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Re: Re: Re: 797 Cleaning Supplies

I have also been in contact with both Williams and Acute, and have found that pricing is pretty much the same from both companies. Do you, are are you going to use the PhaSeal system? Just curious, talk about expense!!!!

Name of Facility: Fremont Area Medical Center

City, State: hospital

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: Re: 797 Cleaning Supplies

We use both Acute & Williams. I have found that Acute seems to be the most knowledgable about the rulings and givinggreat information on this topic. This will add to your budgets. Also, there are some new revisions and rules that have recently come out from USP797.

Name of Facility: St. Francis health Center

City, State: Acute

Years as a Buyer: 4+ in Pharmacy 25 in retail hard goods

Re: Re: Re: Re: 797 Cleaning Supplies

Please don't publish
I guess we are going to start using PhaSeal here. The pharmacist who did all the set-up work to <797> told me we are getting it and it was a done deal before I heard anything about it. I didn't even look at the price!!
It's one of those things we're going to have no matter how much it costs. Someone will just expect me to cut costs someplace else to make up the difference--as usual!!

Name of Facility: PORTER

Years as a Buyer: 9+

Re: 797 Cleaning Supplies


Can they not build the PhaSeal costs into your supplies cost? Especially since 797 requirements are shooting supply budgets through the roof... just tack that on. We've been using PhaSeal since before I got here so I'm not sure how they adjusted, but usually when you mention "safety" and "JCAHO" they tend to be willing to accept the financial increase (at least in my facility.....).

City, State: Teaching hospital

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: 797 Cleaning Supplies + Tevadaptor

For the buyers using or going to use Phaseal, look into the Tevadaptor from B Braun. Their technology is quite impressive. I just saw it last week. Have to do a cost-benefit analysis on this. If anyone beats me to it please share the information.