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Aplisol vs. Tubersol

Good day everyone.

We have used Tubersol PPD for many years with no complaints. About 5 years ago we briefly tried Aplisol PPD but nursing reported many false positives and sight inflamation. This was due to a differnce in formulation, preservatives and other intrinsic factors.

JHP Pharmaceuticals, the makers of Aplisol, now state that their product is virtually identical to Tubersol. Has anyone switched recently to this product and if so, has their been any issues?

Thank you

Name of Facility: University Community Hospital

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 3

Re: Aplisol vs. Tubersol

We quit using Aplisol years ago, too, for the same reasons you cited. I've not heard anything from JHP about Aplisol.
I imagine I'll stick with Tubersol until I hear otherwise.

Name of Facility: PORTER 320beds

City, State: acute care

Years as a Buyer: 9

Re: Aplisol vs. Tubersol

We switched over to Aplisol a few years ago. In the beginning we had a "few" complaints, but since that time I have not had one bad thing said about the product. Our employee health department uses this on every employee during their yearly physical and no one I work with or have talked to has had any problems.

Years as a Buyer: 18 (34 as tech)

Re: Aplisol vs. Tubersol

We also had the same problem, switched recently because of cost, and still had the same issue... We only use Tubersol here now.

Years as a Buyer: 2