poor in leadership. The government need to have a big vision what want to accomplish for our people but not how much education have on paper. I hope i answer you excellen question.

Re: Can I voice my view


Yes, I am an Ethiopian. Are you? Regardless of what nationality you are is it wrong to ask if a self acclaimed alchoholic is fit for office. Is it wrong to ask if a highschool drop out with no track record of doing anything worthy is fir to run the most critical ministry in Ethiopia. We are talking about the Capacity Building that includes, education, health, development, infrastructure. Is it wrong to say Dawit Yohanes who has done nothing worthy of mentioning other than driving a cab in Washington to be the speaker of the house. Are these questions in light of Nani's question about the fitness of Ethiopians with a track record of working in premium international organizations. So let me hear you girl friend.

with love and respect

Mamo Qilo