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Future Generics List

Does anyone know where to find a really good list of all the upcoming generics for the coming year(s)and/or brand name patents that are expiring. I am tring to find a good list with everything on it. I used to be able to search and find a listing for past years, but I'm not having any luck lately. And the list needs to be accessible without being a member of any organization and without needing 9 passwords to find it. I know the PPO has articles on new generic approvals, but I want something for a year or more, for advance budget planning.

Name of Facility: Heartland Regional Medical Center, St Joseph, Missouri

City, State: Acute-Care Hospital/Clinics

Years as a Buyer: 21

Re: Future Generics List

David, the presentation given by James Hoffman at the Conference gave excellent insight on what's coming up the pike.

The handout for his presentation is on the PPO Reprints and Archived Handouts section of the website. You have to join, but it's free (like most of the features on the website). I just reviewed it, and it should have exactly what you need!

Another free service brought to you courtesy of Summerdale Enterprises, Inc., Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook, and Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook Online, where "Purchasing is Our Only Issue"

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Future Generics List

Thanks Mike,
I think that is exactly what I want, and I do remember that presentation from the conference. But when I go to click on that link, it says it's "blocked/no longer available" ??? Any other ideas? Or is this problem maybe just with my hospital's network?

Name of Facility: Heartland Regional Medical Center, St Joseph, Missouri

City, State: Acute-Care Hospital/Clinics

Years as a Buyer: 21

Re: Re: Re: Future Generics List

Sounds like your Hospital's firewall, man. IT Departments are paranoidedly paranoid of any variations from their established corporate norm. When I worked at one hospital, I couldn't access the PPO webpage at all! I had to go to IT, which fortunately my wife was good friends with, and beg them to allow me access.

If you still have your book from the Conference, the handout is in there. If you don't have the book, I'll see if I can dig up the original PowerPoint presentation.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: Re: Future Generics List


Would it be possible for you to send me the powerpoint presentation too...

Thanks for being such an angel.