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Yahusha/JESUS gave signs of what must happen before His Return:  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:"  Matt. 24:29 (KJV)



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Yahusha is YHWH  come in the flesh, He put aside His Diety to become a human, born of  a Virgin.

Yahusha is the Word, As The Most High, He spoke all things seen and unseen into existence

When YHWH created Light, He was revealed to the angels. 

John 14:26
"the breath of life"

But the Comforter, which is "the breath of life", whom the Father will send shall teach you all things.

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Re: Earth being PUMMELLED by debris of asteroid COLLISION that hit 466 MILLION AGO

Destruction of America

By Gerlinda

This very strong prophecy was given 4 years ago. Videos of it have been placed upon this website through-ought that time. As time draws closer and closer, Steven has felt a strong urging to put it back up again; especially as we are paying attention to the various news items coming out of Israel & the rest of the world.

America is not the center of God's Universe; it has always been about Israel.

In 1975, at the age of of 16 years, Efrain Rodriguez received message from Jehovah God about events that would take place during the time of this last president. I will cover why he mentions Obama in the below summary. He says that Jehovah woke him up every morning at 2:30 to send this message all over on the Internet and to please understand that Jehovah has control of this event.

He has informed the leaders of the world of the events that would take place when an Astroid hits the waters just off the southern coast of Puerto Rico. He mentions 6 events; five of which take place the first 3 days. These are events that will affect the whole world.

We know that everything centers around Israel, which Yahuah calls "His Land". It does not belong to anyone to barter over or to sell. The Vatican, with the help of Perez, a Roman Catholic and servant of the Pope, has been buying up land around Jerusalem and already claims the rights to places such as the Upper Room, where Christ held His Seder Meal with His Disciples.

The Temple Mount is being prepared for the building of a Third Temple but keep in mind, who these Illuminated Ones, have in mind concerning this temple. When they hand over Jerusalem, which Yahuah returned to them in 1967, then watch our... America will be divided.

Efrain tells these pertinent things (below) that will take place. While he fills in so many details that are hard to keep straight, I urge each of you to do your own listening so that YOU will know for yourself what he is trying to tell the world.

1. The governments of the world know this Astroid is coming and have placed metal (as Efrain describes it) all around the coast-line which they plan to set off, using Nuclear power, in an effort to defuse this Astroid. They will not succeed because this is God's judgment that He is sending against the United States.

Puerto Rico will be the center of the Atomic explosion. The largest Observatory run by NASAis in Puerto Rico to watch it's arrival. Is this what the Vatican's "Lucifer" up at Mt. Graham, Colorado is observing?

This brings to mind those little black boxes that were seen dropped along the West Coast beaches. No one knew what they were but Efrian's mentioning that they placed metal seems to bring insight to what these black metal boxes could well have been.

2. It will hit our island first says Efrain.. They send FEMA to Puerto Rico first. He says, he has sent this message to the people of Puerto Rico day and night; "I am very tired but I cannot stop. I pray that those who will die will have the hope of Jehovah in then. He who does not have the Holy Spirit is not on the side of Heaven."

The waves that will wash over Puerto Rico will be 1,000 ft high. The first indication of something is about to happen will be a very, very strong wind. Two large earthquakes will take place. ( At this point, I am wondering if the two 11+ earthquakes featured on the Economist Magazine is letting us know that they will be this strong) Also, we recall the prophecy given by David Wilkerson that there would be two large EQ in a place not normally thought of as an EQ threat.) Efrain mentions two 12 point EQs.

Beginning by 5 am, the city of Miami will begin to feel the strike of a great Tzunami. Before that, they will receive the effects of an Atomic Explosion. This Atomic Explosion will be felt all over the nation. Puerto Rico is the center for this Atomic Explosion. (It is there where NASA has set up headquarters that will try to deal with this in-coming Astroid by using Atomic weaponry).

