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Re: Re: Extended holiday vacations for reps

You may want to give your rep a copy of this article. It's called "How to Lose a Rep in Ten Ways", a 10-step program reps do to sabotage their careers. It was at one time used by Cardinal as part of their new rep orientation, and might be useful in your situation.
The link is Here

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: Extended holiday vacations for reps - bad link

I tried the link - it doesn't work.

The article is in the PPO reprints page on the web site. The reprints are toward the bottom of the page.

Hope it helps.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+