This is a Buyers-Only Forum. NO VENDORS are permitted to post on this Forum

Forum Rules
This Forum is Locked
Forum Tips and FAQ's - Updated 11/15/2010


Q: I noticed that one of the new users is posting "spam" messages. Can't this be blocked?
A: Unfortunately, we have not yet found a way to block spam posters but we are now monitoring the Forum frequently, to watch for these instances, and blocking those posters usernames for future, and removing the spam posting. If you notice one of these and would like to contact us to be sure we know about it, please feel free to do so by contacting the Administrator or calling our office at 858-581-6373 (ask for Mike or Jennifer).

Q: Are vendors allowed to post comments?
A: As a rule, no. The Forum is for Pharmacy Purchasing Professionals only. That would include Pharmacy personnel in institutional, retail, mail order, or government. Vendors are not permitted to post on the Forum. Any posts by vendors will be deleted. The single exception is the Job Posting section of the Career Opportunities category. Vendors and other employers are encouraged to use this section to post position openings and other employment opportunities. This is a free service.

Tips for Using Forum

Users of the NPPA Online Buyers Forum may have noticed a change in the structure of the board. We've adopted a new host and format for the board, so we hope that its new features will encourage the current users to post more often, and attract new users. Because this is an entirely new format, here find some of the highlights of your new discussion board.

The first thing you'll notice is that instead of one large list of posts, there are now categories:

Forum Rules - for use by NPPA staff only

- General Discussion, which breaks down into
General Chatter - for topics that don't fit any of the other general categories

Product Issues, which breaks down into
Hard-To-Find Generic Drugs - for any generic drug backorders and other related issues
Hard-To-Find Brand Name Drugs - for any proprietary drug backorders and other related issues
Look-Alike-Sound-Alike (LASA) Drugs - for any issues regarding labeling and packaging of medications

- Career Opportunities, which breaks down into
Job Postings - for prospective employers
Career Resources - Job Descriptions for various Pharmacy Buyer positions
Resumes - Job Wanted (for job seekers)
We want to encourage employers to look here in the future for prospects

- Conference Information, which breaks down into
Miscellaneous - for items of interest that don't fit anywhere else in the Conference Information section
Share-A-Room - for Conference Attendees looking to save on Conference costs by sharing a hotel room
Vegas Tips - for anyone needing advice on travel & sights in Las Vegas, conference-related or otherwise
Social Networking - "Facebook" for NPPA
Ideas to Fund your Vegas Trip - for finding various ways to help with funding the Conference

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc., Founder of NPPA

City, State: San Diego, CA

Years as a Buyer: N/A