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Re: Re: Re: Re: P and T committee

I had the opportunity last week to attend our P and T, now called Medication Management Committee. Our Drug Info Pharmd., brought up switching from Cefoxitin IV preop to Cefotan preop, because she was alerted by our National Committee, that Cefotan was readily available. I asked the question, did someone here actually check the availability , and the answer was no. So when someone did actually check , Cefotan is available, but definitely not at the quantities we would want to start converting back to using it as our first choice for pre op. This is now on hold.

Just this one thing leads me to believe that we in our positions do have valuable information that could be utilized better? I am not looking for more work, believe me, but just the example above shows no one has all the correct answers.

Name of Facility: VA CT Healthcare

City, State: Federal Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 7.5