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Re: Group Article Timre Again

Not only is the forum a great place to realize that I'm not alone in my position (the frustrations and the accomplishments), but it's a great source of information that normally we wouldn't have access to without this forum to share it. This forum is my only regular contact with other buyers and has helped me with vendors, contracts, pricing, etc.

City, State: Teaching hospital

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: Group Article Timre Again

I check the Forum website just about every day for new shortage information (invaluable) and to see what else is new in the pharmacy buyer world. It is a great comfort to know that I am not alone out there. We now have another hospital in our area and I do touch base with their buyer but it is great to have all of you, also. To the many buyers who have not logged in yet; jump in-the water is fine!

Name of Facility: Aspirus Wausau Hospital

City, State: community hospital

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Group Article Timre Again

I check the Buyers Forum at least once a day, more if there's an interesting discussion going on.

This message board really provides some validation for all of us, I think, when we hear what each other is dealing with. Size and location of the facility doesn't seem to be much of a factor--the issues and challenges are the same. We all know we are doing a great job whether the "powers that be" recognize it or not!

For all of you subscribers who haven't participated, please give it a try. We all have different perspectives; a new angle can be very enlightening. We need your input!

Lots of valuable information is posted and has helped me. I hope my comments have been worhtwhile, as well.

Name of Facility: PORTER

Years as a Buyer: 9+

Re: Group Article Timre Again

I admit it--- I am a lurker!But, I have found the answers to many of my questions by reading the forum. I feel that so many voices are wonderful and I love to read the answers that everyone gives. I do not often have much free time --- but if I do it is to check out what is going on. I think that the insight that some buyers have is awesome.
I feel that being the buyer of a small hospital-- I am often behind times and the forum and the PPO conference helps keep me up to date.


City, State: ACUTE CARE

Years as a Buyer: 20+