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Wage and Task Survey on Website

The Wage and Task Survey is finally up on the website!

We're hoping to AT LEAST double the number of responses we got last time. So this is real important. Contact every Buyer you know, even if they are not PPO subscribers, even if they are part-time Buyers. We need numbers, people! The more people that participate in the survey, the better picture we'll get on the state of the profession.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Wage and Task Survey on Website


Thank you for setting this up.....Your work and writings are always appreciated!!


Lupe Escobar
UPHK Pharmacy

Name of Facility: University Physicians Hospital @ Kino Campus

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 24