Winds of 300 mph. God has shown many people of this event over this nation. This extensive wind will be the first warning. It will lift up houses and cause fires from the gas leaks all over. It will be destroying everything on it's way. We have informed the President of these events. They began to make preparations.

(2:41 second mark) All citizens along the Coast...Move Out.

After the Astroid hits, it will cause a 12 pt. EQ. This earthquake will move this nation as well as Puerto Rico. A very strong wind will proceed this EQ. Waves coming at 400 ft. High all over the East Coast. The entire East Coast will be swept at least 100 miles inland of water; it will make a deep impact.

This is being told in preparation of the people by Jehovah. The governments are not telling the people because they don't want you to be afraid but Efrain must let the people know about the bad that is coming. For the past 4 years, the entire Island of Puerto Rico has been preparing for 3 million dying.

Do you recall when government officials warned that Zone 3 will have some great devastation hit it? BUT they failed to tell that other states are included in other zones, such as Zone 4, 3, 2 & 1 and all around the coasts of the USA, including Hawaii and Alaska.

This great wave will NOT STAY INSIDE THIS SQUARE THEY CALL ZONE 3. It will hit Texas at 5:30 am. By 8 am, the rest of the East Coast will be hit by this Giant Wave of Water.

(At 44 minute mark) Efrain tells what God showed him. A map is included at about the 46 minute mark for you to see.

FEMA has been sending containers full of food, water and other supplies to Puerto Rico in anticipation of this event. He tells how these containers continue to arrive to the Island. After the event, then Puerto Rico can call upon assistance.

Efrain says to these officials that only Jehovah God can help and they need to call upon Him. Scientist from around the world have been coming to Puerto Rico to study this; they keep coming and going.

(Let me add what else I recall that was said last Christmas of 2016 by Biden and others, "This will be their last Christmas". It was said, in an almost joking manner. Why not? They plan in being in their under-ground bunkers.

3. Whoever has a Covenant with the Lord God Jehovah will have a circle of angels around them. Deaths in Puerto Rico will be 5 million and the rest of the nation will have 35 million people.

That is why FEMA has set up it's camps all over the United States (over 800) and put it's various equipment into place, including the movement of UN Troops. They have bought up most of the shells for guns to keep them out of the hands of people. As is the case most of the time, it is those who have a wicked heart that use their guns for no good but in desperate times, even good men kill for food for their families or in defense.

There will be one year of famine in the country after this event. Dead people will lie around not being buried, which brings with it diseases & pestilences. There will be no one to pick up the stinking trash let alone the stinking rotting flesh of dead people. A soldier will tell you there is no odor worse than this. Think about the wild animals on the loose and their sense of survival kicking in.

4. Florida will be swept under by 400 ft. Waves of water. The whole East Coast will be destroyed by these huge tidal waves. The water will travel 100 miles inland.

Rivers and water masses inland will also rise and cause flooding and devastation. The Great Lakes will be affected, spilling it's waters, as will the New Madrid Fault letting loose with it's devastation and flooding.

I recall other prophecies that spoke of this Polar Shift, as they called it, when the great water ways are all forced in one direction for 1/2 hour and then return during the next 1/2 hour which will repeat the devastation caused at the on-set. Chicago will be destroyed by the waters of Lake Michigan, it was reported in that coverage.

5. The Tidal Waves will continue to travel west, hitting all along the coasts of Texas, Eastern Mexico, Central America and down the coast of South America. The Islands will be completely covered. (this includes all the southern states along the Gulf Coast)

6. Lastly, it will devastate the West Coast. The final count for the deaths for this nation will be at 40 million, which includes Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

There will be three days of darkness due to the stopping of the rotation of the Sun, moon and stars. The signs will be seen in the heavens of a Blood Red Moon, the Sun dark as sack-clothe and stars falling from the sky.

There will be the sign of the Woman with the moon under her feet, clothed in the Sun with the 12 stars above her head like a crown. This event is scheduled on Sept. 23, 2017.

