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Event code for CE

What is the even code for the CE for the conference? I am blind and can't seem to find it.

Name of Facility: Emanuel Medical Center

City, State: Turlock Ca

Re: Event code for CE

Dear Angela (& all NPPA Attendees needing to process CE credits from the 2012 NPPA Conference):

     All the information you need to get your 2012 NPPA Conference CEs collected by ProCE Inc., our ACPE CE credit provider, is located in Tab 3 of your 2012 NPPA Conference Binder. You may also find that information in our recent Attendee Follow-Up email (sent September 6), which included a link to view the CE Retrieval Instructions again, and more info from your attendance (such as links to view the Speaker Handouts & access the Attendee & Exhibitor Rosters). If you missed that email, please contact us so that we can resend it to you:, or by phone, at 888-544-NPPA. (Sorry but we can't provide the Code for the CE process and other specific Attendee information, here in a public Forum.)

     Note: if this is your first time using ProCE, you will need to register with them first, at: If you've already registered, then just login to your already established account. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the process, since you are required to add & then evaluate each lecture individually, so it normally takes around 30 minutes or so to complete it all.

     Also, remember (new this year): if your state requires ACPE CE for your recertification, then you'll first need an NABP Account Number, before you start the process on ProCE's website. Click on the following link to register or login to the NABP/CPE Monitor website, to create an account with them, before moving on to ProCE's website. This way, once ProCE has confirmed you, by having your NABP/CPE Monitor Account (click on the preceding link to setup or login), your eligible CE credits with be registered with NABP/CPE automatically.

     Then for those of you who don't have states that require ACPE CE for recertification (and even those that do, for backup/peace of mind), it's also a good idea to login your CEs with PTCB directly as well (at MyPTCB), so they will be available when you need to re-certify.

     Lastly, note that the deadline to collect your CEs from ProCE is this Friday, September 15, so be sure to get it done by then. If you have a dire need for an extension on that deadline, please contact ProCE directly with your request for additional time to complete the process, as soon as possible, and they should be able to allow you a short time extension. Contact ProCE either by phone: 630-540-2848, or email: with your request in that regard, and make sure to include our 2012 NPPA Conference name with your inquiry.

     Please feel free to contact us here at NPPA for any further clarifications needed on the CE process, by sending an email to:, or by phone, at 888-544-NPPA.

Name of Facility: National Pharmacy Purchasing Association

City, State: San Diego, CA

Years as a Buyer: N/A