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Re: Infant glycerin suppository

I have spent years looking for that! I've bought everything that says "infant" in the description, but they're all actually pediatric.

A long time ago, we invested in a urethral suppository mold and we melt adult glycerin suppositories and fill the mold, put it in the freezer for while, then pop them out and package in a small jar. Usually, it makes a big mess, but NICU is happy!!

I'd love to know if there actually is a true infant suppository available.

Name of Facility: PORTER

Years as a Buyer: 9+

Re: Infant glycerin suppository

Well, I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I found something at AmerisourceBergen with this description..(GNP Infant Glyc Sup 25 $1.14 by G&W LABS. INC) NDC# 24385-0317-63. If you have this wholesaler the item# is 420428. Let me know if this what you are looking for..HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERY ONE

Name of Facility: San Joaquin Community Hospital

City, State: hospital

Re: Re: Infant glycerin suppository

I bought that one before; according to our NICU it is too big, so I guess it's more like a pediatric size.
Many moons ago there was actually an infant suppository made and individually wrapped. I don't know why it has been discontinued, but you would think that some mfg would realize there's a market for them.

Name of Facility: PORTER

Years as a Buyer: 9+

Re: Re: Re: Infant glycerin suppository

We purchase the G W Brand. The nurse cut them in half for our NICU babies.