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Re: Happy Pharmacy Buyer Day!

The response most of you got was typical. This is the first time we as buyers made a big deal over having some recognition, so it probably came as a surprise to most of your staff.

Remember when Pharmacy Technician Day was established. It was met with equal apathy. Now, an astounding 10(?) years later - it's pretty much the same. Those who will celebrate Pharmacy Buyer Day are the Pharmacies that have the all-around highest morale. It's going to take time and some attitude adjustment.

This is another example of change that will come by evolution, not revolution. We've gotten their attention. We can only go up from here. I'm an avid student of history, although I didn't have much time for it when I was in school; but it teaches some very valuable lessions. Just a scant sixty years ago, the APhA was denouncing those upstart hospital pharmacists for breaking away from the Mother Organization. Today, ASHP is the leading voice in Pharmacy Practice.

So you got kicked in the face this year. Times change. People move on. And what was ignored today, who knows? We may have the Annual Pharmacy Buyer Day Parade one day!

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Happy Pharmacy Buyer Day!

Isn't it funny that we can't get recognized for the job we do, but we can be told things like, "you're not allowed to go on any more vacation days because things fall apart when you're not here." Or "boy are we glad you're back, it was horrible while you were gone." I always have to laugh because I feel very unappectiated when I am at work and it's only when I'm not here that it flops around. Well, at least I find comfort in knowing that I'm pretty good at what I'm doing and I will always give 100% whether or not I am recognized.

Years as a Buyer: 16 (33+ as a Tech)

Re: Re: Re: Happy Pharmacy Buyer Day!

Right my fellow Pharmacy Buyers,

For the past five years, I have coordinated with my reps to give us both breakfast and lunches. I even spoke to the CFO of the hospital four years ago and make them give us a breakfast for all components of the pharmacy. After all they do it for the nurses, the Dept of Pharmacy is a lot smaller compared to the Nursing dept.

Pharmacy week is the only time I ask reps to give us lunches and I begin to plan and coordinate with them in the month of January so its a lingering thought in their mind since they too have to worry about budgets.

No one here cared about the Pharmacy Buyer day and I just pulled off the poster from the wall last week.
Oh well I do a good job- I know that regardless of a kind word or a pat on the shoulder-we make our bosses look good, we coordinate with every other person in the hosptial, we pull favours for everyone all for the simple fact that we are ultimately delivering the best care to the patient--Without us there would be no mediations to dispense.

Name of Facility: Kern Medical Center--222 beds

City, State: Teaching Acute care Trauma II

Years as a Buyer: 5

Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy Pharmacy Buyer Day! Please do not print

Here is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson that might be fitting:
" Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all you might. Put your whole soul into it! Stamp it with your personality! Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your objective."

We need to be enthusiastic, even though some days it is hard, about our job. Our job is important and one of these days it will be recognized for the profession it is. The road is many times rocky traveling to get to the goal and I know this goal is worth the travel. I have been fortunate to have a Director that understands where we want to be as a profession and recognizes the Buyer position as a profession.

I am excited that we are forming a network amoung ourselves that will give additional support to our objective through this organization. The network is getting stronger all the time. It is a long road....keep your eye on the prize.
Have a Happy Day!

Name of Facility: St. Francis health Center

City, State: Acute

Years as a Buyer: 4+ in Pharmacy 25 in retail hard goods