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Re: Re: PPO Conference 2007; PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH

It sounds like you're doing a bang-up job of tracking the money. That's doesn't seem to be the problem. It looks more like you need to find ways of tracking your accomplishments. I was reading one of the Pharmacy Buyer Day stories (which, by the way, I haven't seen yours yet ) where the buyer was 'orienting' a new director, and was amazed on the workload and responsibility the Buyer had.

Try doing a quarterly, if not monthly report on how you're tracking the money, what you're saving the hospital and anything else you've done that your administration is probably not aware of, and ask that it be put in your file. I'd even include the work you did by coming to the Conference. It wasn't all Champage Receptions and Chippendale shows, as they probably think! Come evaluation time, the sheer mass of evidence should be enough to garner a juicy raise,or at least the highest allowable one for your facility.

Beat your drum! Administrators do not know what we do, so it's your responsibility, no, your OBLIGATION to make them aware. If buyers worked as hard promoting themselves as they do saving money, there's no way you wouldn't be considered a force in the Pharmacy, not merely a drug mule.

Name of Facility: Summerdale Enterprises, Inc.

City, State: Publishing

Years as a Buyer: 30+

Re: Re: Re: PPO Conference 2007; PLEASE DO NOT PUBLISH

Thanks for the thoughts. All the reports I generate actually go on a monthly basis to our Director who in turn takes them to the Vice President and then they go on to the CEO of the hospital. We are trying very hard to get all of our system hospitals to recognize this position as an important piece to the equation of Pharmacy.

Thanks for all of your thoughts. Keep them coming, I hope to discover more avenues to save money, eliminate waste and become more efficient.

Name of Facility: St. Francis Health Center

Years as a Buyer: 4 in health care, 25 in hard goods