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Re: 340B Physical Inventory

I have similar, but different problem. Since we use automated 340b splitting software, "340b Manager", our 340b and GPO inventory is mixed. We have always valued our inventory at GPO pricing because we conduct the annual inventory ourselves using our wholesaler's ordering software. This of course artificially overvalues our inventory and I think, underestimates our turns.
I recently was able to get our 340b saving reports and calculated our average monthly savings as a percentage over the last 6 months. This dramatically increased our turns and lowered the inventory.
Does anyone else out there calculate their 340b savings and subtract it from their inventory? If so, has your management accepted the practice?

Name of Facility: UMass Memorial Medical Center

City, State: Worcester, MA

Re: 340B Physical Inventory

I haven't included 340B pricing in the past because we use a split billing system and have a mixed inventory. It was always impossible to do with the way our former wholesaler provided inventory services. This year, I'm going to do something similar to a percentage of savings and deduct it from the total to give us a more accurate picture.

Name of Facility: Catawba Valley Medical Center

City, State: Hickory, NC

Years as a Buyer: 3