It appeared the last time June 11, 2013 - On that day the constellation Virgo was “clothed with the sun,” and the moon beneath her feet. Yes, this event happens yearly but not with the perfect alignment as, is believed to happen in September 2017. The 9 stars of Leo and the 3 planets aligning with Regulus make up the crown of 12 stars. The earth will not be ended.

The leaders of the world know this, have been busy digging underground, building their bunkers and storing food and all necessary supplies. Why did they build that huge, deep and very strong Seed Storage site in Norway?

Because it is up high, built deeply within the mountain with the strongest of materials and houses all known seeds that can be used to replenish the earth once this devastation takes place. Do you see, how long they have known of this coming event? And...how they have prepared for themselves? How long have you known this?

So much detail is given by Rodriguez that it can't even do justice on this summary. However, what is really emphasized is that Almighty God is bringing judgment upon the churches whose pastors are only giving lip service to Yahuah. They are playing church. Jehovah is sentencing the pastors in Puerto Rico, they are going to die alive, as he say. He will do to them what he did in Korea. The majority will die that night. He says to the churches, "No more winking over the altar".

This is serious. Puerto Rico is a land of Christians who are surpassing the Catholic Church for the 1st time. The pastors, who do not pay attention, say God would not do this to them and that they will be taken out before such judgment will take place.

Efrain lets it be known how God sees them and their wickedness and judgment is coming upon them. We know that the Scriptures teach that He will start judgment in His own House first, don't we? What Efrain also said was this, "The Master will come with His Book to claim the millions that will die in Him".

That last sentence made me recall the scripture in Isaiah 57:1-2 The Righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart that merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. ?

There is hope in this scripture since the Hebrew word ASAPH is used meaning an "Unbloody Death".

* Why is Ephrain certain that this will happen under Obama and before another election? He mentions how Obama has been given such great authority which no president has ever had. He will call Martial Law which can be declared when such a catastrophe taking place OR even before from another event at their own making. There is no way elections can take place during Martial Law. That is the plan.

(At the 1 hr. 30 min to 2 hr. 5 min.) Discussion is about the FEMA camps, which have been built to house survivors. People will be grateful for these camps where the Beast System will use them and abuse them.

Also, there are the millions of large black coffins built, piled high that await on acres of land. We've all seen picture of them and wondered??? Troops from the UN are already being put into place to deal with this in-coming Astroid.

There are 11,000 troops in Puerto Rico already awaiting for when they will be called to keep law & order. They are very anxious to kill off the Christians. God will destroy the drones that are used against them.

* Something that we must all be aware of; is that between now & then, we have the chaos being fueled by the Elite in city after city, by their hired "wanna-be-actors" to cause people to destroy each other.

The people who do not know The Almighty are kept busy destroying their fellow man. What does the Bible say, "Ethnic group against Ethnic Group", in other words, we are seeing the planned Racial War already on the home-front.

What does a Magician do when he is making his magic? He keep the eyes of the observer looking at the one hand while the other hand is doing the deed. These "Illuminated Ones are Magicians of the Dark Powers".

Obama & his minions will think they are safe in their under-ground bunkers, which have been built in the high mountainous areas such as Denver but we know from scripture, that when it comes time, they will call for the very rocks to fall upon them to hide them from the Face of Christ/Yahusha. Rev. 6:16.

(At the 1 hr. 22 minute) The Temple in Israel is discussed. We have the Pope of Rome causing all people to feel secure under his head-ship, which is the road to Hell.

There is only One Way and that is the Christ/Yahusha who paid the price for His Sheep who follow Him.

The Pope is called The Vicar of Christ, who is not representing Christ but as the name implies,"Substitute for Christ". It is he that is planning on sitting upon the Throne in Jerusalem.

He is an Edomite, not the true Spiritual Israelite/Believer that he claims to be. Edom is desirous of getting back the Birthright which Essau sold, in careless haste for a bowel of soup to feed his famished appetite, to his brother Jacob so long ago. However, when you read the Bible, you learn, that this was God's plan all along. Romans 9:13.


