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McKesson Robot

My wife alerted me of a problem she discovered with the McKesson Robot.

She tells me that the Manual Picks Report for all the items not in the robot comes up with no doses, so when she gets a fill order for 'Warfarin', or 'Lisinopril', she has to stop what she's doing, go to the computer and look up the dose. She's reported this to her Administration, but so far had received no response.

Does anyone else have this problem, is this something that can be easily fixed, but the Pharmacy doesn't deem it important enough to care, or is this a programming flaw?

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: McKesson Robot

It has been a few years since I worked with the Robot, but if my memory serves me right, this is a programming flaw.

Has she contacted her McKesson Automation rep for assistance.

Good Luck

Name of Facility: Cardinal Health

Years as a Buyer: 6