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Re: Outdated Natrecor

I've called JOM 1(800)325-7504 on this matter and mentioned RQA. The lady was aware of this organization. They are affiliate with the company Stericycle which Scios is contracted with. The RQA agents were asked to retrieve of any expired drugs. She also stated that a letter was sent to facilities to inform of this activies. I did not receive this letter that I'm aware of and I am sure most of you may not have either. I did request that she faxed it to me, so if any of you need to see it please call me 661-869-6288 or e-mail with your fax#. If you are using a Returns company (EXP)for your outdates you need not to worry with RQA folks. It is your preference who you choose. I hope this help you all....

Name of Facility: San Joaquin Community Hospital

City, State: Hospital

Re: Outdated Natrecor

I didn't get that letter either... and I sure wasn't going to hand product to some random person who came by. Why would they think anyone would do that?

City, State: Teaching hospital

Years as a Buyer: 2

Re: Re: Outdated Natrecor

I got the letter about a week explains the whole procedure and really makes an attempt to make it easy to return exp Natrecor. It does say we will be contacted by RQA reps to help us return the product. Unfortunatly it looks like they we very lax in getting the letter to the Pharmacies before the phone calls started!

Name of Facility: St Charles Mercy Hospital

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 7

Re: Outdated Natrecor - The Final Solution

This is it - the Whole Story
After reading conflicting stories about the Natrecor, I decided to do some digging.
I checked up on RQA, Inc. They are a middleman for products - they develop, market and dispose of products for various companies. One of their partners is SteriCycle, the reverse distribution company used by Scios. So I called Scios' medical department. At first, the pharmacist was unware of RQA's involvement with the Natrecor recall. So I explained the relationship between Scios, the manufacturer of Natrecor, Stericycle, the company Scios uses for returns, and RQA, the company SteriCycle contracted to handle this Natrecor recall.
Got all that? There'll be a quiz next period
The pharamcist apologized for the company for not making the whole process more clear.
Anyone who needs to get the paperwork for the Natrecor return can call 800-631-5243. Hopefully, this should clear up any further confusion.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+