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Rudraksha Physical Therapy Recommendations

Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood and veins
Sun (Om Sri Suryaya Namaha) (1& 12 Mukhi)

Stomach including gastric,processes, breasts, lymphatic, and non blood fluid systems, perspiration and saliva and sympathetic nervous system
Moon (Om Sri Chandraya Namaha) (2 Mukhi)

Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood and veins
Sun (Om Sri Suryaya Namaha) (1& 12 Mukhi)

Hands, arms, lungs, sensory, organs, some thyroid gland,influence
Mercury (Om Sri Budhaya Namaha) (4 Mukhi)

Throat, neck, kidneys, secondary connection with sex organs and feet, some thyroid gland influence
Venus (Om Sri Shukraya Namaha) (6 & 13 mukhi)

Sex glands, adrenal glands, red blood cells
Mars (Om Sri Angarakaya Namaha) (3 Mukhi)

Liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of the pituitary related to growth and thighs
Jupiter (Om Sri Gurave Namaha) (5 Mukhi)

Spleen, skeletal system including cartilage, skin, lower leg from the (For persons aged 29 and older)
knee to the ankle and anterior lobe of the pituitary gland related to (For persons under age 29) body type
Saturn Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha
(Om Shanaishcharaya Namaha)
(7 &14 mukhi)