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Pharmacy Buyers' Day & Buyers' Day Poster Slogan Contest

Hey everyone...
Don't forget to vote for your favorite slogan for the Buyers' Day Poster. Deadline is September 25th. I voted tonight and it looks like only 7 people including me have voted. Our colleagues took the initiative to write some outstanding slogans. Let's show them that we appreciate their time and effort and vote.

Name of Facility: Provena United Samaritans Medical Center

City, State: Catholic-based community Medical Center

Years as a Buyer: 26

Re: Pharmacy Buyers' Day & Buyers' Day Poster Slogan Contest

I voted as well. It's funny because the one I voted for I thought of myself but didn't get it in on time. I guess good minds think a like.

Name of Facility: Palos Community Hospital

City, State: Hospital

Years as a Buyer: 16