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Narc Safe

I have a question regarding the narc safe. I have to run a report for the safe every day but sometimes the narc order is not entered and put away so the counts are off and I end up ordering again. I have suggested a pharmacist do it because I do not have have access to the safe.

We will soon be implementing CSOS. I would like to know how many buyers are responsible for the narc order.

Re: Narc Safe

I am

Name of Facility: hinsdale hospital

City, State: 300 bed hospital

Years as a Buyer: 7

Re: Re: Narc Safe

I am responsible for ordering the narcs. We have a system here that when the narc order comes in, I check it in and then the invoice goes with the order and a technician puts it away in the vault and signs off on the invoice too. If it is getting later in the day, I will go and ask politely that they get it put away. If they do not have it put away (and some days it happens) I look at the order and cross off what I do not need. It is extra work when that happens, but most days they get the order put away.

Name of Facility: St. Francis health Center

City, State: Acute

Years as a Buyer: 4+ in Pharmacy 25 in retail hard goods

Re: Re: Re: Narc Safe

So far, we just have a narc room, not a safe.
I order everything but C-IIs. A pharmacist or our director have that responsibility.
When the order comes in, I identify the totes by PO#, put it all on a cart and put it by the narc room. (I do check in C-III, IV and V and sticker them). A pharmacist has to check it from the 222 and put it all away.
The early afternoon pharmacist has to run a report daily and reconcile the counts for all C-II drugs.
I hear that a drug safe is in the future for us, so don't know if or how that will change our procedure. I've been waiting for the better part of 2 years for somebody to complete the DEA application so we can use CSOS, but I guess I'm the only one who cares!!

Name of Facility: PORTER

Years as a Buyer: 9+

Re: Re: Re: Re: Narc Safe

Hi Ruth-keep pushing for CSOS on-line ordering-it is so much less work and so much quicker (for turn around time). I do all the ordering of II-V medications. When we receive the order, I check it in, give a copy of the invoice, the re-order cards and the medications to our CII technician to put away. It is our policy that this task is high priority and the order gets put in the CII safe very quickly.

Name of Facility: Aspiris Wausau Hospital

City, State: community hospital

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Narc Safe

We have an Omnicell secure vault. I run a restock report daily and order CII-V, and when they come in a pharmacist checks them agains the invoice and then I put them into the vault.

Name of Facility: Emanuel Medical Center

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Narc Safe

We use the Narc Vault.The Supervisor pharmacist takes the responsibility of putting in the order. I order the III-V and put ALL narcs away.

FYI.. we just implemented CSOS and my boss loves it!!!

Name of Facility: Kern Medical Center--222 beds

City, State: Teaching Acute care Trauma II

Years as a Buyer: 5

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Narc Safe

I do all the CS orders manually right now. We have a walk in vault and I do a CII order by hand every Monday. I write out the 222 and my boss signs it. They RPh on evenings checks the drugs in when they come in the next day and puts then in stock. The techs record everything received and dispensed manually in a binder. We are SO behind the times.
We just completed the CSOS application and sent it in to the DEA. We have also just cut a PO for PYXIS CII Safe. Hopefully, I will be doing less writing soon.

Name of Facility: Arnot Ogden Medical Center

City, State: Acute Care 256 beds

Years as a Buyer: 7