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Curious to see how many buyers are also in charge of 340b at their facility, how many buyers are from 340b facilities? If you are in charge of 340b how do you fit it in to your normal buying duties? If you are not in charge of 340b how closely do you work with the 340b person?

Name of Facility: Mercy

City, State: Springfield, MO

Re: 340b

I am the buyer at a 340b hospital. I was the chemo tech and when my hospital became 340b eligible I was recruited to be the buyer. I am also in charge of 340b. We contract with Eaudit to split our orders so that helps with some of the work but now with the WAC rules the 340b part of my job is going to take up more time. Not sure how all of that will work out. You can email me if you have more questions. Toni

Name of Facility: Castle Medical Center

City, State: Kailua, HI

Years as a Buyer: 10

Re: 340b

My hospital became 340B eligibile about 2 years ago. We have Sentry that splits the order to 340B eligibile and non 340B. Now as said there is a newly enforced WAC price. Sentry has worked this snag in the plan and now has it doing a 3 way split. This decision is based off of how you bill the products. Such as when in ER you are considered Outpatient. The second they are admit to inpatient they are not 340B. It makes a new twist to the job. Thats for sure!!!

Name of Facility: Memorial Hospital

City, State: Marysville

Years as a Buyer: 30+