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Re: Wildfires


THANK YOU for your concern.

Our status is the office is still intact, but we're not completely out of the woods yet. Our staff is on a skeleton crew (if that's possible); our people have other concerns. We're getting some smoke and ash, but so far nothing dangerous (the weather services have forcasted haze...)

The fires are North and South of us, and it's possible it may reach the beach, depending on the winds. There have been reports of joggers and surfers still doing their thing on the beach, but they've got their own priorities.

We'll be here, but we'll probably close early and take stuff home to work on, since the authorities are asking citizens to conserve energy by not using their air conditioners, and it gets quite uncomfortable here, especially since this building has no direct outside ventilation.

Again, thanks for your concern, and if new things develop, we'll keep you posted (get it?- posted?)

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+