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Re: Pharmacy Buyer Day Article

My first job as a technician I was awed by our pharmacy buyer. In the beginning I wasn't sure what she did, but she did it so well! I knew instantly that I wanted to eventually have this wonderful lady's job. This woman managed our inventory and did it with such a professional attitude! It took me 20 years to attain my goal of becoming a pharmacy buyer. These 20 years were well spent as I gained knowledge and experiences I use everyday to make key decisions to select the correct product for our inventory. I look back on these many years and am amazed at how much technology has changed. Do any of you remember looking up pricing information on a microfich? My advice to other buyers is to always move forward in technology...don't keep all of your purchasing information to yourself, have it written down in a book. Keeping the information tucked away is not a good form of job security!...If you are afraid of a new computer skill, get to know the new program and master it. You will feel an enormous sense of accomplishment!

Happy Buyer's Day to all of my collegues!

Name of Facility: McKesson Medication Management

City, State: Manage Hospital Pharmacys across the US & Puerto Rico

Years as a Buyer: 10