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Getting a Nationally Recognized Pharmacy Buyer Day

It looks like it's going to be a long haul to get National Pharmacy Buyer Day on the books as an official national day of commemoration:
#1 We need a petition
#2 We need a BUNCH of names on this petition
- I have thoughts on that. I think I can set up an online petition and shoot for 1,000 names or more.
#3 We have to present this to some govenment official
- If anyone knows a (Federal) Congressman or Senator, that would help a lot
#4 We have to get this person to petition to Congress on our behalf
#5 Somebody (or bodies) may actually have to go to Washington, D.C. and present our case.
Then we wait. Hopefully, with the amount of more important issues on their plate, something as harmless as making a special day for Buyers might get rubber-stamped through Congress and signed by President Obama (or Clinton - I don' really care!)

The hardest part will be getting the necessary names to set this in motion. Once we get a respectable representation from the Buyer Community, the rest by comparison should be easy. As I think of how to get this started, I'd appreciate any thoughts from the Forum.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Getting a Nationally Recognized Pharmacy Buyer Day

Getting a Pharmacy Buyer's Day will be nothing short of a miracle. Here at my facility we do not even recognize Pharmacy week. I did hang my Pharmacy Buyer Day poster above my desk, but it didn't even raise an eyebrow.

Re: Re: Getting a Nationally Recognized Pharmacy Buyer Day

That's a real shame, Ruth. Your state is one of more progressive states when it comes to Pharmacy. Your state was one of the founding members of the Technician certification process. You're also one of the few states that license techs. Heck, the first professional technician meeting I ever attended was in Chicago!

I can't suggest what you can do to rectify your situation; the fact that you hung your Pharmacy Buyer poster for all to see at least made a statement to your peers and your department that someone has pride in their profession.

Some lead by talking; others by example.

Happy Pharmacy Buyer Day!

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+