Efrain Rodriguez - Catastrophe Meteor Tsunami & Earthquake - Español & English

Beginning about the 2 hour 30 minute mark, there are questions asked. I will try to list some of them with answers as best as I could understand:

1. Concerning the promise given to Noah that God would not flood the earth again. Answer: He will not flood the earth completely but there will be flooding.

2. How big is this Astroid? Answer: Efrin spoke with Scientist there at NASA and they estimated that it was 5 miles in diameter. It will fall because it is under the call of Jehovah.

3. Is there more than one Astroid. Answer: One

4. If Obama uses the Astroid to call Martial law...when could this happen? Answer: Anytime. Obama has been granted powers that have never been used by anyone before.

5. If there is Martial Law, it will suspend the Constitution for 5 years.

6. The land will split. Joel 3:2 confirms this. What is done is done.

7. How about those that are building Bunkers; is this the thing to do? [color]Answer: The church has to ask the Lord. There are millions leaving the coasts now. No matter how much food you have, if you do not rely on the Lord, the food could say but you could go.[/color]

8. Should we buying up food and supplies. Answer: Yes, save as much as you can.

9. Should we sign up under the Obama Health Care? Answer: I would not. It is not a simple matter. With it comes the mark on the hand or forehead that holds all of your information in it. You can depend on the lord for your healing.

10. What year to year could this take place? Answer: The Lord gave him 2 events in Puerto Rico.

NASA has it's headquarters in Puerto Rico. There will be another earthquake.[/color][/u] (I know that he has mentioned 2, the size of 12. The Earth will begin to move within those 3 days. I remind you that in the past event of Joshua, he needed to have time stop and for one hour, the sun stopped, not the earth.

11. Should we get passports even though they contain the chip within them? Answer: Yes!

12. What time of the year will it take place? Answer: Because NASA gives an hour difference than their time, it would be in the Fall when the time is changed to Daylight Savings Time.

13. What is the reason for the UN troops in Puerto Rico? Answer: Because of the decomposition of all the dead bodies, both in water and on the land, there will be many epidemics and the flies, etc.

14. Will this go all the way to Canada? Answer: Yes!

There is estimated to be 40 to 50 million people that will die.

Take this into your Prayer Closet. Speak to your families about this. Pray the Holy Spirit makes it's truth known to each and everyone that is of the Family of The Holy One of Israel.

Only time will tell if Efrain Rodriguez is a False Prophet. But if he is not, he has shared just too much to not consider strongly if one has kept a close prophetic eye upon the events taking place around the world and here in America.

Pray, pray, pray and pray some more that you & your family are Spiritually and physically ready for such an event. The Bible speaks of such events and it seems like, what was spoken of, even back four years ago, is now right at our door-step.So, take heed. They know something that they are not telling.

Efrain, as you watch him is very serious, a man consumed by the pain of this information given to him by Jehovah God, so please do not dismiss this as a false Prophecy until time has proven it one way or the other.

Prepare! Take it to prayer and warn others of this very strong possibility based upon the message given to Efrain and the fact that this Astroid, as they call it, is coming in. Could this be Wormwood of the Bible???)

As I type this, I am reminded of Gill Broussard's warning of how, when Nibiru begins it's pass of earth, the Middle Eastern Nations will be told not to worry because he (the Prophet of Islam) will protect them and the Astroid will hit the Western side of Earth. To them, he will become a Great Prophet. Now, if these pieces of information are put together, there may have been ample warnings that have not been heeded.

The Beast System is in place and has been ever since the end of WWII; first the League of Nations was formed to be replaced by the United Nations. This is an organization of Edomites, the enemy of Israel and Beleivers in Yahusha.

Efrain Rodriguez - Catastrophe Meteor Tsunami & Earthquake - Español & English


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