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Pharmacy Buyer Day Petition Online!

We're finally getting Pharmacy Buyer Day closer to a nationally recognized reality!

We've set up on an online petition to the U.S. Congress to make Pharmacy Buyer Day a recognized day officially.

This is big! This will be in the newsletter in March and there will be a link on the website, but we can get the ball rolling now. The link is

You'll probably have to cut 'n paste the link onto your browser.
Anybody can sign it. So if you meet reps, or talk to other buyers, even pharmacists or nurses; even your next door neighbor, get them online and get their signature. We might have the next step ready by Conference time (no promises).

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Pharmacy Buyer Day Petition Online!

Mike- Great news!!! Thank you for all your support for us Buyers. I just signed the petition and have forwarded this information on to my boss in the hopes to spread the word even further. Have a great day!

Name of Facility: Mt. Carmel St. Ann's Hospital

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 10

Re: Pharmacy Buyer Day Petition Online!

Though I am no longer a buyer, I signed and will pass along to my buyer friends/colleagues.


Name of Facility: Cardinal Health

Years as a Buyer: 6