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I wondered if anyone else out there is not pleased with the new generic/double sided invoices they are receiving from AmerisourceBergen? I do a lot with them so for me they have become a nightmare. While I understand that it cuts down on paper it has increased the time it takes me to process the invoices two fold. Also at the end of the month I have to total my invoices twice and now I must flip each and every sheet over to see if there is a total on the back. Another problem is that now all of the invoices, credit memos and return slips are all printed on plain white paper, (before they were green and pink)this has made them very easy to miss) This may not be a problem to anyone else, but because I do so much with them it has really put a damper on getting them processed in a timely manner.

Re: AmerisourceBergen

I do not like it either. Wonder if we all called and complained we can get them changed.


Years as a Buyer: 4